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Hello All!

Another emotional episode but thankfully not as intense as ep 16! Was nice to see Angel show up to comfort & support Buffy. Glory/Ben still baffle me, major head scratch there for me lol. Dawn being naughty with the spell was one thing but let's face it she had help too - Willow? Spike? Tut tut. Not that I blame Dawn, I was hoping for magic to fix everything too! It all came down to that last scene for me though, seeing Buffy really open up was so moving. A plus performance as always!

Hope you enjoy the reaction folks. Have a lovely week everyone! Thank you for the constant love & support!

Much love

Dakara x

*A special thanks & shout out to the following Patrons for sponsoring this video*:

Anitusar | Brian D | Butterfleaz | Chris M | Clint F | David G | Lord David S | Dexter | Grimm Dandy | Johann L | Johnny | Joshua B | Lucie G | Michael A | Michele | Mirko P | Pnut | Pentaholic | PongPong31 | Steven S | Stormy River | William L | William S

⭐️*My Links*⭐️ - https://linktr.ee/DakaraJayne


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That scene at the end where Buffy opens up to Dawn is one of my favorites of the entire series. Sarah Michelle Gellar did such an amazing job and the writing was perfect. That scene has stayed with me ever since I saw this episode years ago. Also regarding the Buffy and Angel scene it's kind of funny, and I know I'm probably alone on this, but I never really bought their romantic chemistry when they were actually together on the show. It always felt a bit forced to me. They're just such different people. It was very TV romancey to me. BUT since Angel left all of their scenes together have really gone up a few notches in believability in my opinion. The scene from this episode, their scenes together on Angel, I think for me they just work better as exes/people who are forever bonded than they do as an actual romantic couple.

Audra Foxgrove

The way you speak about your experience of the last episode really got to me for some reason— I guess because I relate so strongly. When you talk about understanding now, after some time, that this was a masterpiece. That you could even see that during the experience, but that it was so painful, so raw, so good at what it was doing— that you couldn’t really articulate or express that at the time. Man, I relate to that feeling so strongly! This is basically the emotional experience I had and have been unable (frustratingly unable) to articulate since seeing the recent film “Everything Everywhere All At Once.” I remember feeling basically paralyzed as tears slowly ran down my face at some point while watching it. When I walked out of the theater into the daylight I was so shell shocked. I walked to my car in silence, and my husband and I got inside, me in the driver’s seat. I didn’t speak or start the car. He looked at me as I stared straight ahead, and I IMMEDIATELY burst into tears and near hysterics about the fact that I could not talk about this movie with him right now and I could not talk about why I was reacting so strongly either because I didn’t even understand myself. Looking back, I have never identified with Anya more.