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Hi Everyone!

This has been a difficult month: immediately after the release of the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron I received some terrible personal news. Most of this month has been spent dealing with the ongoing ramifications of this, and it's been difficult to focus on writing. I have been working on a series of wide magic posts as requested by the inner circle, but between limited time and writer's block these aren't ready for publication yet. So as with the Aurum, I find myself following inspiration when it strikes. Someone asked me about Shae Tirias Tolai, and I thought I'd share my answer with all of you. Hopefully it will be of use to some of you. 

More posts will be coming as time permits. I will also be at Dragon Con this weekend, and I'll be posting my schedule tomorrow. 

Thanks for your continuing support; I truly appreciate it. 



Dragonmarks: The City of Silver and Bone

The fourth edition of Dungeons & Dragons introduced the concept of the Feyspires: cities that drift between the Faerie Court of Thelanis and the material world. Legends say that the giants of Xen'drik pillaged one of these mystical cities, stealing its treasures and taking its people as slaves.



Hey Keith, sorry to hear you're going through a tough time :( I hope things improve for you soon.


Good post Keith, your blogs are verry informative and interesting. If you could, would you blog on how the halflings of the Talenta plains left and started the house Ghallanda. Same with house Jorasco. It is not a natural transition. I would like to know the series of events which radically changed their lifestyle.


Well I mean not to speak for Keith but Jorasco and Ghallanda existed on the plains prior to the halflings expanding out. As far as I can recall the other Dragonmarked houses (Deneith was involved I believe) made expeditions into Talenta and formed a relationship with the two halfling marks sort of moving them into a business/guild style organization not organically but through that being something the other houses insisted on. After that it's just slow generational adopting of Galiferan customs and dress and eventually you have members of those two houses (and even non-house halflings) who have never actually seen the Talenta Plains.