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The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt Commission

Geralt was an oaf, and a fat bastard. He still intended on marrying the beautiful Princess Lowellmina. In canon, he fell of a balcony in died, in this story? He lived, and with the favor of a god, charmed the beautiful Lowellmina, Ninym, and Fisch. 

Contains: Dom/Sub, Minor mind control, Harem, minor Netorare


Once upon a time Geralt Antgadull had come to the kingdom of Natra. He had arrived there to see his true lover, the one woman he adored all else. The gorgeous and stunningly beautiful Lowellmina. 

He had every intention of marrying the princess of the Earthworld Empire, not just for the political power, but also because she was just so perfect. So gorgeous and radiantly beautiful, he knew it was destiny for him to woo the gorgeous beauty and become her master and husband.

Of course, things had not gone according to plan. For one, the current ruler of Natra was Wein Salema Arbalest. The man was a bit of a pest, even if his people cooked a fine meal. He and his rude Flahm slave were third wheels to what should have been a wonderful evening between Geralt and his future wife.

Geralt was willing to play nice for the evening, but then Wein had to go and run his mouth, bragging about how close he was to Lowellmina! Geralt couldn’t stand it, and so the young man challenged Wein to a friendly duel with a pair of wooden swords. 

He had every intention of wiping the smirk off the young man’s face, and showing to Lowellmina who the superior man truly was.

Of course, the truth of the matter was that Geralt Antgadull had literally no idea of the political intrigue and conspiracies that ran around him. Talk of weapons and war and the betrayal of family… meant nothing to him, because all he really cared about were the simple pleasures in life.

Food and women! That was all he needed! He could live in the middle of nowhere and he’d make due as long as he had sexy ladies to love and praise him, and a belly full of food and alcohol! 

Well, maybe he’d still need a few amenities, but the point was made. Geralt knew what he wanted, and to him, the simplest path was the best. He’d prove his skill to his gorgeous maiden, and seize the day, defeating Wein in honorable ‘practice’ combat!

Except, that wasn’t what fate had in mind. Geralt was destined to duel Wein, lose horribly, and then die when he tried charging Wein with his eyes closed. He’d run out onto a balcony, and right off the ledge, breaking his neck on the way down.

A pathetic and shameful death, really. Events played out as expected, with Geralt fell off the ledge, but the winds of fate were blown away by another. 

Call it a god, call it a devil, something out there took pity on poor Geralt. As the man fell, he hit a tree, which knocked him out, but saved his life. It buffered the fall, but that wasn’t all the entity did. 

Geralt was raised thinking he was perfect and a prize for any woman to have, and the entity made that reality. A small gift for the prince, one that would soon become apparent. 

The fat oaf was only out of it for a few seconds. He opened his eyes to find scarlet eyes looking down at him. They tore away from his gaze quickly, before he felt himself being helped up by several hands. 

Geralt was taken to a private room that had been prepared for him. He rested there for a few minutes, completely oblivious of the new power that burned inside of him. He drank some water on his bed, rubbing his forehead with a sigh. 

“Goodness, that was close. I almost died!” he shuddered at the very thought. “Ugh, this is that bastard Wein’s fault, of course,” he frowned. “He’s lucky I took it easy on him in that duel, or else I’d-”

A knock on the door, and Geralt raised his brow. “Come in,” he sighed, rubbing his cool drink against his forehead. The door opened, and speaking of the Devil, three familiar faces walked into his room. 

Ninym and Lowellmina, both led by Prince Wein. “How are you feeling, Prince Geralt?” Wein inquired, standing before him with the ladies on each side of him. Geralt glared at Wein’s feet, before looking up at the man. 

Their eyes met, and something changed inside of Wein. He froze for a moment as Geralt answered. “Fine, no thanks to you. I almost died because of your cheating.” 

Wein had originally walked into this room just to save face. He couldn’t have Geralt thinking he was an uncaring ruler, after all. Yet when his eyes met Geralt’s, Wein immediately felt sympathy for the larger man.

“You’re right. I’m sorry. What I did was truly shameful,” Wein apologized, earning two looks of shock from the women beside him.

Ninym, Wein’s loyal servant and ‘heart’ couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Wein had done nothing wrong, after all. It was all the oaf’s fault that he nearly died. Was this some kind of plan to trick Prince Geralt?

Princess Lowellmina was equally as shocked. She wasn’t sure if she had ever heard Wein truly apologize before. She didn’t think it was an act, because the look of shame on his face seemed to be truly genuine. 

