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As promised, here's a short article on the svirfneblin to round out Gnomes Beyond Zilargo... though the Svirfneblin might not actually be from beyond Zilargo!


Dragonmarks: Svirfneblin

Gnomes Beyond Zilargo was the topic my topic my supporters chose in September, and there's a lingering question: What would you do with the Svirfneblin in Eberron? In my personal campaign I tend to limit the number of unique species and subspecies in the world.


Serpen Thrope

If you wanted to place the Rakhasta in Eberron as a distinct race from the Tabaxi how would you make sure they were both unique within the setting?


Well my first question would be why do you want two catfolk races? How would YOU as a DM make them different? Personally, respectfully, I'd suggest just mix the parts you like from both into one race. Then put them in Xen'Drik as a sort of old race like the gnolls and minotaurs, the result of fiendish magebreeding at the dawn of time. What they've become since is up to them