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To set expectations, I'm developing Threshold as I would any campaign, which means there are details I'm developing in collaboration with the players—which is to say, you—but also details that I am establishing myself. There are secrets I want you to discover in play, and NPCs I have plans for. So I'm asking questions on points that are flexible, but there is an underlying plan. Threshold is in the domain of Count Thavius ir’Blis, Shield of the Graywall. It is on the northeastern edge of the Graywall Mountains, built on the foundations of an old Dhakaani city. House Orien has taken an interest in the town, as it considers running a rail into Droaam. It's still a small town largely driven by Byeshk mining—but there are hopes that it will grow and flourish as the last Brelish town before Graywall. 

With that in mind, I'm squeezing two questions into this next poll. 

In the previous poll, we established that the primary religion of the town is a Sovereign Variant. Now, this doesn't mean that the town as a whole is devoted to the faith. It means that a group of people of this faith helped found the town; that it has a well-established church and a popular preacher; and that it is a faction to be reckoned with in local politics. But at most a third of the townsfolk are tied to this faith, and there's lots of room for people with other beliefs (or no time for faith). With that said, the choice of this faith does answer a question as to why did these people come here? What is their vision for Threshold? With that in mind, I'm offering three choices. 

  • The Three Faces of Coin are Kol Korran, Onatar, and Kol Turrant, also known as the Keeper. They believe that people should always be able to get the things they want, whether that involves industry, honest trade, or smuggling. If Threshold is a Coin town, people will be committed to the dream of building it into a thriving city through trade with Droaam, but you can also expect it to be a haven for smugglers with a thriving black market.
  • The Three Faces of War are Dol Dorn, Dol Arrah, and Dol Azur, also known as the Mockery. The cult is traditionally found in the armies of Galifar. The primary reason for War to support a town right on the edge of a contested border would be to defend that border and, potentially, encourage a Brelish effort to reclaim Droaam. If Threshold is a War town, it will be strongly defended and people will be ever ready for Droaamite aggression—and potentially keen to test the strength of their neighbors.
  • The Three Faces of the Wild are Arawai, Balinor, and Shargon, also known as the Devourer. This cult celebrates the bounty of the wild, embracing hunting and agriculture, but also knows that Shargon must have his due. If Threshold is a Wild town it will have well-developed agriculture and a strong tradition of hunting, along with events and sacrifices to placate the Devourer.

Second, I want to identify a few significant elements of the population. Where do the people of Threshold come from? For the most part they're Brelish pioneers, but there may be some specific sub-communities within this. For example, I'll tell you that there is a small community of kobolds—a local clan that Orien has hired, who live on the edge of town and practice the Cazhaak faith. But other options include Brelish veterans, soldiers who served Count ir'Blis during the war and have been granted land for their service; City goblins, who've left Sharn in search of opportunity; Cyran refugees, offered a stake in these wild lands by King Boranel; Displaced Settlers, Brelish who once lived further west but were driven from the Barrens by Droaam; or Khoravar, a few half-elf families keen to build a foundation. YOU CAN VOTE FOR AS MANY OF THESE AS YOU WANT; it's not that they are mutually exclusive, more that I'm interested to see which, if any of these, catch people's interest. 

The poll will run for two days - Thanks for your support! 



I am pitching for Wild, because I think there are some great potential elements for folk horror here - a rural Brelish community, with a slightly off-centre attitude to faith.


Perhaps it speaks to the completionist in me, but one thing I wondered about regarding the Three Faces sects is if there'd be a final fifth "Three Faces of Discovery" encompassing Aureon, The Shadow and The Traveller. (Not that it's relevant to Threshold, which is barren yet well-trodden ground.)


Oh, the four I’ve mentioned definitely aren’t all of them. I considered Three Faces of Knowledge with the grouping you described, but it’s an odd one as it has two members of the Dark Six, while most 3F cults are weighted toward the Nine. But it’s certainly a plausible cult - though not one that makes sense for Threshold (I did actually consider it when creating the poll(.


Interesting. Intimately entwined representatives of Light and Darkness, plus an agent of Change. Sounds very Tao.


I honestly was surprised Onatar is the third member of the Coin and not Olladra (goddess of feast and fortune) but that's a matter of flavour I suppose. I had figured Onatar was third in a Faces of Magic cult with Aureon and his Shadow, five mystery cults with the Traveler apart again, but I suppose Olladra, Onatar and the Traveler are all patrons of Artifice (at least going by Olladra's 3.5 domains)


I’m not sure why Olladra has the artifice domain. She’s not a god of INDUSTRY; she’s a god of FORTUNE. And that’s why Onatar is in Coin... because it’s not a sect for gamblers, it’s a sect for merchants and captains of industry. It’s about BUSINESS; Korran is the merchant, Onatar the manufacturer, Turrant the one who’s willing to make any deal. Onatar builds the lightning rail, Korran convinces the house to run it through Threshold, Turrant uses it for smuggling.


Misinformation, someone's preferred headcanon no doubt, that's what I get for checking the internet instead of the books. Without artifice on Olladra . . . yeah the rest makes sense. Seems like she's the odd one out in the Host though, the rest all have associations and triumvarates. But I suppose she's also part of a larger family group with the other three Coin gods, so she's got some association going on somewhere at least.


Yeah, I don't know why the Wiki adds Fire and Artifice to her domains; both of those are Onatar's domains and not assigned to Olladra in canon sources. With that said, part of the point of Olladra is that ANY situation is better with her blessing. Whether you are in battle, sailing the seas, or for that matter forging a sword, you hope that Olladra will smile on your efforts. The smith may call on Onatar for guidance and the hunter may look to Boldrei, but they still hope for Olladra's favor. So she both draws less direct attention and yet is also likely the most common Sovereign to be casually invoked.