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We have our cast for tomorrow's game, and it is:

  • Kevin Macku as SORA
  • Anarchis as DEVEN
  • PT MacKim as BRIAR
  • Elly Runnalls as ROLAN
  • Sierra as TARI

In the meantime, there's a few questions to answer in a lightning round poll. The first is Where are the other player characters? We have Bel, Vael, Ink, Ja'taarka, and Jane unaccounted for. That's a tough group and includes Ink, so one possibility is that they are investigating the abandoned Byeshk mines for Honoria Soldorak while the rest of the group deals with the trial; it would be up to you all to decide whether we cover that in the next session, or if we trust them to handle it off-camera and I simply report the results. Another option is that they've gone to a nearby village to look into rumors of some sort of bandits or raiders—an investigation that could set up a future session. The most casual option is that they've all taken the lightning rail to Ardev and they're spending the next few days in the big town, for business or pleasure. 

A final question to consider: Sora d'Sivis will be defending the warforged. But who will be prosecuting them on behalf of the Brelish Crown? The traveling justice is Savis Hulan, an old elf who's been administering justice for centuries. But Savis is accompanied by someone who will prosecute the warforged... and who is also a likely candidate to take up the role of sheriff if Constable is dismissed. Who is this person? A few possibilities...

Isti Colborn (Khoravar, she/her) is a truthteller—an adept of Aureon trained to cast zone of truth. Though young, she has distinguished herself in her service with the Ardev Watch and is devoted to the pursuit of justice. 

Norn Wrighten (Human, he/him) A captain in the Ir'Blis guard, Norn served with Constable and the Magistrate during the Last War. However, he despises corruption and weakness, and will show no mercy to his former comrades if they've strayed from the righteous path. 

Hadyn Halamar (Halfling, she/her) is a prosecutor known for her work in Shavalant. Due to her blood ties to the criminal Halamar Clan, she's had to work doubly hard to prove herself; this may be why she needs to leave Shavalant for a time. 

Thanks for your help—we'll see what happens tomorrow! Again, for people new to the process, the session will be recorded tomorrow and released to patrons in about a week. 


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