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Sometimes you start answering a question, and the answer just seems to raise more questions. This began as an answer to a question about what it would take to expose the plans of the Chamber or the Lords of Dust, but it responded to that it seems important to call out the nature of those plans, and the role these forces were intended to play in the setting. And before you know it, it's gone from a short IFAQ to a full Dragonmark. This may be more information than you ever wanted to know about the First War, but I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for your support!


Dragonmarks: The First War

A hidden alliance of rakshasa and other fiends, the Lords of Dust have manipulated the world since the dawn of time. The rakshasa wove themselves into the tapestry of human civilization in its earliest days. When the explorer Lhazaar gathered her expedition for Khorvaire, there was a rakshasa advisor at her side.



Great article. As a quite new patron (and with my first comment in the blog) I asked myself: Is there a way to signify ourselves as patrons in the comment section of the blog or in the Eberron discord channel? I ask because I have this feature with other patron creators I support.


Thanks for your support! At the moment, we don't have a way to signify patronage, though I keep track of it. Since I'm just using wordpress, I'm not sure there's a way to do it on the current website, but I will be overhauling it in the future and that may change.


Hey Keith, loved this article! It made me think how could this conflict come to an end?


It's a good question, so I've added it to the end of the article. Here's what I said: Under canon, there's only one way it could actually end: if the Lords of Dust unleash the overlords, destroying all current civilizations and collapsing Eberron into fiendish chaos. The basic principle is that the overlords cannot be destroyed, and that as a result, no one—not the Chamber, the Church of the Silver Flame, even the player characters—can permanently eliminate the threat that they pose. Tira Miron can certainly be considered one of the "player characters" of her age, but she couldn't DESTROY Bel Shalor; however, she rebound the archfiend and created a force that would fight on for the light even after she was gone. "Victory" against the overlords doesn't mean that the conflict is OVER; it means that you have bought peace for a time, whether that's years or centuries. But ultimately this is tied to the idea that Eberron will ALWAYS need heroes, that evil cannot be entirely and conclusively defeated; there will always been a need for the next generation to remain vigilant, to choose light over darkness. You can of course change this if you want to. You could say that in YOUR Eberron the overlords can be destroyed. But in both canon and kanon, it's a core part of the idea that the threat of the overlords will always require vigilance and courage, that there will always be a need for new champions to be ready to fight to preserve the light.