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Animation with different sizes and skin tone already available for $10+ patrons.

Name: handjob_lvl2




For some reason I can't reply to your comment, so I have to place it here. Ah! I hate when I make those tiny mistakes. You're absolutely right about the "Z" and "C." For example: la ciudad. I'm used to pronouncing stuff like that with an "S" sound so much, I even called the letter "C" an "S" somehow :P lol! This game is certainly extra motivation ;) And I'm learning all the slang you wouldn't find in a text book. Recently I learned pet names like "cariño" y "niñita." Fun fact: did you know most of your commonly used verbs have irregular conjugation rules? Like dormir. You say, "Duerme bien." Not, "dorme bien." Now you see what I hate verbs lol I'm learning a lot from reading Spanish translations of stuff I already know in English. Our language must have seemed suuuuuper weird to you at first. Ex: telling a girl to "stop talking" is translated as "Deja de hablar." Which is literally means in English, "leave alone your speaking." And I didn't know Spanish didn't have a word for "fuck." I've seen it translated as "mierda," instead. Lol! Anyway, I'm rambling now. Gracias de neuvo, amigo, y gracias por *su* arte ;) Saludos :)


It can be a little tricky :P By the way, there is actually many words for "fuck". The most... versatile could be "joder", and "mierda" literally means "shit". I guess it could be and interpretation of our translator, deciding "fuck" was more appropriate (I can easily imagine this explanations on a tv gag... ^^u). Again, be careful learning from the game because could not coincide 100%


Argh! Again, I can't reply directly. Thanks a lot, Patreon :P Perdon, let me clarify what I meant ^^; I'm certain Spanish has the word "fuck" as a *verb.* But I'm not sure if Spaniards use their version of "fuck" as a noun, or to exclaim. Example: in English, the verb"screw" can be a vulgar word for sex. But if someone was having an orgasm, they wouldn't say, "Oh, screw, screw, screw," lol. Of all the curse words English has, we would exclaim "shit" or "fuck." I just found it funny a Spanish translated comic I was reading (nsfw lol) translated a woman saying "fuck" as "mierda." So I thought to myself, "Hm. Maybe they don't have 'fuck' the same way as we do in English." Lol, at the very least, it's never boring learning this stuff. I'm still surprised people don't offer more courses on slang when learning a language. It just leaves you confused when eventually come across vulgar words. I will say, I like your language's pet names a lot more than some of our English ones, particularly because some of them are gender-specific. You have ones like, "cariño, mamita, niñita, angel." All we really have is "baby," "sweetie," "angel" (sometimes), and "honey." There's "cutie" but that's more flirtatious. Lol, gracias, pero yo piento I'll just have to double-check any new words I learn from the game. Who would have thought it would be this tricky to learn naughty words :P lol! P.S: I don't think I ever heard anyone use "honeypot" for "vagina" before this game. We definitely use it, I just don't think it's used as often as it should be. Not often I hear a new sexual word that doesn't sound silly. So bonus points for the creativity on that ^^ lol Anyway, I could talk about this all day. Esperar next time I'll have more Spanish sentences to use. Right now, I'm being lazy and combining it with English ^^; Saludos! :)


Definitely "joder" can be used as an exclamation. Is one of this words with many meanings and also can be used to express good or bad surprise. About the "honeypot" thing, we actually used vagina at the beginning of times, when we didn't had the help of a translator and our English was even worse. Then we received a lot of critics because of it and decided to find better solutions . In Spanish you can use "coño" as you can use "cock" for dicks but the literal translation is "cunt" so we prefer to avoid it.


No more getting covered in cum? Shame