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So our Scholar is a Ruinbound dwarf from Clan Narathun. An Alchemist artificer, he has an interest in the Xoriat Incursion and symbionts. He enjoys teaching, and he's been corresponding with a Volaar dirge singer on this topic. With that confirmed, it's time to move on to our next category! These are our Cunning characters—clever people who rely on their wits. They could potentially have arcane classes, but if so, they're not in it for the knowledge; they're using the most efficient tools to get what they want.

The Bartender works at Threshold's brand new Gold Dragon Inn. They enjoy the job, but to their mother's chagrin they have no desire to stay in the business. They want adventure and excitement... and they've already found a bit of it. People find the Bartender easy to talk to, and in this case, "people" includes an archfey. What deal has the Bartender made? The character is a Ghallanda halfling. 

The Champion is a hero to the local kobolds. A scout and hunter before Threshold was reestablished, they take point in dealing with House Orien on behalf of the kobolds and on resolving any trouble with the other inhabitants of Threshold.

The Hunter is a Tharashk half-orc and licensed bounty hunter. They've been working the frontier for a decade, and know their way around Droaam and the wilds. Their first interest is profit, and they have ties to the Three Faces of Coin... but thanks to their time in Droaam, they've also adopted some of the beliefs of the Cazhaak faith.

The Tailor is a goblin, a member of one of the Sharn families that have settled in Threshold. In addition to being an excellent tailor, they have a surprising number of connections and know a great deal about what's going on in Threshold and beyond. It's possible that their Sharn upbringing hides a deeper connection to the ancient Khesh'dar...

The Wandslinger is a Khoravar rake—a gambler known as the fastest wand outside of Aundair. They're always interested in activities that will bring them gold, joy, or fame... but there may be a deeper secret that keeps them on the frontier. 

The poll will run for 48 hours! 



Goblin Gaa'rak would be so terribly fun to play


Four votes gives us a Kobold, who will change their heart for our small dragony friend?