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Hi Everyone! 

At the moment, there's no legal path for creating Eberron fiction. But I'm just curious—if there WAS, what would you like to see me write? Now, I realize the answer might be Nothing, we just want Don Bassingthwaite to give us more Geth, because hey, I want that too. But focusing purely on my characters, I'm curious—if I were to write another story, what would you want to see? 

Here's a poll with the obvious choices, but add other thoughts in the comments. The image that accompanies this poll is an old, unpublished piece by David Esbri, with Lei, Daine, and Pierce facing off against Indigo and her dolgaunt pals! 

Thanks for your support!



Personally I'd love if the fictional pieces prepares a crossover with the 5 protagonists against a common threat before diverging off to their character finales.


Selfish answer as an author, I’d want the freedom to write new stories in Eberron myself with the potential to publish if they were deemed readable.


I'd love it if anyone who wanted to could write Eberron fiction, just as anyone can publish game content through the DM's Guild. At the moment, none of us can, so boo.