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Thank you to all of you who have joined the Inner Circle. There's a number of new patrons this month, so I wanted to fill you in on the basic situation. At least once a moth I will write a long article, with the subject determined by a poll of all of you. Recent articles on this scope include the Znir Pact gnolls, Dolurrh, and Lamannia. Whenever I have time, I also like to answer shorter questions, such as today's article on show business in Eberron. 

I look to you to help me choose subjects for these articles. If you have questions, post them here. If they are questions that can be answered in a few sentences, I may just answer them immediately. If they can be answered in a few paragraphs, they will go on the IFAQ pile. If they can be answered in a few pages, I'll consider them as poll options for upcoming major articles.  If you've already asked a question that hasn't been answered, ask it again now! It helps me to know that the answer is still being sought. 

Thanks again for your support!


Joseph Meehan

Another new question - Last War House neutrality & logistics lines. My understanding is both Lyrandar and Orien participated in the supply lines of the nation's militaries, not just civilian supplies. Was their neutrality respected? Was that part of the price? Or did attacks happen, probably while trying to disguise the source?

Joseph Meehan

Royals question - were/are harems common in Khorvaire? 3.5 books said the public found Kaius' harem "unusual", which parts are considered unusual?


I'd be very interested to know this too as a player of mine seems intent on applying for Kaius' harem as a means to assassinate him