What on earth was going on here?!

Both Lowellmina and Ninym turned their gazes towards Geralt at the same time, a simple act that damned both of them. They were lost in his eyes for a moment, finding them the most beautiful violet orbs either of them had ever seen before. 

They rested in the most handsome of faces in all the kingdom. A man of great renown and strength. A man that left them breathing heavily, their bodies reacting to something new invading their systems.

Something had changed in the prince, and they were right. A gift that could make him a god on this mortal plane. Whenever someone looked into his eyes, they immediately saw him as important as he saw himself. 

And his ego was enough to rival that of any god. So Wein felt shame for having done anything to impede the mighty man, while Lowellmine and Ninym both felt themselves being charmed by the man. They saw him as handsome as he saw himself, and both of them felt their faces turn hot as their hearts raced. 

Their nipples became hard as they rubbed against the inside of their clothes, while their pussies quivered ever so slightly. Neither woman moved for a moment as they seemed frozen in place, staring into Geralt’s eyes as his beautiful lips curled into a smile.

“That’s right, it was. I suppose I can forgive it, though. Being a man of honor, after all.”

“You are truly a wise and just man,” Wein smiled, before he heard a voice.

“You’re too kind, Master Geralt,” Lowellmina declared, earning a raised brow stare from the man. “Wein truly was foolish to try and defeat you! You had him dead to rights, as they say.”

“I-I have to admit. In terms of skill and strength, you had my prince defeated,” Ninym commented, her face slowly turning a bright shade of red as she stared at the foreign ruler. “All the same, y-your injury was severe. Perhaps… I could help?”

“Hm? Whatever do you mean, Flahm?” he asked, refusing to even use the woman’s name.

Normally, an insult towards her race would frustrate or even anger Ninym, yet she couldn’t even muster up the feeling at this moment. She bit her lower lip, realizing how shameful she must have seemed giving him even a suggestion, but…

“W-well, I could, ah… bathed you as an apology for Lord Wein’s foolish actions and blatant cheating?”

That seemed to earn the man’s interest. He smiled, a simple gesture that stole Ninym’s breath away. Then Lowellmina spoke up, even moving forward to take the man’s hand into her own. 

“But darling! I am your betrothed! Should I not be the one to give you a personal bath?” she asked, and never before had Ninym felt such an intense jealousy. 

To marry a man as strong, brave, and courageous as Geralt… Ninym felt her pussy quivering at just the thought of seeing his naked body. Oh, she was sure his hard cock was enormous…

Meanwhile, Lowellmina was wondering what on Earth possessed her to think Geralt was not worth her time! How could she not see how handsome he was? How intelligent? Why had she wasted both their times by trying to avoid his advances?!

Could it be? Was she falling for this man? Why, of course she was!

“Oh, ho. Finally came around, my dear?” Geralt lifted up a hand and placed it on Lowellmina’s cheek, a simple move that left her nuzzling his fingers and trembling at his touch. “Well, it’s about time you stopped playing hard to get. Hm.”

As beautiful as Lowellmina was, and she was gorgeous, Geralt looked at the Flahm. The white-haired woman with eyes like rubies. She was a beautiful woman, especially now when she seemed to better understand her place. 

Her eyes met his and she seemed to blush, looking down as his eyes turned towards Lowellmina. Ah, his darling Lowellmina. The gem atop his crown! The gorgeous blonde smiled at him with rosy cheeks and bright, blue eyes. She stared at him with such love and devotion, it quickly became apparent what needed to be done.

“Why don’t you both join me for a bath?”

Lowellmina and Ninym’s eyes widened, before they both beamed with joy. “Yes, that sounds brilliant, darling!”

“Whatever you wish, my lord!”

How could they be so stupid so as not to suggest such a thing? They were both smiling as Geralt stood up and looked at Wein, who had been standing in silence for a while now. 

“You can go now, bow. The ladies and I will be enjoying ourselves in your nicest bath.”

And Wein felt no anger or jealousy. He simply smiled and bowed his head, stepping aside as the two women took their place. Ninym on one side, Lowellmina on the other. The two women found their arms wrapping around his as they walked together. 

They felt his hands on their backs, before slowly sliding down. Ninym gasped as she felt a hand touch her rear, gently squeezing it. Lowellmina, meanwhile, melted into his touch, sighing with joy as she cuddled up against him.

She was so in love… Why had she been so foolish as to avoid him? Fantasies of marriage and a life in his arms filled her mind as his hand squeezed and groped her round derriere. 


