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Hi Everyone!

Because of various life issues, it's taken me longer to complete the Riedra article than I had hoped; both that and Nobility are huge topics and require a lot of time. I hope I'll have Riedra done today. But I always want to answer more of your questions, so: What do you want to know? 

I will post a call for major article topics after Riedra is done. But for now I'm looking for IFAQ topics. Here's things to keep in mind in posing questions:

  • With IFAQs I want questions I can answer in one to two paragraphs. So you need a clear, concise topic with a specific answer, not something abstract or broad. 
  • Narrow is better. "What's interesting about Thrane" is too broad. "What's interesting about the Argentum" might work. 
  • I'm always going to lean toward topics that feel like they have broad use to multiple campaigns... So something that's VERY narrow ("In my campaign I decided that Halas Tarkanan is coming back in Erandis Vol's body, what would you do with that?") Will probably get passed over. 

So: What do you want to know?

Thanks for your support!


Joseph Meehan

Exploring Eberron doesn't look like it includes a magical equivalent of a gattling gun. What led to that decision?

Joseph Meehan

What's a Khorvairian factory like?


Exploring Eberron isn't intended to be a COMPLETE guide to all forms of military hardware used in the war. Among other things, I'd expect there to be many weapons unique to specific nations. It's a STARTING POINT that introduces some of the basic tools. With that said, it's never been the point of Eberron to specifically map an arcane version of EVERY technological tool or development. The primary goal has been to say "Using the arcane magic we know exists, what's a logical development?" If there's no spell effect that replicates the effect of a gatling gun, it may not exist; on the other hand, folks in Eberron can fling lightning bolts and generate illusions, two tools we DON'T have on the battlefield. IMO the closest parallel to gatling gun would be magic missile, which is discussed on page 22 of Exploring Eberron; if you want to pursue some sort of long rod that can fire dozens of magic missiles each minute, go ahead!