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-MHAA 4 Editing: 25% (paused)
-SAOA 18 Scripting: First draft is done!
-Crimbus break!
-New SWE&D campaign starts January on Twitch, YouTube, and PODCAST!
-Thank you for another awesome year!


Joyous Chriskwanznukkah, you succulent lads,

Some sort of holiday miracle has occurred! We have finished the first draft of the Alfheim finale, SAOA 18 (and possibly 19 and 20...), and boy is she THICC! She's currently sitting at 60 pages! For some perspective, our scripts are usually around 25 or so. Now begins the arduous task of combing through everything, making sure it all hits and makes sense, and figuring out where we can split it into two or three episodes. We must pay proper tribute to the Chriskwaznukkah Serpent for this blessing, lest its mighty maw once more detach from its tail and wreak yuletide havoc on the mortal world. It's a lot like an Ouroboros, but, like, covered in holly and ribbons and whatnot. Like a big-ass wreath wrapped around the world's front door.

The Serpent has also demanded that we take a break for the holidays. Yes, it totally said that. What, are you calling us liars? Don't ask it or anything. It'll just deny it, for the Chriskwanznukkah Serpent pedals only in falsehoods. You know, like... like Satan. You get it? Serpent? Satan? Santa? Santa's a giant snake is what we're saying. Anyway, we're taking a vacation.

But we're super excited to get back to it in the new year, not only to start recording everybody for SAOA, but also because we're gearing up to start CAMPAIGN 3 of SWE&D in January!!! Gonna be some BIG changes with that! EXCITING CHANGES! Not only are we gonna be multistreaming it to both Twitch AND YouTube, but we're also working on making it a PODCAST! You'll be able to listen to the dulcet tones of Spencer murdering us on the go with Spotify, Apple Music, or wherever you get your podcasts! We're sad to say goodbye to our Call from the Deep bois (we've been playing them for THREE YEARS!!!), but we can't wait to show you all our new squad! We'll be posting more about it when it's nearing release, so be sure to check it out when we do in January! You have to! It's Izzy's birthday (This month. Not January)!

Finally, we say this every year, but we REALLY have to emphasize it this time. Thank you all so much for watching and supporting our content. 2023 has been crazy! We put out MHAA 3, SAOA 17, and our magnum opus, Smartphone Abridged! We had our 10-year anniversary and got to celebrate by watching all of SAOA with you guys on Twitch! Then, out of nowhere, we hit 1 MILLION subscribers in the same year! We have no words! "Grateful"! That's a good one! "Undeserving"? Oh, that definitely fits! "Actual human garbage"? That's three words, but we'll allow it. But we suppose the words we're truly looking for are "thank you". What? Yeah, we know we already said that. It's still true! Get thanked, assholes! You want us to sick the Serpent on ya? No, that's not a euphemism. It's an actual giant serpent! We talked about this! It lives at the North Pole! Or at least its head does. It's very large. The government doesn't want you to know, but the truth is out there! Earth has a belt, and its name is Chriskwanznukkah!!!

Anywho, everyone here at Something Witty wishes you Happy Holidays, and a very Merry New Year! Praise the Serpent!

Something Witty



After producing all this comedy gold, you all deserve a relaxing vacation, so please rest and come back soon!

daniel mariano

Hope all you guys have a great holidays, and congratulations on the script! I can only imagine what a pain it must've been. You deserve a rest. Also, all I want for Chriskwanznukkah is more of that sweet Magnum Opus Smartphone. Praise the Serpent!