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Development update #13 (About v0.22)

  • Weekly 2
  • Every 2 weeks 8
  • Monthly 6
  • Pretty much at random (Which is how it currently is.) 6
  • 2023-05-22
  • 22 votes
{'title': 'Development update #13 (About v0.22)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Weekly', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Every 2 weeks', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Monthly', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Pretty much at random (Which is how it currently is.)', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 22, 20, 38, 47, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 22}


Wheeeyyy, I'm back again. Mostly checking in to assure people who aren't in the Discord that I'm still hard at work on the game. I don't have too much to say about the game itself, other than development continues. What I do have though, is the final results of the name polls. The winning names were....


I'm not gonna post the pictures again, because I guess it could count as spoilers. Thank you to everyone who participated in the polls. I do have a few new developments I'd like to talk about though, so I'll do so below.

Firstly, since the character routes will be starting a bit more in 0.22 (For some characters), I've made another gallery feature. Icons that indicate which route a scene is on, so you can know which route you need to be on to get certain scenes.

Annoyingly I can't actually include a screenshot in this post, and I'm not sure why, but I've tried a bunch of different ways, and none of them are working. Maybe patreon made a change. No idea. Oh well, hopefully it won't be too long before you get to see this feature in game.

Another new thing (Which isn't done yet). I'm going to be going through the game and optimising the images to hopefully reduce the filesize of the game drastically. It's gonna take a while, so I haven't decided yet whether to do it for 0.22, or for the next version, but I'll have to do it at some point, to avoid the game becoming stupidly big. I estimate it'll reduce the size of the game to about 3GB, including the 0.22 content. If you have an opinion about this, please let me know. Right now the decision for when I do it is mostly dependent on how much longer 0.22 takes to make.

Aaaand finally (And the reason this post is a poll)....

It's occured to me that I don't post very often here, and I probably should do more frequent updates here, for those who aren't in the Discord. That's why I've made this a poll, to ask about prefered frequency. I think I'd struggle to actually come up with something to say for weekly updates, but I've put it in there as an option anyway.

I won't do a post announcing the results of this poll. Instead I'll just take a look at what wins in a week or so, and then just act on it.

That's about it for the moment. Thank you for your patience. I swear I'm making this as fast as I can. Hopefully the time spent is noticeable when the update is finally ready.


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