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Sup nerds, enjoy the random picture of Riley.

So it's April now. Nuts. I'm still working on 0.22, and I'll admit progress is somewhat slow. The aftermath of Riley's party has turned out to have many possibilities depending on what happens, so I'm having to do a fairly stupid amount of renders for it, and events that can happen. I've almost finished with the morning stuff, and then I can move on to continuing the story, which should be a lot quicker. Sometimes important character moments like the party will have a bunch of options that will cause development bottlenecks like this, but it is what it is.

If anyone's interested in the stats for just that section, it's about 1000 renders at the moment, complete with 2 scenes, and about 60 animations, all to take place within the first few hours of day 1 of the next update. (Of course, this is spread across all the different ways it can go, so you'd have to play the party again and end the night in different ways to see all of this. If you're supporting this project, I'm sure you're familiar with how this game goes though.)

Specifically, there are the following possible events for the July 5th morning.

  • What if you ended up in a relationship with Riley, but didn't get any sex scenes?
  • What if you ended up in a relationship with Riley, and got sex scenes?
  • What if you rejected Riley, but slept in her room anyway?
  • What if you rejected Riley, and then went to sleep in your own room?
  • What if you punished Riley?
  • What if you didn't even go to the party?
  • What if Riley ended up sleeping in your room with you?

(Also, if you weren't aware, yes, all of these outcomes are possible in 0.21)

All of these have their own ways they play out, and there's little render or line sharing between them. You can see how this acts as something of a bottleneck... Like I said though, it's almost done, so I should be able to move on to the rest of the update soon. Wooo.

I can't remember if I said in the last dev update, but 0.22 is supposed to span 3 in game days. While this is still the plan, I may reduce it if it turns out it's gonna take too long, because I don't want releases to be too infrequent. The same content will end up in the game either way, it's just a question of whether those 3 days come out in one chunk, or in a few smaller chunks. Guess we'll see. Right now I still don't have an actual ETA on the update, but I should get a better idea once this morning scene is done. If anyone has any more questions about it, feel free to message me either here, or on discord. I don't like to keep secrets about the state of development.

That's about it for the moment. Thanks for your patience. I'll assume if you're supporting this that you're ok with the fairly inconsistent release schedule, and I appreciate that. Right now, I wouldn't be able to do scheduled releases without either cutting back on what the game is meant to be in the long term, or err.. No, actually that's the only way I could do it. But that sounds lame, so imma just keep making the game the way it's supposed to be, even if it means I can't release an update every month or whatever.

Hope everyone's well, happy April! :D



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