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Summary: Chie and Yosuke have been dating for months now, yet insecurity plagues the young woman. Her problems only grow as she gains a strong, almost insane desire for bodily pleasure. She is plagued with fantasies of her boyfriend, before she finds him to finally make them a reality. Includes: Wholesome, fantasies, romance.


Chie took a deep breath of the fresh air before letting out a sigh. She felt the cool wind blowing against her body, chilly, but a welcome reward after how far she had run. She sat on a wooden bench, panting as she wiped sweat from her brow and laid her head against the cool wood.

She looked around, staring at the calm, serene river that went through Inaba, before admiring the afternoon sky. It was a beautiful day, and she tried her best to focus on it and not her pounding heart or sweaty body.

The young woman couldn’t help but be reminded of her silver-haired friend. Yu Narukami had left Inaba a while ago, back to Tokyo to finish his senior year, just like how Yukiko, Chie, and Yosuke were trying to do the same here.

She missed the kind, charming man. Not just because of his nurturing or calm nature, but just because it was lonely exercising by herself. The two used to run together back when he lived with his uncle, but now she was all alone.

Well, alone in this case. In nearly every other case, she and the other members of the Investigation Team were closer and happier than ever before. Through the trials and tribulations of the murder case, each of the young teens had become men and women, heroes of justice!

Chie grinned, beaming at the memory and how far she and her friends had come. They didn’t feel like kids anymore. Part of her wondered if this was how it felt to be an adult, or maybe it was just her.

Even with the Investigation Team’s leader back in his hometown, something just felt different for Chie, and she imagined the same could be said about her friends. Like an electricity coursing through her veins, a type of energy she used to feel whenever her Persona appeared.

Life was good, and it only got better after she snagged herself a boyfriend. If someone had told her a year ago that she would be dating Yosuke, she would have called them crazy and threaten to kick their head off.

And now look at her. She and Yosuke were dating. Actually dating! They held hands (at least when she let him), a-and they went on dates and even kissed. She, Chie, had actually kissed her boyfriend! She had even worn lipstick once.

It had been during one of their earlier dates. She had dressed up a bit because Yosuke wanted to take her out to one of the nicer restaurants in Inaba, and she had begged Rise and Yukiko for help. Even Naoto was there, and Chie smiled as she remembered plaguing the detective with questions about a successful relationship.


“W-what do I do if he tries to kiss me?” Chie asked Naoto. The girls were gathered in Chie’s room, helping her get ready for her big date that night. The slightly red detective raised her brow.

“You’ve been dating for quite some time. Have you two not kissed before?” she asked.

“Only for a few seconds! I-I mean, like what if he asked me to make out with him?!”

That caused Naoto’s eyes to widen. “W-what would make you think I would have any experience with such a thing?!”

“Well, there was that one time we caught you sucking face with Yu in his room during his going away party,” Yukiko teased, smiling as Naoto’s face nearly turned completely red.

“W-we were not ‘sucking face!’ D-don’t be disgusting! I-I was just kissing him as any girl would do with their significant other!” she growled.

“Right. With your tongue halfway down his throat,” Rise commented, grinning as Naoto tried to hide herself under her hat.

“Naoto! Stop hiding! Help me!” Chie begged as she gently pushed the idol’s hands away, keeping her from applying anymore makeup to Chie’s face. “What do I do!?”

“I-I don’t know, Chie-senpai!” Naoto replied, red as a tomato as the other girls giggled.

“Here, Chie. I can give you some help,” Rise chuckled, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I’ve kissed a lot of guys.” She noticed the other’s stares and she rolled her eyes. “For movies! I’ve acted in plenty of movies and shows. I’ve played lots of one episode love interests,” she explained.

“Oh.” Chie blinked and the other women accepted the answer, though Yukiko seemed ready to tease the famous idol.

“And here I thought you were talking about Kanji.”

“What?! No! Why would I be talking about Moronji?!” Rise blushed, scowling at the dark-haired woman. She simply shrugged her shoulders, avoiding Rise’s eyes as Naoto and Chie shared a small smile with one another.


Her friends had helped her despite the teasing. They gave her advice, cheered her on, and her date with Yosuke was… Well, magical, honestly.

