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As we said we'll keep you a little informed of whet we did during the week. Xanazz worked a couple of days on adapting the art and after keep working on observing events from chapter one as  U53ful 1d1o7  was doing. Knot worked on some bugs and been exploring and testing with another programming system to see if we leave Flash and AS3 to find the possibility to code the game better and faster and Root worked on some forum and sponsored events, a couple of images and animations for the physical actions and wrote the basic observing events for the forest.

Next week we'll include a pretty image to make this posts less boring :P



There's a pretty substantial movement in web programming to abandon flash in favor of newer less insecure technologies like HTML 5. I don't think that we'll see flash gone soon, but it's going to happen. Might not be a bad idea to switch away from flash if you can. You've already got a whole chapter complete though, seems like a bad time to be making changes like that.


If we finally decide to us the other program (Unity), we could start working the second chapter with it and adapt chapter 1 when it's time to put all chapters together. Also, among others, there is the possibility to keep publishing as .swf. Since the programmer needs some material to start working on chapter two and we are still working on it, he has the possibility to explore other options for some time. We'll see how it ends ^^


In the last update 1.6 beta there were a few observing event images that were color images but looked blocky and unfinished and im not trying to be rude I just wanted to know if they were unfinished or if thats how they were supposed to look.