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Lol I forgot about this. I was supposed to do a dev update last week, but yeah. Instead you get it now.

So as you might guess, I've been working on 0.22, and currently don't have too much to share on it yet, as I'm trying out a bit of a different workflow. Previously, I would do the renders and the dialogue writing at the same time. This time I'm trying out writing all of (Or at least most of) the dialogue first, and then going through and doing the renders after. I have no idea if this is better or worse, I just figured I'd try it.

The next week at Stormside has been fully planned out at this point, and it's looking like 0.22 will take players to the end of Wednesday. Originally I'd planned it to be the whole week, but considering the branching, that's probably gonna be a bit much. Even the file with all the different possible conversations with Riley following the end of 0.21 has 1000 lines of dialogue so far, and I've still got more to do on it. Granted, you won't have to read through all of this, because they're split across multiple conversations, to cover all the possible endings for 0.21

No news yet on a release date. I suck at those. Couple months I guess. I'll update with regard to that closer to the time.

Oh also, I've been made aware of several bugs I managed to introduce in 0.21.02. Nice job me. I think most of them aren't too much of an issue, so I'm not gonna rush out a patch for them, but I'm aware of them, and they will be fixed.

That's it for now. I'm usually in the discord though if anyone has any specific questions. Seeya :D


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