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Hi Everyone!

After some consideration, I'm going to go ahead with NOBILITY as the topic of June's major article. I will get to Sarlona as soon as possible, but both of these are major topics that will require more time and thought than an IFAQ article, so it will happen when it happens. 

Meanwhile, I've just posted a new IFAQ article—the Aereni follow up to last week's Tairnadal post. 

Thanks for your support!


IFAQ: The Elves of Aerenal

As chosen by my supporters, my next major article is going to be on the nobility of Khorvaire. This article is a shorter subject. Last week I wrote about the Tairnadal elves. This article deals with the other culture of Aerenal: the Aereni elves, the servants of the Undying Court.


Joseph Meehan

These would probably need to be full articles and I'm not sure what the best way to break it up, but I'd love a series on "decolonizing Xen'drik" that tackles the Drow, Giant, and maybe some other cultures (Thri Kreen? Abeil?)

Joseph Meehan

iFAQ request: The Crimson Covenant. Do you use this group of inner-circle Vol supporters in your Eberron?


Do *I* use it? No. It doesn’t fit my view of the faith or the role of Erandis, and I see it as a throwback to the BoV as an “evil religion.” If you’d like to know how’d I’d change it if I DID use it, I’ll make a call for new IFAQs at the start of July.