She and Yosuke had been dating for months now, and it had been over two months since they… Well, made love. They gave their first times to one another and it was wild and crazy, but oh so very fucking good.

Chie shuddered in place, and she turned red as she thought of that night. How the two of them had sex and she rode his cock, bouncing on top of him and-

“Gah,” Chie groaned, shuddering again as those memories flowed into her mind. She wasn’t ashamed of them. Far from it, but it felt wrong to be thinking about her boyfriend’s dick while she was out in public.

Her face felt hot, burning up slightly when suddenly a voice greeted her.


“Hey, Chie-senpai!”

Two voices. Chie looked up and she saw Rise and Naoto walking towards her. The two younger women smiled at her and she returned the gesture, trying to ignore her own racing heart.

“H-hey, guys! What’s up?”

“Just taking our favorite detective out shopping,” Rise smiled, patting Naoto’s back. The Detective Prince blushed slightly as the idol laughed. “She’s got a big date coming up with her boyfriend in Tokyo.”

“You’re going to see Yu?” Chie asked.

“Y-yes,” she muttered. “W-we’re going to see the Tokusatsu Special Effects Museum with Nanako.”

“Aww, that sounds really sweet,” Chie grinned.

“Try not to have too much fun,” Rise teased, elbowing her friend, and Naoto rolled her eyes.

“Rise-san, please.” Naoto glanced at Chie, who smirked as the detective silently begged for mercy.

“Naoto and Yu, sitting in a tree,” the brunette teased, laughing with Rise as Naoto hid her face with her hat.

“You are both children.”

The two girls laughed, before the trio began making their way back to their homes together. They made small talk, checking in on how each other was doing.

“Did you guys want to go get something to eat?” she inquired as they stood outside Rise’s family store.

“I apologize, Chie-senpai, but I really should work on packing all of my things and coordinating with Nanako about what we’ll do once we’re in Tokyo,” Naoto replied.

“Yeah, I promised Moronji I’d help him buy some stuff he needs for a dress he’s making me,” Rise sighed.

The others stopped, giving Rise a quizzical look as she bid the two farewell. The group split apart as Naoto and Chie watched Rise return home, closing the door behind her.

“I wonder when they’ll get together. I don’t know how much longer I can take waiting for them,” Chie sighed, shaking her head.

“Narukami and I had similar musings regarding you and Yosuke,” Naoto confessed, earning a blush from the other woman.

“Wha-hey! We weren’t that obvious!”

“True. You two were much more frustrating to watch,” the sleuth joked, earning a blushing pout from her friend.

As Chie and Naoto walked towards the latter’s apartment, the former thought of her boyfriend. His kind smile, his constant bad luck, his brave nature… and yet somehow her mind returned to him and his big, h-hard cock.

Ugh, why did she keep thinking about it?! Chie’s face was turning red once more as her legs trembled slightly below her. She glanced at Naoto who was talking about her future plans with her own boyfriend, and Chie wondered if things were like this for them.

Did Naoto and Yu do… it? Had they? Or were they virgins? Why was she thinking about this? Stop thinking about your friends having sex she told herself, but she might as well have told herself to stop breathing.

She kept wondering if the two had done the deed yet… She imagined them for a moment, and she groaned quietly as she compared herself to the gorgeous, badass detective.

“Chie-senpai?” Naoto placed her hand on her friend’s shoulder, stopping her as they stood in front of her apartment.

“Huh? What?”

“Are you okay? You’ve been quiet.”

“I… Y-yeah. Just have a lot on my mind. Future stuff, like being an officer,” she lied, knowing she couldn’t be honest with Naoto about… this.

“Of course. I’d be happy to help you with your studies when I return,” Naoto offered. The two had gotten a lot closer after Yu had left Inaba. Chie’s new goal to join the police force, along with Naoto’s own experience in the field, was the perfect bridge to build between the two to further strengthen their relationship.

Chie was thankful for the young woman’s friendship, and part of her even considered Naoto one of her closest friends, just behind Yukiko and Yosuke.

“That sounds great,” she grinned. “Maybe we can go do some karaoke after?”

