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My latest article rounds out the discussion of dragonmarks than began last week with a look at a few of the aberrant champions of the War of the Mark. It's worth noting that these are specifically the leaders of the aberrant refugees of the Wroat (modern Breland) region. Halas Tarkanan gets a lot of attention and is generally called out as having been the most effective resistance leader in the war, but there were certainly aberrant champions across Khorvaire. 

The Inner Circle is currently voting on the subject for the next major article. Until then, I've got a lot of interesting IFAQ topics to choose from, but feel free to post more questions below. As always, thanks for your support!


Sidebar: Aberrant Champions

It's hard to talk about dragonmarks and the dragonmarked houses without also discussing aberrant dragonmarks and the War of the Mark. I posted a sidebar article about Aberrant Dragonmarks not too long ago, but my supporters recently raised a number of questions recently about the aberrant champions of the War of the Mark, notably Halas Tarkanan.



I've asked this in other ways, but for an IFAQ: How would you adapt Illimat (or the Luminaries) to Eberron? Follow-up question: With playing cards being called out as having elemental suits, what kind of fortune-telling decks would be in Eberron?