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While I'm sad to say it, between the remaining articles and the holidays I'm not going to be able to run the first Threshold session until January. Thank you for your patience and understanding. However, there's still a lot of details to work out, so I figure we can pass the time with MORE POLLS!

First of all, we need actual names for our characters. Here's the first batch. 

The Marshal is from a Deneith family (Harn) with deep roots in Karrnath. While people may just call him "Marshal," what's his name? Or has he chosen not to share it, just going by "Korth" when asked? 

The Flame grew up as an urchin and has no ties to kalashtar culture, so they don't have a traditional kalashtar name. Do they have a name? Or do they just go by "Kid", since that's what people have always called them? 

Does the Worg use his actual name, or has he adopted a nickname that's easy for the townsfolk? 

I don't see this as needing a lot of discussion, so it's going to run for 24 hours. Thanks, everyone!



I'm pretty sure that, 'Ja'taarka' translated into common, means: 'Jack Burton'.


Like I told my last wife, I says, “Honey, I never drive faster than I can see. Besides that, it’s all in the reflexes.”


It's a little too late for this, but is it possible to volunteer another nickname for the Flame? I was thinking something like "chib'uul" as a silly but uplifting name from their orphaned childhood in Zarash'ak. Since they'd be hanging out around the other urchins, many of whom would be goblins and such in Zarash'ak, I thought it'd be neat if they viewed the kalashtar - uncommon even in the Five Nations, SUPER uncommon in the Marches - as a curiosity. Their tallness is the "chib" part - and of course the Flame has premonitions and dream visions.... chib'uul!


That’s where I was going with Gath’gaa, Goblin for “Not-Child” — on the principle that they weren’t recognized as kalashtar, and so instead people were surprised by their unusual maturity, noting that while they had the body of a child they didn’t ACT like a child, hence Gath’gaa. I quite like “Chib’uul” phonetically, but I wasn’t thinking of calling out Tari as being exceptionally tall (especially in Zarash’ak—kalashtar are tall for humans, but half-orcs and orcs are tall and heavily built; many other children would be larger and stronger). Also, my thought is that the visions of the Flame are relatively recent—that it’s the visions that drove them to LEAVE Zarash’ak, and that they are still discovering the extent of their powers. So it doesn’t make sense to me as a long term name. WITH THAT SAID: I quite like the SOUND of it; “Chib’uul” could definitely be a Sixties sitcom about spunky teen who’s always getting in trouble. So I’ll say that it’s JA’TAARKA’s personal nickname for the child with their strange, big dreams, developed when he helped them cross Droaam... his little dream-boss.