The three soon reached the large bathroom, and Geralt wasted no time in taking off his clothes. He tossed them about as he stared at the large pool of water, before he looked at the two women. 

Geralt was out of shape, made plump and fat by a life of laziness and overeating. Any exercise he took was shortened and made easier for him, with his poor fencing ability speaking loads of his skill and ability. 

Yet when Ninym and Lowellmina stared at the man, they found themselves swooning. 

“O-oh my.”

“L-Lord Geralt…”

The man was a shining adonis. A god made flesh. The two women felt their knees buckling as they stood before him, intoxicated by the sight of the naked male. Ninym nearly swooned where she stood, leaning against a wall as Lowellmina realized what a prize she had before her. 

Their eyes admired his physique, before staring at his cock. It wasn’t even hard, yet both women could only imagine the thing in their bodies, pounding away at their tight, virgin pussies. They’d squeeze down on it, moaning and squealing in pleasure and…

Both women were red in the face now. Neither said anything as Geralt cleared his throat. 

“Aren’t you two a bit overdressed?” he chuckled, and both women blushed as they realized their mistake.

“Oh, of course, Lord Geralt.”

“I-I am so sorry, my dear husband.”

“Y-you aren’t married to Lord Geralt just yet,” Ninym frowned, glaring at the blonde, who merely waved her hand at the lowly servant. 

“The bond Lord Geralt and I have for one another is far beyond anything you know or understand. Don’t concern yourself with it.” Ninym glared at the other woman, before she looked at Geralt and her anger vanished.

To just be in his presence… That was more than enough. 

Together, the two women began to strip their clothes off. Ninym was more practical, at first, but when she noticed how slowly Lowellmina was taking her clothes off, she realized what the seductress was doing.

Together they made a small show of it. Slowly removing their gloves, then their stockings. They both folded and left them on the floor, before they began to remove their main attire. Their breasts were revealed, clad only in their tight bras, before they each showed off their panties to their Master. 

Pink for Lowellmina, lacy white for Ninym. The former then unclipped her bra, taking pride in the fact that her own breasts were larger than Ninym’s. THe Flahm frowned, before she turned around and slowly pulled her panties down her long legs, letting Geralt admire her round behind. 

The two dropped the last of their clothes onto the ground, laying them out around them, before they both took the same position. They weren’t even ordered too, it just felt… right to. 

They bowed before the man, their asses up, and foreheads pressed against the tiled floor. “May we please bathe with you, our lord?” they asked as one, and Geralt felt his cock becoming hard between his legs. 

“You may, sluts.” The wod was dirty, depraved, and insulting, yet both women felt a tremble of pleasure at the insult. They lifted up their heads, looking at their Master, and they felt their breath being stolen away as they stared at his hardening dick. 

It vanished from sight as he turned away, stepping into the water, and the two naked women rose up and quickly walked over, joining the fine man in the warm pool. 

“Please, dear husband, let me lather you up with some soap,” Lowellmina smiled, holding a bottle in her hand. She opened it and squirted some into her hand, only for Ninym to suddenly seize it from her.

“As a lowly Flahm, please, allow me. It is my honor to lather my Master up with soap,” Ninym declared, before she blushed slightly as she looked at the man. “Ah, i-if that’s alright with you, Master Geralt?”

“Why don’t both of you sluts come here and lather me up?” he suggested, earning smiles from both of them.

“A genius idea, as always, my love!”

“You’re so brilliant, Lord Geralt!”

The two came to him, and they blushed as his naked breasts gently rubbed against his body. They placed their hands on his body, gently kneading the skin and rubbing the soap against his body. They made sure their hands slid over every crevice, blushing as his eyes admired them.

“You know, Flahm, for a, well, Flahm, you are rather radiant. Very beautiful.”

“R-really?” she gasped, her blush spreading to her ears now. “Ah, um, t-thank you!”

“Mmm, you look like a proper slut.”

“D-do you like slutty girls?” Ninym blushed, and he grinned as he brought her hand to her cheek. He stroked her face and she melted at his touch, before he pulled her in close. She could feel his breath on her face…

“I do.”

Ninym couldn’t control herself. She closed the distance between them, kissing his lips and earning an impressed moan from the man. She wrapped her arms around his head, making out with him as she rubbed her body against his. 

