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Hi Everyone! 2018 has proven to be a VERY busy year for me, so it's taken me longer than I'd planned to write about my Q'barra campaign. But here's that post! Thank you as always for your support. 


On the Edge of Hope: Building a Foundation

One of my resolutions for 2018 is to play more roleplaying games. I've been running an 5E D&D campaign in Eberron, and I'm about to start a second one, and I thought I'd share my process as I kick off a new campaign.



A big element of frontier towns is the isolation that makes it a frontier and how groups and individuals compensate. Is it a mountain/hill lake up on the EndWorlds or a lowland/swamp lake like the Okeechobee? Are there seasonal (winter/monsoon) or manifest zone (expanding/contracting) periods which limit ingress/egress to Deepwater? How frequent are new arrivals? Do people mainly get around by foot, horse, rail, oar, or sail? How strong are any monopolies? Frontiers of every size are prone to extremely violent factional conflict when a sub-group is seen to be putting the squeeze on (Lincoln County War, Boston Tea Party etc.)


All good questions; I'm going to add this to discussion on the post itself.