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The question of Oargev's Suitors has come up a few months running, and while it's something of an obscure topic, I've tried to highlight why this could matter in your campaign! Because of the many things I'd dealing with at the moment, I will not be answering questions on this post, but I'd love for people to discuss their own experience with Oargev in the comments. 

After a very close race, the Devourer ended up winning the poll and will be the Dragonmark for this month. Because of other demands, that will most likely be the only additional content on the website this month (setting aside whatever happens with Threshold).

As always, thank you for your support!  


IFAQ: Prince Oargev's Suitors

As time permits, I like to answer interesting questions posed by my Patreon supporters. Here's one that's come up a few times over the last few months. Oargev ir'Wynarn is the last son of Cyre's ruling family.


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