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I've been traveling ever since the release of the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron and I'm only just getting caught up on things. Here's of a few of the things I'm doing...

Beyond that, of course, I'm dealing with all the challenges of everyday life (the pipes burst in my kitchen sink!) and playing in and running a few Eberron games (I'm hoping my envoy didn't cause the Mourning by killing someone on the dance floor in Metrol, but I won't know for certain until the next adventure).

All this has slowed down my production speed on the website. I'm working on an article about common magic, as requested by the Inner Circle patrons. But that's a big thing and it's going to take a while to really get it right. In the meantime, I want to publish more SHORT posts on the site. Rather than doing two long posts each month, I'd like to be posting a few short posts each week. 

So, what is it you'd like to see? I'm looking at topics that can be covered in no more than four paragraphs and don't require a lot of cross referencing. So I could answer a single interesting question, or a might post a table like Why Do You Need 200 GP or Falling in Sharn

If you've got some short-answer questions or hook requests, post them below! And if you'll be at DragonCon, Rose City Comic Con, or Level Eater, make sure to say hello!




I think it would be interesting to have some info on witches in Eberron, like how would you fit a witch coven in the game other then a hag coven like Daughters of Sora Kell. Also is there any unique patrons from Eberron, like the Dragons of Argonnessen or powerful elementals from the planes like Fernia and Risia.

Joseph Meehan

Not sure if you're still checking this but I think a brief piece on how ID works in the five nations - Where is it checked, who issues, how common is it, and how people without the proper papers are usually handled.