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-MHAA 4 Recording: 100%
-MHAA 4 Editing: 25% (paused)
-SAOA 18 Scripting: 90%
-Exciting stream stuff!
-We're looking for stream mods


Top o' the evening to ya, SWEeties!

How goes it? It's that weird time of year again when Halloween is done, but we're not quite ready for the holidays. The front of our house looks so barren. No twinkle lights or skeletal demon cats at all. When will the whimsy return to our yard? Why won't the HOA just let us keep them up all year? Who's it hurting, Peggy? Your resale values? Fuck you. You really think some quaint little decorations are what you should be afraid of? You're a fool. You have yet to catch the barest glimpse of our TRUE power, Peggy. Prepare to reap the whirlwind. Operation: Shit In Peggy's Bird Bath To Make Her Think She's Under Attack By Wild Griffons is GO!

Anyway, other "very important" work we've been doing includes... mostly writing SAOA. As with last month, MHAA editing has been on the back burner so that all of SWE's attention can be on getting the Alfheim finale written. And we're SO CLOSE to being done with the first draft! Just a few short scenes to go, and then we can go through it and see what needs fixing before deciding how many episodes it's gonna be split into. Because it's definitely more than one at this point. That script is like 50 pages and climbing. It's nuts. But we're closing in on an ending, and that feels pretty good!

We've also been spending some time working on new stuff for our Friday streams! You may have noticed that we just wrapped up our second D&D campaign a couple of weeks ago, and we're excited to begin our third campaign in the new year! We've been to Hell and the bottom of the sea! Where could our adventures possibly lead us next? Take a guess in the comments! In addition, thanks to Twitch's recent policy change, we're gonna start multi-streaming to both Twitch AND the SWE YouTube channel. We're really excited to engage more with our YouTube audience, but we also know it's kinda the wild west over there. With that in mind, we're looking for people who're interested in being mods for the chat to keep things... let's say "civil"... while we're playing. If that's something you'd like to do, drop us a message on Patreon and we'll see if we can work something out!

OH! And be sure to join us this Friday (11/17/2023 @ 2 pm PST)! We'll be doing our first multi-stream... let's say "event"? And it's gonna be a doozy! By which we mean stupid. Really really stupid. It's gonna be GREAT! Don't miss it! 

Or else.

Now, if you'll excuse us, we're off to terrorize Peggy some more before dinner. Oh, what's that, Peggy? Our lawn is half an inch too long? Well, how do you like a nest of crazed murder hornets in your toilet? You should never have crossed us Peggy. We were being merciful before. But now? Now we will make you pray for the sweet release of death. But death shal not answer your prayers. Nay nay. It's yet more hornets. Stinging your face. Your stupid aged face. Bet a little cat sculpture doesn't seem like such a big deal now, huh? Get wrecked, Peggy.

Hope all of you have a wonderful month, and that none of you have to deal with any wretched fuckasses like Peggy.

Something Witty



Aaah, the unhinged ramblings of someone who's had to deal with an HOA. This is the good shit


Was looking forward to this after seeing the monthly updates for the first time last month. I was not disappointed. Reads like Carrie got mad at a particular HOA and decided to put it here, and honestly I'm here for it. Looking forward to SAOA's finale being slain, I should probably watch MHAA in the meantime...