She gave her first kiss to him, a first kiss she had wanted to give to Wein, yet all she could think about was Geralt. A powerful, handsome, perfect man that she opened her mouth to. His tongue entered her mouth, sliding along the insides as she moaned weakly. She tasted his saliva, gently suckling on his tongue as her eyes rolled into her head. 

Was this love she felt…?

The beating of her heart said yes. 

Her tongue met his, dancing and wrestling with it. She moaned as she was easily dominated, feeling the fat tongue pushing down on her own as she leaned in more, rubbing her soft breasts against his body…

And then Lowellmina pushed them apart, and glared at the Flahm. “H-how dare you kiss my husband?! You wench, I should-!”

“Hey, it’s alright,” Geralt stated, placing a hand on the blonde’s ass, gently spanking her. She moaned at his touch, staring at him with hearts dancing in her eyes. “She couldn’t help herself. You know what that’s like, right?” 

“I… I guess so.” How could she argue when she stared into those beautiful eyes? She couldn’t. She couldn’t resist the man when he spoke to her with such honey-sweet words, or when his hand would gently rub and squeeze her bottom half. 

She cuddled against him, as he spoke. “You’ll always be my wife, my dear, but I… Well, you can’t ask me to reserve myself only for you, can you? That would be-”

“It’d be selfish of me to ask,” she realized. “Oh, darling, I’m so sorry, I never meant to-” His hand fell onto her head, gently patting it. She moaned quietly at the sensation, sighing weakly. 

“It’s alright, my dear. I know, and I forgive you.” Her cheeks burned red as his hand gently stroked her head, and his eyes slid down her naked body. “Now that we have that settled, why don’t you both make yourselves useful and please me?”

“Really? I-it would be an honor,” Ninym beamed, while Lowellmina did the same, holding up the soap 

“Come here, Ninym. I have an idea.” Now that the two had found a proper place for one another in the new hierarchy, Lowellmina was willing to work alongside her friend. The two women neared one another, before their breasts gently rubbed against the other. 

Ninym moaned quietly as she felt her hard nipples rubbing against the Princess. Meanwhile, Lowellmina poured the soap onto her rack, letting it coat her tits, before she looked at her partner in crime.

“Now, ahh, rub your chest against mine. Let’s make a nice, ahhh, l-lather.”

It took Geralt only a moment to realize what they were doing, and he beamed with joy as they rubbed against the other, moaning quietly as they developed a fair amount of soapy bubbles between them.

Once they were ready, they returned to Geralt and began to rub their bodies against his. He felt Lowellmina’s large breasts rubbing against his arm, sliding along his muscles, while Ninym rubbed her body against his belly and hips. 

“Ahh, d-does this please you, Lord Geralt?” Ninym asked, panting as her hard nipples dragged against the lord’s body.

“Mmmhm, it does indeed! Such a brilliant idea, Lowellmina, my love!”

“T-thank you, Master!”

“Master, don’t forget me,” Ninym pouted. “Please, enjoy my breasts rubbing against you. My nipples are so hard for you.”

The white-haired Flahm leaned forward, even pecking his nipple, before she wrapped her arms around her and rubbed her chest against his body, moaning quietly. Meanwhile, Lowellmina moved her body down to his leg. She pressed her wet and warm pussy against his leg, moaning quietly as she began to hump him. They both left trails of soap on his body, slowly cleaning his body with their bodies as bars of soap. 

He was free to reach down and grope their asses, earning moans from both of them.

They were like beasts in heat, and he loved the sight of it, but he knew he could order them to do more. Not because he knew about his powers. He was just that stupidly arrogant.

He took a moment to simply enjoy their bodies. Their warm, soft touch continued to rouse his cock from its slumber. She leaned back a bit, resting against the wall as his long, tall friend came to help him. 

Both Ninym and Lowellmina were shocked by the size of the beast. They marveled at the sight at first, before they both moved forward. Wordlessly, they rubbed their ample chests against his body, earning a moan from the man.

“Ahh… That is excellent, sluts!”

“T-thank you, sir,” Lowellmina moaned, taking her tits in hand and wrapping them around the shaft. His dick was so big, even her ample chest had a hard time being inconspicuous. 

The blonde had never felt a cock before, let along against her naked body. Yet she did her best to serve. She pressed her hands against her tits, squeezing them and allowing them to better please their man. 

Ninym could see the tip of the cock breaching water, bobbing up and down, and so she had no choice but to lean forward and press her lips against it. She kissed the tip of the cock, smacking her lips against it, before popping them off. She licked her lips as the two women moaned together. 

