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As time allows, this week I want to answer questions that have been raised about the Dragonmarked Houses, starting today with Alex's question about the ancient history of House Deneith. If you have other questions about the Dragonmarked Houses, post them here and I'll see what I can get to. Thanks for your support!


IFAQ: Before The Houses

When time allows, I like to answer interesting questions submitted by my backers. This week, I'm going to answer a few questions about the Dragonmarked Houses. Today's question comes from Alex. According to the 3.5 Dragonmarked sourcebook, the Mark of Sentinel was the first dragonmark to appear among the humans of Khorvaire.



I love the concept of in house factions such as Cannith East and now with Denieth Karrlakton. What other subfactions do the Dragonmarked Houses have and how do they differ or clash? I assume with Sivis it is tied to their middle name.


One of my favourite organisations in Eberron is The Twelve. Are there any Dragonmarked Houses that have an affinity with being part of The Twelve? Likewise, are there any Houses that dislike being affiliated with The Twelve?