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This month I'm trying something new. In the past, when I post a major article, people ask questions. Often, good questions cause me to expand the article, but people who've read it right away never know when this happens. So starting now, I'll release a first draft of Dragonmarks as a patron preview, open to questions; a week later I'll release the final version of the article and won't change it further. 

I'm starting this with SPELLJAMMER. You might say "Wait, what about Skyrates?" No fear, Sky Pirates ARE happening and the article is in progress. This Spelljammer article was originally going to go into Chronicle, but as Chronicle won't be out until later this year it feels like it makes more sense to release it now, when people may be looking for immediate inspiration for Spelljammer/Eberron campaigns. So Skyrates are coming soon! In the meanwhile, let's talk about Spelljammer.

Thanks for your support!


Patron Preview: Spelljammer in Eberron

Yup, this is still Kythri, but it's kind of spacy. The warforged captain stared at the great orange orb ahead of them. "This is it, my friends. We are about to be the first people to set foot...


Joseph Meehan

I think Keith addressed that in the second half of the article "The moons support life, and it’s up to the DM to decide exactly what’s already there. I don’t want to go into too much detail, because this is where the exploration comes in.", right before listing some examples. There's a person on the Eberron discord who's got a whole project fleshing out each of the moons as their own Science Fantasy worlds.