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Greetings, Threshold Patrons!

While I was derailed over the last month, House Orien has been hard at work getting Threshold back on track. The next session will be in two weeks, which gives us time to level the characters, deal with the next challenge, and add a few more details to the town.

I believe we have a few new patrons, so first of all, if you haven't already seen it you can use this link to log into the Kanka site that includes details about the campaign: 


With this poll we will choose a time for the next session. Unfortunately, Patreon doesn't allow me to select players at random (because of gambling laws). So once we've settled on a time, I will pose a challenge: everyone who could play in that session will send in an answer to the challenge, along with their preferred character. However, I want to make sure that even people who don't get a seat at the table have a chance to to shape the story, which is something we also do with polls. So in addition to choosing a time for the session, I want to settle something else in today's poll: What Happens With Jane? 

At the end of last session, Three-Widow Jane left a message for her patron in her flask, asking for information about the Still Lord. There's three ways we could resolve this. 

  • No Answer. Jane hasn't spoken to her patron. There's no reason to expect he'll respond now. 
  • Bottle Episode. The patron could meet with Jane IN HER FLASK for a conversation and, most likely, a game of chance. If we go down this approach, I'm thinking we'll try something new. I'm going to start a "Story Channel" on the Threshold Discord. This will be a little like a Choose Your Own Adventure... I'll write the scene, and when it reaches a decision point I'll let everyone choose the next path (by adding reactions to the comment). So, sort of like a poll, but keeping the story in a single discord thread as opposed to being spread over multiple messages. 
  • Meet At The Crown. The patron could show up in Threshold in the next episode, and it will be up to whoever plays Jane in the next session to resolve the situation. This will lock Jane in as a character in the next session. 

Thanks for your support!



It may not win, but thank you for offering a weekday game slot!