The two shared a look with one another, before they both smiled. They were in silent agreement with their next move, and so they both began to move their bodies. Ninym moaned quietly, rubbing her breasts against Geralt’s tits. 

She was scared. What if she didn’t do a good job? Lowellmina was so much bigger in that department, what if-?

“Ahh, fuck, you both have such big, perfect tits!” 

“R-really?!” Ninym gasped. “L-Lord Wein always complained they were too small,” she commented with a scarlet blush.

“Pah, all breasts are perfect, as long as they’re being used to please me,” he replied with a smile, and Ninym felt her heart skip a beat. The compliment pushed her to move her chest faster against the cock, cleaning it with her soap-covered tits. 

The two women moaned together, before Ninym leaned her head down to wrap her lips around the cock. She squeezed the member between her lips, shuddering quietly, before she pushed her head down. 

Lowellmina backed up a bit, giving Ninym more room to bob her head up and down. She did end up burying her face between Lowellmina’s tits, suffocating between them, but she never removed her face from the man’s cock.

Ninym did her best to please this wonderful man. She used her tongue to lick the shaft, moaning around it as the head pressed against the inside of her cheek. She kept moving, as Geralt leaned his head back and moaned freely, feeling the tight, warm lips of a woman stroking his shaft.

And Lowellmina still showed him love. She kept her large breasts around the cock, stroking and squeezing the lower half of it. Her words uttered sweet love to him as Ninym moaned around his dick.

“Please, enjoy yourself, my love. Let me body, and the body of this filthy Flahm, please you. We love you. We adore you.”

Did Ninym truly love this man? She couldn’t have, could she? Even if she did, she was a useless Flahm, and he was… the perfect man!

That was the last thought she had before the cock throbbed and it erupted, shooting cum into Ninym’s waiting mouth. She felt the semen filling her throat, spilling down her body. She did her best to drink it up, but she still slid her head back, popping her lips from the cock, only for Lowellmina to grab her and pull her into a kiss.

Geralt had a front row seat to the two gorgeous women making out, slurping up and playing with his cum between their mouths. They didn’t let a drop of it fall from their mouths, slurping it up and swapping it with the other as the rest of the cum spurted out and dribbled onto their tits. 

The two women slowly pulled apart, both panting as a trail of saliva and cum linked their mouths. Lowellmina licked it up with a smile as Geralt grinned, his cock still hard and hungry for more. 


Ninym was sitting on her back, feeling her breasts being mauled, groped, and squeezed. 

“Yes, these are fine tits, especially for a Flahm. Perky. Soft, and I love what happens when I pinch them,” Geralt laughed, pinching and twisting the hard tips, earning loud moans from Ninym. 

“T-they’re all yours, my Lord. Feel free to do with them what you wi-eee!” He pushed into her, forcing his cock into the wet slit. He slowly spread her pussy apart with his hard cock, driving the woman to scream in pleasure as Lowellmina watched, her fingers playing with her own wet pussy.

“Oh, I know, you stupid bimbo. As if I need a Flahm’s permission!”

“Y-yes, yes, no permission, just, ahh, just take it!” He pushed into her again and again, ramming his cock into her beautiful body, listening to her moans of pleasure echo through the small room.

His hands continued to squeeze her tits as he leaned in to kiss her neck, gently nibbling on her flesh, leaving marks on it as he kept thrusting his hips. The water splashed as he hammered away, leaving her to moan louder and more passionately. His cock throbbed inside of her as her arms rose up to hold onto him, squeezing their bodies together as Ninym was blown away.

This pleasure was almost beyond words. Her head hung back limply as she felt him thrust into her, her breasts squeezed and kneaded by his strong hands. Her tongue lewdly licked at the empty air. Sometimes if she was lucky, she could lick his cheek.

Her pussy convulsed around the cock, squeezing it, milking it of precum as he whispered into her ear.

“Have, ahh, you ever been with another, slut?”

“N-no, Master G-Geralt! You are my, ahh! My first!”

“That limpdick Wein had you all this time and never, ahh, took you?! How pathetic!” 

And for a moment, just a moment, hearing her close friend being insulted brought Ninym back to her senses. Her eyes burned with rage as her teeth ground against the other. He pulled his back, and she was ready to scream at him, but then her eyes met his.

And she realized the truth. 

Wein was a pathetic man. A whiny brat, but Geralt? He was a hero. A handsome, sexy, stud! “Yes, Master! Ahh, you’re right. Wein is pathetic. Of course, I never would have, ahh, let him touch my body! It belongs to a real man, l-like you!” 

