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Hello All!

It was interesting to see them talk about real life troubles & finances in this episode, quite refreshing. Also sad to see Buffy struggle with it all at the same time. It's like that extra reminder that she's 'back to reality'. Willow is scaring me! That scene between her and Giles had me quaking! Buffy is off to meet Angel!! Lets hope it goes well...

Hope you enjoy the reaction folks. Have a lovely week everyone! Thank you for the constant love & support!

Much love

Dakara x

*A special thanks & shout out to the following Patrons for sponsoring this video*:

Anitusar | Brian D | Butterfleaz | Chris M | Clint F | David G | Lord David S | Dexter |  Johann L | Johnny | Jonathan M | Joshua B | Lucie G | Michael A | Michele | Mirko P | Pnut | Pentaholic | PongPong31 | Steven S | Stormy River | William L | William S | Willie C

⭐️*My Links*⭐️ - https://linktr.ee/DakaraJayne


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It is so dumb the bank wouldn't help Buffy. At worst, she has no credit, not bad credit, and using the house as collateral isn't the only thing the bank can do to get their money. First, lenders know they will not collect all the loans they make and they have reserves specifically for this. Second, they get to write off the loan as a tax deduction. Thirdly, on top of writing off the loan, they can still pursue the debt through perhaps more manageable arrangements even while writing off said debt or they can sell it off to a third party collection agency. So, if the bank has $8,000 worth of loans default, it writes off the entire amount of $8,000 and takes an additional $3,000 as an expense while then selling the debts for potentially 70% of the original loan to third parties, or working out a deal with the original borrowers to continue paying or pay a smaller percentage even though they already got $11,000 for that $8,000. Don't let the game game you Buffy. She is what 19 or 20? Credit and debt outside of student loans falls off after 7 years. Young enough to tell lenders to go shove it. Put the house in someone elses name, like Giles, borrow as much as you can get, invest it, and make a bunch of money and before she turns 30 her credit will be back to normal and debts will have fallen off. As long as no single loan/credit is too high, it will cost more for the company to try to take her to court than to just write it off and sell it of which they will make more anyways. The system is rigged, but you don't have to play their stupid games.

Claire Eyles

So at this point we've seen Buffy experiencing what's called psychomotor retardation (the scene at the kitchen sink where she appears to be kind of stuck and slow to respond), emotional blunting (not being able to express a full range of emotions, as Willow noted), anhedonia (Giles is back and apart from the initial hug Buffy doesn't seem to be able to find a lot of enjoyment in that), emotional withdrawal (she pulls away from even someone like Giles when he tries to offer comfort), and by her own admission she's experiencing sleep disturbance. All of these are symptoms of clinical depression. One of the reasons I love this season so much, is this was the first time I had ever seen something like depression actually portrayed realistically on screen. Prior to Buffy Season 6 TV shows tended to deal with this sort of subject matter by doing 'episodes of the week', or 'a very special episode of...'. Characters were shown almost randomly dealing with mental health issues, some sort of deep and meaningful typically happened at some point, and by the end of the episode (2 episodes if you were lucky) it had either all been resolved, or the character had at least reached out for help, and they all lived happily ever after. Some shows would at least drop a few lines of dialogue later in a season to let you know how 'generic mental illness character' was doing, but Buffy did something completely different for the time, they actually decided to go all in with depicting something like clinical depression in a way that was realistic, and that, at least so far, wasn't just going to be fixed with a 1 or 2 episode kumbya moment.


It seems similar to recovering drug addicts or individuals in long term high stress fields of work like race car drivers, military members deployed to war, law enforcement interactions and things like that. Your body adjusts and adapts to what for many are extreme conditions. Your body adjusts and adapts so that these extreme feelings and conditions feel normal because frankly you would die. You cannot be in flight or fight mode 24/7, constantly overproduce testosterone, or spend hours flooding your body with adrenaline, it would literally kill you. So these responses require more and more escalating extremes to trigger, which is helpful because it allows you to think straight and react in high stress situations. The side effect is that the normal and mundane things that could even border on extreme for many, they might as well not even happen as far as your bodies chemical and psychological response. If a bomb near you for example isn't going to trigger you then why would a surprise birthday party or visit? It wouldn't. I went through a similar thing coming home from Afghanistan, everything by comparison is so bland, safe, and mundane after 6 months of fighting for my life and the life of those serving with me, confronting situations that might be my last and evading death on a daily basis. Even when I consciously wanted to be excited and happy, I just couldn't. Buffy was at peace. In something akin to heaven. Everything else she feels while being alive is going to be so insignificant and dull even if she consciously knows it should be more. There simply isn't a comparison to what she experiences now and she had adjusted too much and too long to a different environment to go back to normal. She might even be chemically and psychologically in a physical manner incapable like I mentioned above until her body has time to adjust again even if she consciously wants to. There is a disconnect between her mind, body, conscious and subconscious.