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Hey Everyone!

The ability to have a voice in the topic of the Dragonmark articles is one of the main benefits of being a patron. Someone has been trying to manipulate the poll, and I'm not going to allow that. There are Patreon tools I could employ, but they would make the site more restrictive for everyone and I'd prefer not to do that. So: don't make me call in the Trust. 

Because of today's events, I'm restarting the poll and I am removing Warlords of Karrnath as a topic for this month. I'll include it as an option next month, and I apologize to those who legitimately supported the topic. 



Why would someone do that? This is a poll, for fun (!!!) that is determining the subject of a FREE article later on in the month. It's so petty to manipulate this


Not that I agree with whoever did this, but how is it free if we pay 5 bucks to have a say in what’s made? In a sense, we pay Keith to write these articles for us. Yes it’s a dirty move, but we love Eberron. Someone just loved it more than they cared for Keith’s rules, and now they must be punished for it.


Though we pay for the privilege, we don't pay Keith to write the articles. That's a preposterous jump in logic. If you stopped the payments you would still be able to read the articles. The article is free, and my paying 5 bucks doesn't entitle me to anything at all, and it doesn't do so for you, the offending patron or anyone else


It’s all of your support that makes it possible for me to spend the time it takes to write the articles. The issue is that everyone who supports is entitled to an equal voice. If someone breaks the rules, they take that away from everyone else. I do believe that the offender was driven by a love of Eberron (and in this case, Karrnath). But the point of the poll is to determine what the majority of patrons want to see, not what one particular person wants.


A friendly enthusiast pointed out that Auril from Rime of the Frostmaiden has commonalities with Dral Khatuur, or perhaps a prakhutu-like agent intent on freeing her. With the understanding that you have pages & pages of background on Dral Khatuur, what adaptions/alterations/replacments for Rime of the Frostmaiden to Eberron interest you the most? Maybe it could be something you do for one of the winter months?


Fun fact: I'm PLAYING in a Frostmaiden campaign at the moment, so I wouldn't want want to spoil it by reading the whole thing to do a good conversion! Having said that, I think that the Rime could be presented as symptoms of a partial release, similar to Bel Shalor's year of terror in Thrane. With that said, from my current experience it's a fairly low-key effect; winter isn't going away, but with Bel Shalor we've said that fiends were actively roaming Thrane and terrorizing people. But maybe things will get worse as the campaign continues! In any case, it's definitely a possible topic for an IFAQ or Dragonmark, to the degree that I can do it without spoiling my play experience.


Well shoot, have fun! My initial impressions are that it's as strong a campaign as Strahd, and the chapters are structured nicely to support both sandbox and railroad type campaigns.


I'm a human barbarian - an urchin who grew up wild in the streets. I just hit third level and picked Totem Warrior, which is great because now I can talk to our sled dogs during the long boring journeys.


Pro-tip, budget for larger sled teams as you level up, you'll never get faster than 15 mph in the best weather at a sprint, but getting your team above a dozen is the only way to have enough collective endurance to make those 18-hour runs. Also: fan-shaped team for open, rough terrain, water hazards, etc., single/double file for forest trails, narrow passes, and such.