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Hello All!

Tess noooooo!!! This show is brutal isn't it. I really hope that we still stories about Tess and maybe even see her in some flash backs etc because she seemed like such a strong bad ass woman. The way she dies too...that was TOO MUCH!!! So gross lol. Let's hope that Joel and Ellie grow closer & are there for each other during all these hard times!

Hope you enjoy the reaction folks. Have a lovely week everyone! Thank you for the constant love & support!

Much love

Dakara x

*A special thanks & shout out to the following Patrons for sponsoring this video*:

Anitusar | Brian D | Butterfleaz | Chris M | Clint F | David G | Lord David S | Dexter | Grimm Dandy | Johann L | Johnny | Joshua B | Lucie G | Michael A | Michele | Mirko P | Pnut | Pentaholic | PongPong31 | Steven S | Stormy River | William L | William S

⭐️*My Links*⭐️ - https://linktr.ee/DakaraJayne


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Wow, this was intense. And, oh... my... goodness... the end of episode 1 was bugging me because I couldn't figure out why Tess seemed so familiar to me. It finally hit me in this one (I didn't go look it up because I wanted to try and figure it out). She's Anna Torv, who plays FBI Agent Olivia Dunham in 'Fringe.' I love her in that role (serious X-Files vibe), and had recently taken a break from that series - about halfway through, I think. And yeah, the infected in this show are way more creepy than the walkers in TWD. That whole fungal infection thing gives me the heebie-jeebies.


Real-time notes again because I feel lazy. That autopsy scene was gross with those things coming out of his mouth. Dak is braver than me, I looked away quicker. The actress that played the professor was excellent and that last scene with her was chilling. The cities being bombed made total sense to me with how they looked in the game. I'm afraid there are unseen bugs that will crawl into my ear in my bedroom lol I'm not sleeping on the ground. Nope. A lot of reviews have criticized Bella's acting, but so far it's good. She doesn't look like Ellie but her delivery and attitude is great. Her pretending to be infected was funny. Her "Uh, no" totally hints at the dlc. She plays piano better than me too, Dak, and I took lessons for years in grade school, even her butt plays better piano. Even the non-CGI sets are meticulously built to look like the game. Incredible attention to detail. Okay Pedro looks a little like Joel, but he really sounds like him. Scary, scary info re: being connected. Yeah Dak, agreed, insane job. I would've at least asked if she has had gun training, both safety and shooting. The scene in the museum with that soldier was tense. There's a bit of a comparison to the Irish series "Bloodlands" for me in this part. "Bloodlands" makes me feel tense and my chest hurts in every episode. Yeah, the clicking and other vocalization creeps me out, and that creeper looked SICK. When it grabbed Joel I expected the "You died " screen to pop up lol is it weird that now part of me thinks it shouldn't be so game accurate. At least I'm not still grabbing my mouse. Why am I trying to be as still and silent as I can while I'm watching this? I hope they brought several thousand rounds of ammunition if it takes that much to kill them. Damn, Tess infected. The actress is so good! I too hope they do flashbacks with her. "Bill and Frank's"? Sounds like a major change to the canon, and that doesn't sit right with me. We'll see. That cordyceps French kiss was so gross and burning alive is one of the worst ways to die. I don't even want to think about it. Finally, Ellie's attachment to Tess was beautiful and tragic. Excellent episode.