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Hello All!

IM SOBBING-AGAIN! RIP Darla...what a way to go though, hooooly! This lil bebeh cold and crying on the ground aaaghjhhhh...trouble trouble trouble. Truly hope the baby is gonna survive all this and be a great addition to the show but I have no clue at this point. Holtz seems to be a very interesting character, real dark, real calculated and it's making me nervous! Poor Lorne again too...can he catch a break writers plzzz. 

Hope you enjoy the reaction folks. Have a lovely week everyone! Thank you for the constant love & support!

Much love

Dakara x

*A special thanks & shout out to the following Patrons for sponsoring this video*:

Anitusar | Brian D | Butterfleaz | Chris M | Clint F | David G | Lord David S | Dexter |  Johann L | Johnny | Jonathan M | Joshua B | Keith M | Lucie G | Michael A | Michele | Mirko P | Pnut | Pentaholic | PongPong31 | Stormy River | William L | William S

⭐️*My Links*⭐️ - https://linktr.ee/DakaraJayne


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First off, don't apologize for the humming. We would miss it like when you stopped air drumming at the beginning of Buffy. I was sad. There have been some corny things in the series, but that grenade bit was cringey. And are vampires immune to grenades? Apparently. There are times that the show (and Buffy) has errors that should have been corrected in the draft of the script, but at the very least corrected by someone on set. Fred mispronounced 'confluence' by putting the stress on the middle syllable, which is pretty common for people to do with three syllable words, particularly when that middle syllable has a vowel - this is not one of those cases though. Stress is on the first syllable. Told you I was a GN. I like the flashbacks to an extent as it gives us a glimpse into Angel's long, long life, but I have to say that I don't care about Holtz at all. It's not the actor's fault, I'm just not interested in his story. Darla revealing to Angel that she completely loves her baby as she weeps made me weepy and the fact that the only soul in her body was the baby's so she would never feel love for it made my heart physically hurt, as if it was trying to come out my chest. Ugh... Arney is played by Robert Peters, yet another prolific character with about 150 roles. You've seen him before, but you probably wouldn't remember; He was a deputy in Supernatural 1x01. I don't know what movies you watch or like, so you may have seen him elsewhere too. Movie reactions would be cool, you might think about adding a weekly one maybe for Saturday night and we could all make popcorn and watch. Be kind of a Patreon Popcorn Saturday for the top tier. Just a thought. Can we put a cap on how many emotional scenes per episode? Holtz pushing his young daughter into the sun and her little cry right before she turned to dust was upsetting. I know, I know, she was a vampire, but she was a little girl and her death was scary and painful, even if just for a few seconds. It made me think back to September 17, 2021. On that day, I died at the hospital. I all of a sudden couldn't breath and I looked at my mother, who visited every day, all day, and the last thing I remember was a code being called in the hallway and about a dozen people rushing into my room, then everything went black. That was all, no pain. Luckily they brought me back and I woke up a day later intubated. All my life I've been afraid of dying, but I'm not afraid anymore. I felt so bad for Lorne! He doesn't deserve all of this chaos. I loved when the gang would go to Caritas and sing or even just hang out. That "birth" scene almost made me cry. I thought you would get emotional with this scene. I didn't want you to watch it in a way, but I knew you needed to see it at the same time, if that makes sense. A couple of short thoughts: Cordelia's hair was very cute in this episode. Yeah, f*ck off Holtz. More Fred, please. She was barely part of the episode, but understandably so. This was Darla's finale and she deserved the spotlight. I will miss Julie Benz. Perhaps she'll feature in future flashbacks. *fingers crossed* My comments are entirely too long and personal. Thank you Dak for yet another enjoyable reaction. Hope you and the family are thriving.

Teresa Schultz

Who would have thought in Buffy Season One, that a few years later, we would be crying over Darla?

Raven Dark

Or Cordy. LOL That's the Buffyverse for you. Buffy writers, to the Buffyverse, in the voice of her first Watcher: You see? You see your power?