He laughed with agreement, pounding her pussy harder as her feelings for Wein were devoured by her new feelings for Geralt. “In that case, tomorrow you’ll be telling him, ahh, that you work for me now! I’m sure you’d rather be my Flahm slut than his partner, won’t you?!”

To Ninym, it was music to her ears. He was right, of course. A life under Master Geralt’s boot was better than a life by Wein’s side… Still, she had to confirm.

“Y-you mean it, Master? Y-you’ll take me as your slave?”

“Heh, slave… Why not my wife? A lower wife than Lowellmina, but-?”

“I do,” she quickly stated. “I-I love you,” she declared, crying tears of joy as her lifelong dream of finding love came to a fruition. She had finally found the one. The only one. The two shared a quick, messy kiss, before she screamed her feelings to the stars above.

“I do! I DO! I DO! I’ll marry you, Master! I’ll be your lowest, most pathetic wife! I-I love you!” she squealed, and the pleasure reached a breaking point as she came atop his cock. “Cum in, cum in me, cum-!” She grabbed him, pulling him into a kiss, and he kissed back, happily taking the woman as his. 

For Ninym, this was the happiest moment of her life. She was finally with someone who loved her, someone who would treat her like a proper slut. This was her fairy tale ending, her happily ever after. 

Her pussy squeezed down on his shaft, milking it for cum, and with a groan, he gave her just that. He pumped his seed into her as she squealed in pleasure, howling in pleasure as she welcomed this new life for herself…

“Thank you, Master… Thank you. I swear, I am yours forevermore…”


Ninym returned to properly bathing herself, a smile on her face, with rosy cheeks to add to her already beautiful features. She gave the two lovers privacy, even if she was only a few feet from them. 

Lowellmina was face to face with the man, and the sex between them was slower, but more intimate. The blonde moaned in pleasure as she felt his cock grinding against her, before it slowly slipped into her wet cunt. 

She felt him slowly push his cock deeper inside of her, before sliding back. He did this once more, and then again, listening to her sweet moans as she stared into his radiant eyes.

“Darling… I… I can’t tell you what I’m feeling,” she moaned. “It feels like I’ve been, aah, walking through the darkness for years, and you finally showed me the light. I feel so, ooh, loved,” she panted. “Thank you, thank you, Geralt, my love. My darling.”

“Heh, probably stupid to ask, but what the hell? Will you marry me, Lowellmina?” he asked, as simply as one would ask for a date. Perhaps even more so.

Lowellmina said nothing. She swooned in his arms, leaning back with a wide smile on her face. She sniffled, and she felt tears slowly falling down her face. This was the happiest day of her line now, she realized.

The warm water coated her body, easing her muscles. She felt like she was Cloud Nine, carried away to the heavens above. 

She listened to the slow clap of their bodies colliding. Her Master’s thrusts were slow, but oh so powerful. It stole her breath away as she moaned in his arms. She opened her eyes, wiping her tears away as she smiled at the ugly, fat oaf. 

All she saw was divine perfection. 

“Yes, Geralt. I was born to be yours. I love you with all my heart. My body, from my breasts, to the tips of my toes, to my lips… They’re yours. I adore you.” 

The two kissed and it was slower, yet more intense than the wild licking of Ninym. The two made out, arms wrapped around the other as he continued to move his hips. He pumped his hips into her again and again, listening to her muffled moans as she clung to him. 

This went on for several minutes as Ninym smiled at the happy couple. She watched as Geralt groped and squeezed Lowellmina’s large breasts, squeezing them. He broke the kiss and listened to her moans as she mewled in his arms. 

“I love you, I love you, oh, gods, I love you,” she panted, her voice slowly growing louder as she trembled in his arms. “Cum in me, please, cum in me, c-cum in mmm-Eeee!” 

And he did. He bucked his hips in and out of her body, before he pushed his cock all the way inside of her. Lowellmina’s body trembled, and she came on his cock, shaking as her orgasm struck her every muscle. 

Her tight pussy squeezed on his cock, leaving both of them screaming in pleasure as their love story finally came to a climax.

And in the end, as Lowellmina felt his cum churning inside of her, she smiled at her Master with tears still falling down her face.

“I love you, my king… Forever and ever.”


The three were on their way back to Lord Geralt’s bedroom, smiles on their faces. The two women laughed like they were drunk, and perhaps they were. Drunk on the love their Master gave them. They giggled as he made an off-color remark about their tits, when the three ran into a familiar face.

