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Wow, Patreon is very useful for keeping track of my progress. Since the last post I've done this stuff:

* I added in the system for spawning scrap items in the factory, which you'll need to collect and return to the ship to meet the profit quota. This was actually painfully complicated since the system needs to make sure the total value of all the scrap items isn't below the quota or too high, but it also can't spawn too many or too few scrap items on the map, and the value of each scrap item has to stay within a reasonable range (so a diamond or gold bar can't be worth 5 dollars.) So now there's an algorithm which tries to balance all these things. That was a puzzle. 

* Fixed a gazillion bugs. (Flowerman has to be one of the most buggy AIs I have created, but he is amazing and we love him. We nicknamed him Oliver.)

* Added in landmines which can spawn literally anywhere. This really was just for fun, because everything else I've been doing has been so monotonous. Although, this also required me to add in a new system for spawning map hazards.

Soon... soon I'll have all the game's underlying systems completed, and I'll be able to add in content without wondering how it will be randomized and synced online. First I did the items, then the map, then the enemies, then the objective, then the obstacles. That's almost everything. woo





Woo! I like the landmines, they sound and look like a lot of fun (especially when friend goes boom)


i was not expecting that opening