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So, next update is still on the way, I'm hoping to have it done by the end of this week, but we'll see. Just started a new job today, but they seem pretty chill so I think I'll have time to work on it. (I.E. no stupid overtime)

I'm working on an h scene right now, but I'm hoping to get a bit more story in afterwards before the end of this version. I'll do a dev update of some sort at the end of this week if it's delayed.

Aside from that, I'm trying out a new benefit for the professor tier. Monthly custom renders (Max 3 characters I think for now).

This could become unmanagable in future so I'd have to cancel it later on if it starts to cut into actual development time, but for now it's completely doable, and also there's actually a game development benefit too.
With the requesters permission, the custom render may be included in the game as one of the non canon images you can unlock by finding onions. Always anonymously unless the requester specifically wants their name attached to the image for whatever reason.

I'll decide whether it actually gets included in the game based the content (Probably not gonna be including images of characters getting fucked by horses or something, for example. Extreme example, but you get the idea)

Discord is on the way as well if you're interested in that, but probably closer to the next public release.


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