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(Yeah I still have no idea what I'm doing with version numbers.. I think for stormside 1 dot means content update, 2 dots means bugfix. The higher the number, the newer the update.)

Hey hey, figured I'd do an update since I just realised I haven't done one since the start of the month, and I like to keep people updated.

It's been a busy month, I've had to get a new job which was a bit tedious, but it's done now. Expensive too since I had to drive to do a bunch of interviews, and fuel is about $2000 a gallon right now. Unfortunately that slowed down development a bit, but I'm still working on it. This next release will be a patron only release and as stated in the tiers, will become available to professors a week before the student tier. (I didn't bother with this last time since I didn't have any professors at the time, but now I do boiiiiii)

I don't have a release date on this coming update yet, but I'm not expecting it to be too long. This update is a bit more complicated as I'm having to do some stuff for the next few updates now to keep the process smooth (Mostly map creation. Gotta make some stuff from scratch.)

One thing I can say though is that in this update you'll be meeting all of the girls in some capacity, including the one you can see up top. It's essentially a storytelling update but there will still be at least one scene (I've only got one planned at the moment but I might end up with another one. The Cassie dream scene was created on a whim so I do sometimes come up with stuff on the spot.)

Thank you for your patience. I'm gonna get back to work.




Semver (semantic versioning) works like this: X.Y.Z X = major version often with architectural changes. In AVN terms that *should* be changes that break people's saves, but people have come to expect that 1.0 is a full release. Y = minor version. In AVN terms that'd be a content update. Z = patches/bugfixes X, Y, and Z can be multiple digits, so a minor version update from 0.1 would be 0.2, and on up to 0.9, 0.10, 0.11, 0.12, and so on up to 0.99, 0.100, 0.101, and so on.


Sounds similar to what I'm already doing, though a little different. My thinking is that I'd like to seperate out public versions from patreon only versions. 0.2 for example will be a public release. I don't think about it too much, I just want to avoid stuff like "Pre-release alpha". Good info though, thank you. Edit: Just to add to this, on the topic of breaking peoples saves, I'm gonna be doing everything I can to make sure that's not a thing. If I ever release an update that does actually break saves, I'll also release some savegames and some kind of variable editor so people can recreate their old save conditions so they don't have to replay the whole thing from the start.


The only real concern here for separating Patreon releases vs public releases is that 0.11 sounds like the eleventh minor patch rather than the one immediately following 0.1, and it locks you into a hard upper limit before hitting 1.0, because if you've already used 0.1 -> 0.11 -> 0.12 -> 0.2 -> 0.21 -> 0.22 etc, where do you go once you get to 0.9 -> 0.91 -> 0.92? (ETA: That was supposed to be a reply, but Patreon randomly decided it wasn't. Such a terrible comment system.)


I get you man, to be honest after I released 0.11 I kinda realised the same thing. Luckily, the game isn't all that popular yet so I've not been bullied too hard over it. I'll have a think about the version numbers. I'm not a software developer so to be honest I basically just made up the version numbers. Really for me the main thing is making sure that step ups in version number have at least somewhat of a commensurate amount of content. I'm gonna try my best at that and be as transparent as possible. I have so much planned, but I want my plans to make sense in the story. After the next public release, I'll have a lot of freedom to really get everything started. I'm pretty excited tbh.