Fisch Brandel stared it pure shock at the sight before her. Her lady, Lowellmina, had her arms wrapped around Geralt’s, clinging to him with a joyous smile on her lips. She cuddled against the man, as Ninym stood beside them, her own clothes haphazardly thrown on, almost slipping off as her hand actually slid under Geralt’s pants to rub at his… his crotch.

Geralt was the first to notice the stunned women, while Ninym and Lowellmina were more happy to cuddle and touch their King. The man looked Fisch over and he smiled. 

What a gorgeous slut. Large, soft tits, bigger than even Lowellmina’s, beautiful hair that fell down her back like a waterfall. A shapely, curvaceous body. He grinned, and he gave her a simple order. He motioned her over with his finger, thinking that’d be enough.

He was right.

As Fisch tried to comprehend what she was seeing and why, she found herself hit with a startling revelation. This man, Prince Geralt, despite what Princess Lowellmina had said, he was… so handsome. 

So gorgeous. 

She swooned in place, her legs buckling under her own weight as she felt woozy. He motioned her closer with a finger and she obeyed, stepping closer to him. She moved closer and closer, until his hand rose up and it gently held her head. 

His fingers dug into her cheeks and she obeyed the silent order, opening her mouth. He then spat into her mouth, and Fisch felt… ecstasy.

To be spat in the mouth by a man as great as Lord Geralt was better than to be given flowers or treasures by any king! She moaned as she wriggled her tongue, moving the spit around, before she swallowed it, savoring the taste.

“Lucky bitch,” Lowellmina pouted.

“I want your spit, Master!” Ninym added. 

Fisch trembled, and her legs gave out under her. She fell into his waiting arms, pressing her large tits against his chest as she shuddered and shook. “Ahh…” She was already on the verge of cumming, and her pleasure only grew as one of Geralt’s hands groped her ass.

She lifted her head up to stare into his beautiful eyes, before the two shared a kiss. Fisch threw her arms around the man, happily opening her mouth up for his tongue. The two made out like they were on the altar as Ninym and Lowellmina eagerly waited their turn. 

To Fisch, she had always had feelings for the mighty man. She just didn’t know it. She made out with him like he was her one and only, her tongue wrestling with his, before submitting to his as he groped her plump rear and large tits.

The two pulled apart for a moment, and Fisch stared at him with hearts in her eyes. “L-Lord Geralt, I… ah… you…”

He gave her a gentle spank on the ass. “Come join us, my dear. We have much to discuss.”

“Yes, Master.” Yet she couldn’t resist kissing him once more. He was willing to accept it, only for Lowellmina to join him, kissing her Master and pressing her tongue against his. Then Ninym joined in, and soon all three women were cheek to cheek to cheek, each of them fighting for a chance to kiss their lover. 

Their tongues licked at and pressed against one another, but none of them cared as they rubbed their tits against his body. His hands grabbed Lowellmina and Ninym’s asses, while Fisch practically humped his hard cock, feeling it poke at her through her clothes. 

The four made out for a few minutes, before they pulled apart and Ninym led them to their room…


Geralt stayed in the Kingdom of Natra to rest and recoup. Wein was more than happy to give him anything he wanted, telling Geralt to treat this kingdom like it was his own. 

And so he did. 

Geralt spent all his days there being serviced by his harem of three gorgeous wives. They were more than happy to serve him too, seeing it as the reason they were alive!

His face was coated with lipstick marks of various colors. The women were all naked, rubbing their sweaty, sticky bodies against him as they moaned for his touch. 

Fisch had her tits wrapped around his cock, bobbing her head up and down, feeling the thick member sliding into her mouth. She moaned in pleasure, letting the vibrations please her Master as her large tits smack against the shaft, sliding along the veiny member. 

She showed the cock such love, hearts dancing in her eyes as she looked up at the man. She wanted to please him, she needed to! She loved and adored him, moving her head faster as she choked on the shaft, feeling it press against her cheek, before diving down into her throat, cutting off her air.

But air was secondary compared to pleasing her King. 

Meanwhile, Ninya and Lowellmina laughed, cuddling against their Master, moaning in bliss as they rubbed their bodies against him. They humped his body, urging him onward.

“You’re so perfect, Master.”

“Such a handsome stud.”

“Fuck this slut.”

“Then fuck us!” 

