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*Akemi wondering where 0.22 is*

Ahaa, so it seems "Patreon update every 2 weeks" option is the most popular in the poll. Very well. This of course means that I should've done this yesterday, but I forgot. Good job me. Anyway, updates every 2 weeks from now on. Dunno if I'll always have something to talk about, but we'll see how it goes.

Firstly, development continues, of course. The end (of 0.22 dev) is in sight, though I still don't know exactly when. I've found myself making various custom animations for the game which takes up a bit of time, but I'm happy with the results, so I believe it to be worth the time. The majority of the in game day is finished, and so I'm currently working on the evening content, to finish off the day, and subsequently, the update. I can't really do percentages on completion or any of that sort of stuff you see some devs do, because I don't really work that way. This update is on track to be the biggest so far in terms of content added (Again), which wasn't the original plan, but I wouldn't be doing it if I wasn't convinced it's for the best.

While I'm here, the topic of the game filesize is something I'm having to consider. I do currently have a way to reduce it without reducing the quality of the images or sounds, though it'll take some time to get it implemented. My current plan is to release the update as soon as it's ready to the professor tier and above, and then get straight to work on getting the size reduced before the student and then public releases. I could delay the whole thing to get this done before any sort of release, but I'm acutely aware of how long it's been since the last update. I don't wanna take the piss. If anyone has any thoughts on this, feel free to let me know in any of the places I'm active.

Anyway, there's yer update for the moment, back to work for me. Have a good week everyone :D



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