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Hey, everyone, just wanted to see on how I can improve things on Patreon, and for all of you. Below I have a few ideas, but of course I'd love to hear your ideas, so don't be afraid to just write in suggestions to be better. 

A new 10 dollar tier where the patrons get short stories at 1000 to 2000 range. Probably five slots? So more people can get it, since they're so short. 

Two 50 dollar tier spots, where two Patrons can get 5000 to 6000 word stories. 

Three Polls a month. If I can keep writing poll stories quickly, have three polls a month could be an easy change to my work load. 

Nothing's set in stone, but I'm open to ideas and suggestions. Feel free to offer constructive critiscsm. I want to do my best for all of you. 


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