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My latest IFAQ addresses the question what role do mummies play in the Blood of Vol, which seems like a good topic for this time of year. For those of you who have just joined, there's one day left in the poll to determine the topic of the next major article, so check that out if you haven't cast your vote. The leading topic is Ghost Stories of Eberron—to be clear, this doesn't mean that I'll write a number of actual ghost stories, but rather that I'll talk about a few of the most infamous undead and other figures that people tell ghost stories about in Eberron. 

In this piece on mummies, I note that among the Seekers they are usually called oathbound and that many possess the skills and intelligence they had in life. With that in mind, here's a stat block for an Oathbound Priest. Thanks for your support! 


IFAQ: Mummies and the BoV

I've got a lot going on at the moment. This Friday I'll be playing my new Adventure Zone game with Justin McElroy on the Twogether Studios Twitch channel. I'm working on a secret Eberron project and I'll be doing my first post about Threshold later this week.



I noticed that as well. It's an artifact of my limited experience using DnD Beyond's monster creator; I expected it to autopopulate.

Serpen Thrope

Back in the Spelljammer days I believe Settings were split between those easy to reach with a Jammer (ie Toril, Krynn, and Oerth), and those that were isolated and could only be reached through a long and treacherous voyage (Mystara and Athas). Given the choice, which category would you place Eberron in if Spelljammer came back?


Do you know about tetracube statblock maker? That autogens a lot of the numbers for you.


In the Moons/Space Race article Keith suggested that if you want Eberron accessible make it accessible, otherwise the idea is that it's NOT connected to the rest of Spelljammer space.

Serpen Thrope

Yes, but the issue is more one of the level of accessibility. To me simply saying it can be reached isn't really the significant thing, it's what does it take to reach it.


Definitely treacherous. The common assertion we’ve made is that IF Eberron is part of a shared multiverse, it was intentionally cut off from the other planes by the Progenitors... and that if a DM wants to connect it through such means as Spelljammer, 998 YK could be the year first contact is made with other settings. Essentially, if I add Spelljammer to the setting, I want to actively ADD it — right now, in 998 YK, exploring the impact that has on everything—rather than say it’s always been a part of it.


So it’s not just that it’s a tough journey: it’s that there has been a powerful artificial barrier preventing it that it’s only now possible to breach.


And hey, maybe what caused that barrier to collapse caused the Mourning.