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Hey guys!

I've been working on this for quite some time & I'm so excited to announce that it's ready - my very own website!

I wanted a hub for everything 'Dakara' related. This should be way easier to navigate to the video that you're after, if it's old or new you should find it all here.

Massive shout out to AngelDove for helping me with the majority of this website! From links, to embeds to thumbnails! It's a lot and I couldn't have done it without them! Gaveup & Toasted also helped with the initial stages, thanks so much!

I just hope it all runs smoothly & you guys will have an easier time finding what you need :)

Much love


P.S I have just watched the finale of Buffy S5 & my mind exploded! I then went to Twitch to announce my website & my mind exploded at the generosity & support from you guys over there as well! Thank you all for what you do!


Dakara Jayne

Hello Guys, Dakara here & welcome to my website! I'm a fragile Northern Brit that likes to sob over fictional characters & share my love of TV with the world... This website will be your one stop shop for everything Dakara related. From reactions to socials to gaming, it'll all be located here.



what a nice website, great to navigate through the series, instead of scrolling for ages on patreon to go to the first episode of Buffy :-)


The design is fantastic! Congratulations on yet another important achievement on your journey 👍 And well done AngelDove, you are such an important member of Team Dakara, amazing job!