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Hello, Everyone!

I have bad news and good news. The bad news is that I didn't get five player submissions for this week's session, and as a result I am postponing the session. The good news is that it was going to be a real crunch on me to run this weekend, so I'm actually glad for that... and we're going to do something else instead. 

So, the first thing is that I am pushing the session one week. It will be Sunday, May 7th from Noon - 4 PM Pacific Time. The rules for submission remain the same: send the name of the character you want to play and the details of their disturbing dream to threshold.eberron@gmail.com... you have until Noon Pacific Time on Monday, May 1st to submit your entry. 

Second: As I said, it's a tough time for me to run this weekend. But I think I can do something we haven't done in a while... A Story Hour. If you haven't taken in part in one of these before, I run them on the Eberron Discord in the Patreon/Story channel; here's a link to the Discord! I'll post the first piece of the story Sunday morning, and all of you will have a chance to influence the story as it unfolds throughout the day. The only question is what that story will be. Possibilities...

  • Ja'taarka Flashback: A previous interaction with the new medusa in Droaam
  • Vael Alone: Vael is a folk hero who helps the downtrodden. They've went on a solo mission while the others went to Fernia, seeking to deal with a threat they'd heard about... what do they find? 
  • Ink's Research: Ink has been spending a lot of time studying Beggar Dane's mysterious orb. He's on the verge of a breakthrough... but it might be dangerous. 

Let me know what you'd like to see, and I hope to see some of you on May 7th! And for the record, our new medusa is going to be a young multiclass Knowledge Cleric/Spirits Bard. 



Ja'taarka, for being the best boy.