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I've still got posts about Phoenix and Q'barra on the stove - but today's post continues the look at character classes with the Warlock. While this does specifically reference 5E D&D, the principles can apply to any edition; the warlock I mention who served the Lords of Dust was actually a character in a 4E campaign. 

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Dragonmarks: Warlocks

Given that it's my Patreon patrons who make it possible for me to spend time on this site, I thought I'd take some time to write about someone else who relies on patrons... Warlocks. With that said, I am working on articles about Phoenix: Dawn Command and the 5E campaign I'm running in Q'barra, and you'll see these soon.



Are warlocks accepted in the magical colleges like Arcanix and Morgrave, or are they outside of arcane academia?