They continued to aggressively cuddle on either side of him. Trays of food and drink laid nearby, and Ninya took some fruit and bit into it. She then kissed her King, moaning quietly as he stole the fruit, and her breath, away. She pulled away, before grabbing more food to bite into and feed to her Master.

“Wein is such a pathetic man compared to you, my Lord! Thank you for letting me be your slut and whore! I am honored to be your dirty slut, your Flahm whore!”

“Heheh, but of course, Ninym! A slut like you needs a real man, after all.”

“Y-you said my name…!” Ninym had tears falling down her face as she embraced her Master, crying against his shoulder as she kissed his arm. “Oh, Master, I love you!” 

Meanwhile, Lowellmina took wine in hand and drank from it, filling her mouth with it. She then brought her mouth to her Master’s, kissing him and pouring the wine gently into his mouth. He moaned quietly, drinking it in. 

He drank in the meal, tasting her saliva in it, before it dripped down Geralt’s body. Thankfully Ninym was there, dragging her tongue along his body and slurping up the spilled wine, and mixing in a few kisses to her Master’s chest. 

The two continued to feed their Master food and drinks with their mouths. Ninym took a bite of a bite, before she gave it to her lord, letting him suckle the fruit out of her mouth, before properly kissing her. Lowellmina gave him more wine as Fisch bobbed her head up and down on his cock, slurping up the member until he finally came.

His semen shot into Fisch’s mouth, filling it with semen, and she swallowed as much of it as she could. She slid her lips along his shaft, staring at the pink rings she had left on the shaft from her lipstick. She popped her lips off of his cock, and smiled, even as a few strands of semen sprayed her face and bosom. 

“Delicious, Master. I-I love your cum so much,” she mewled, and Ninym and Lowellmina moved forward to kiss their fellow whore, slurping the cum off of her and her tits, even kissing the woman right on her lips to swap the semen between their mouths. 

Fisch spat cum into Lowellmina’s mouth, before Ninym stole it from the blonde’s, before returning it to Fisch, who shared it among the three of them.

Once the three were done making a mess of themselves, they went to his cock. Lowellmina suckled on the tip, while Ninym and Fisch dragged their tongues along the member, cleaning up the droplets of cum as they all looked up at their Master with hearts in their eyes. 

“W-we love you, Master,” Fisch declared.

“We’re your sluts, your lovers, and wives,” Ninym added. 

Lowellmina suckled on the tip, before slowly popping her lips from the cock. “But… Why stop at us?” She took her breasts in hand, groping and squeezing them. “If you want, I would gladly help you fuck a dozen more women! Two dozen!”

Ninym’s eyes widened, before she nodded her head. “Yes, all women belong to you, Master! You deserve them all!” 

Fisch agreed, nodding her head so quickly her tits clapped against her chest. “A harem as big as a kingdom! Your powerful, divine cock can only be satisfied by a hundred of the most gorgeous women in all the kingdoms!”

They fed Geralt’s hunger for conquest and power, and he laughed in joy as they made the worst parts of him grow in depravity. “You’re right, of course, and soon, I will have all the women I could ask for, but until then… What do you think we should do, my three wives?”

The three smiled, and with lust in their eyes, all three women laid on the bed, spreading their wet, dripping pussies apart with slender fingers as they looked at their Master.

“Sweet Master! Oh, my Lord! Please, fuck this dirty Flahm whore! Pound my pussy! Remind me of how pathetic I am, and how wonderful you are to fuck me!” Ninym pleaded. 

“Husband, my love, fuck me like how you will on our altar! Oh, I can’t wait for our wedding! I’ll wear the sexiest wedding dress for you! Or perhaps something more like lingerie,” Lowellmina giggled. “Regardless, please, take me. This body belongs to you!” 

“M-Master,” Fisch panted, licking her lips as she groped her breast and fingered her wet cunt. “Fuck me. I am your dirty, stupid whore. These breasts of mine belong to you, as do my lips, and my womanhood. My body is yours, and I could not be happier. I… I love you!” she declared. 

“I love you, Master!”

“I love you, my husband!”

The three proclaimed their love for him, and Geralt laughed, before he placed his fat body onto Fisch, pounding her pussy quickly. He rammed into her, sliding his dick back and forth as she screamed in pleasure. 

Ninym and Lowellmina weren’t left with nothing, though. His hands fingered their wet cunts, pounding them as they mewled and moaned, howling in pleasure as their cries filled the castle. 

This was Geralt’s happily ever after. The women of this world would fall for him, loving and adoring him as if he was a god. 

A truly happy end for the oaf, fat bastard. 


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