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Following a last-minute surge, the subject of September's main article will be Gnomes Beyond Zilargo. Thanks to all the new patrons who've just joined—I hope you'll stick around!

The Gnomes article will come later this month, and in the meantime I'm looking for new IFAQ topics. As a reminder...

  • With IFAQs I want questions I could answer in one to two paragraphs. So you need a clear, concise topic with a specific answer, not something abstract or broad. 
  • I'm more likely to answer questions that will interest a wide audience or that could come up in many campaigns, as opposed to  super-specific questions whose answers most people will never use.
  • I will NOT have time to answer all questions, but feel free to repost a question next moth if it doesn't make it this month!

Thanks again for your support!



Another one about gnomes that maybe will be touch in the article of the month :is there a significant amount of dragonmarked gnomes in Lorghalen? Besides not have anymore something so close to Zil or Trust, probably the first group to go there have some dragonmarked heirs, I think.


Hey Keith! In ExE Jhaazal Dhakaan is said to have crafted the Ghaal'duul but she is also described as being a Bard (the greatest bard of the age). Despite the ancient Dhakaani having a strong artificer tradition, one of its greatest artifacts was crafted by a bard! I know in 5e anybody proficient in Arcana can craft magic items so it isn't impossible for her to do. Was this ever a point of contention to the Dhakaani in your mind or are the magical item traditions of the daashor seen as especially different to that of the duur'kala? If the early is the case what did this tension look like, and If the later why do the dar see it that way? (((Sorry for the long question feel free not to answer or answer as little of it as you like)))


Under the rules of 3.5, any spellcaster could potentially create magic items (with the proper feats) tied to the magic that they knew. Ghaal'duur is an ARTIFACT, and thus doesn't follow any standard rules of item creation. Nonetheless, it's always been the case that the duur'kala have created magic items; they just create DIFFERENT magic items than the daashor, magic items related to bardic spells. The forge adepts create WEAPONS and ARMOR, tools of war. The duur'kala create tools tied to enchantment, inspiration, and healing. Duur'kala brew healing potions, for example. With that said, following the example of 3.5 the daashor are more flexible than the duur'kala. For example, Jhazaal created the First Crown, which is an artifact tied to enchantment and inspiration, quite in line with the typical themes of the duur'kala; but it was a daashor who created the Rod of Kings. There's no conflict; it's just unusual for a daashor to create such an item. Generally, the duur'kala create items tied to healing and inspiration, as this is their role in the Empire; the daashor create tools of war and build fortifications.