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Hi everyone! 

The next session of Frontiers will be Sunday, April 30, 12 PM - 4 PM Pacific Time. For new patrons, the session isn't streamed live, but it will be released about a week after the session. April has been slipping away, so we've got to move fast on this; in order to plan effectively, I need all character submissions by noon Pacific Time on Thursday, April 27th! 

If you're not up to date, the Kanka site has information about the characters and a recap of the campaign so far. For new folks: the rules of Patreon won't just let me roll a die or pick a name out of a hat. I have to hold a contest to determine who will get the spots in this session. If you would like to play in this session, here's the rules:

  • Send an email to threshold.eberron@gmail.com
  • Include the name of the character you most want to play in the subject line. Rolan will be in this session; all other characters are available, including our mystery medusa.
  • In the body of the message, answer this question: This character had a bad dream last night—what was it?  Please limit your answer to a paragraph, and see notes below.
  • To increase your chances of playing, you can submit answers for multiple characters.
  • Your answer must be submitted by Noon Pacific time on Thursday, April 27th.

Vael, Constable, and Tari don't dream in the usual manner—yet each of them also had a mysterious vision last night, intruding upon their meditations or rest. This would have been especially unusual; what was the vision, and how do they react to this intrusion? 

Finally, as a bonus, I need your help in establishing more details about our medusa! Choose options from the poll below. 

Thanks to Joseph Meehan for helping to maintain the Kanka site, to Rugga for editing, and to Elly Runnalls for the recaps!

Post any questions about this process below.



As much as I'm looking forward to "whispers of the dead" from a wizened elder medusa, I do hope that she is religious as well- I love putting the Cazhaak in Cazhaak Creed!