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GAME TIME: Saturday October 29th, 9 AM - 1 PM Pacific Time

Greetings, Threshold patrons!

The next Threshold session will be Saturday, October 29th from 9 AM-1 PM Pacific Time. For new patrons, the session isn't streamed live, but it will be released about a week after the session. I hate to repeat a previous time, but my availability is limited and it's our best option. 

If you haven't had a chance to catch up, the Kanka site has information about the characters and a recap of the last session. In addition, I will be running a few mini polls on the Threshold Spoilers channel of the Eberron Discord—there's a few specific consequences of Session 2 that have to be resolved, but they are definitely spoilers for the events of the session. 

For new folks: the rules of Patreon won't just let me roll a die or pick a name out of a hat. I have to hold a contest to determine who will get the spots in this session. If you would like to play in this session, here's the rules:

  • Send an email to threshold.eberron@gmail.com
  • Include the name of the character you most want to play in the subject line. CHORUS is not available for this session.
  • You're about to land on a new world (well, moon). In the body of your email, tell me what your chosen character most hopes to find there! Please limit your answer to a paragraph. To increase your chances, you can apply for multiple characters... but answer the question for each character you apply for.
  • The people who played in Session Two aren't eligible to play in this one.
  • Your answer must be submitted by 6 PM Pacific time on Monday, October 24th.

Answers can be concrete—Wrey hopes to find a new form of dragonshard—or more general—Wolf hopes to face a worthy foe. While you may not find what you're looking for, I'm interested in answers that would make for an interesting story. 

Thanks to Joseph Meehan for helping to maintain the Kanka site, to Rugga for editing, to Elly Runnalls for the recaps, and to Mathew Johnson for the art!

Post any questions about this process below!


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