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Happy Monday All!

I hope you're ready for this emotional rollercoaster guys...This one hit me in the feels real good. Dakrya is at it again.  I am beyond happy with the way this show was wrapped up though! They did an incredible job with tying everything up. It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me reflect-just brilliantly written & well executed. 

Please let me know your thoughts on this one, I'm genuinely curious how you felt when watching this episode. I hope to watch more content on this show too which I will post in this tier for you guys, some interviews/bloopers etc. 

Thank you all so so much for watching a long with me, you're all going to the good place! Thank you for the constant love & support!

Much love

Dakara x

*A special thanks & shout out to the following Patrons for sponsoring this video*:

Anitusar | Asmo0 | Becky L | Butterfleaz | Chris M | Clint F | Lord David S | Dexter | Fernando D | Johann L | Johnny | Joshua B | Leticia P | Lucie G | Michael A | Michele | Mirko P | Nicole D | Pentaholic | PongPong31 | Stormy River | Walter A | William

⭐️*My Links*⭐️ - https://linktr.ee/DakaraJayne


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Callie Stephen

I can’t believe you’ve finished. I’m kinda sad, tbh. I love this show and I’ve loved rewatching it with you again. This final episode was so brilliant in so many ways and I loved every minute of it. Usually I come away from finales still wishing they’d done something that they hadn’t, but this one was perfect for me. There was nothing else I wanted from it. Chidi’s speech about the wave was beautiful to me. I loved that image of the ones we loved not having left, but simply changed their way of being here. I needed to hear that the first time I watched it and it has stayed meaningful ever since. I’m so glad you loved this as much as I did. Thank you for reacting to it. If you’re ever looking for another show to react to, that hardly anyone has done, check out Schitt’s Creek. It’s brilliant and in my top five favourite shows of all time.

Craig Rairdin

I hope you listened through the closing credits even though you didn't show it here. The episode closes with a full version of the song Michael was writing. For the next rewatch, there are a few little things... Whenever you see a scene at Jeff's desk after the judge pushes Trevor off the bridge, you can see Trevor flying by in the background. Michael's apartment address is 12358, same as the number of the original neighborhood. His apartment number (and the number of frogs Jeff ends up with) is 322, same as the number of residents in the original neighborhood. Michael pleads with the judge not to condemn the same number of people as in Friends, and specifically cites Phoebe as not deserving the bad place, then we see "Phoebe" as "Patty" when we get there at the end of season 4. In the scene where Chidi is teaching philosophy and quotes from Todd May, many of the people in the class are modern-day philosophers that have been quoted in the show. There's more but you'll figure it out. :-) Enjoyed watching along.