The little in-joke brought happy memories and a soft laugh from both of them. Naoto nodded her head, ignoring the slight warmth on her face. “M-maybe,” before she asked, “And how are things with Yosuke-senpai?”

“Oh, uh… Great. You know, he’s just this big pervert, and he can be kind of a handful, but I-I love him,” Chie quickly replied, blushing.

The detective could read most people fairly easily. The young martial artist was no different. The detective could tell something was on her friend’s mind, though she didn’t want to pry on a personal matter.

“Good,” Naoto answered, willing to let it slide for now. Chie nodded her head, avoiding her friend’s eyes, causing the detective to raise her brow. “Are you sure everything is alright, Chie-senpai?”

“Yeah! Just… I should probably get going. It’s getting late.”

“Very well. I will see you later.”

“See ya, Naoto.”

The two soon parted ways, though Naoto’s gaze lingered on her friend for a few moments. Eventually the detective stepped back inside her home, reasoning that when Chie was ready to talk about it, each of her friends would be happy to sit and listen.


Chie and Yosuke had had sex a few times over the course of their relationship so far. She liked to think a fairly normal amount, but she honestly wasn’t sure. It wasn’t like she had anything to compare it to, and like hell she’d ask Naoto how her sex life was.

Of course, things weren’t as sugary sweet and simple as Chie imagined they were. The poor woman was afflicted with a terrible demon. A problem that only seemed to affect her in her circle of friends.

The young woman slept on her bed, one leg flopped off, a trickle of drool spilling onto her pillow as she dreamed of her and her unlikely lover.

She and Yosuke were together on the dance floor, a slow dance, the kind of dance a husband and wife would share in their new roles. They smiled at one another, holding and clinging to the other as they spun around.

It was chaste and sweet. No sinful desires, no wild passion, just two people in love and a soft song playing between them. His hand touched her cheek, stroking it as they came to a stop.

They stared into each other’s eyes as Yosuke’s lips parted, and a loud beeping began to spill out of his mouth.

Chie groaned, glaring at her alarm for waking her again. She reached towards her phone, sliding it unlocked. She considered hitting the snooze button again for the fifth or sixth time, but she resisted, shaking her head.

She knew she couldn’t do it anymore, so she rose out of her bed, dragging herself out and onto her feet. Chie immediately scowled as she realized something. She felt a trickle of her own juices going down her inner thigh, and she took a deep breath, and sighed.

Chie felt… horny. She felt aroused and dirty and… And she couldn’t understand why. Yes, she dreamed of Yosuke, but it was an innocent, sweet dream that should not have made her feel like… this!

Shame filled Chie’s mind as she turned red. She rubbed her face, taking a deep breath and sighing. What was wrong with her? Why was she such a freak? Her mind just twisted her body, making her feel clammy and hot.

Her nipples were hard atop her breasts, and there was this uncomfortable tingling between her legs.

She groaned loudly, fingers combing through her hair as she shook her head. Normally Chie would quickly deal with this in the shower or something. She’d push it out of her mind and go on with her day. Unfortunately, since she had abused her snooze button like crazy, she was already running late.

The young woman would have to skip her shower and just move on with her day with this burning in her body.

Chie dragged herself to the bathroom to brush her teeth. As she slipped out of her room in her pajamas, she ran into a familiar face. Her father smiled at her, greeting his daughter with a nod and grin.

“Hey, honey,” he smiled. “Finally done with your beauty rest?” Chie groaned quietly as her father gently poked fun at her as any father would. “What’s wrong?” he chuckled. “Didn’t get enough? Need another day or two?”

Chie opened her mouth to reply, her head hanging low and swaying slightly, when her eyes widened and she only squealed in horror. She quickly lifted her arms, crossing them over her chest to hide how her nipples were poking through her tank top.

“N-no, dad! I’m fine. Just, I was just having a good dream.”

“Must have been one hell of a dream,” he teased. “Maybe of Yosuke?” he asked, a knowing, smug grin on his face as her red face burned hotter. “Hey, you’re awfully red, sweetie.” Immediately her father’s tone became concerned and worried for her.

Her father might tease and poke at the young martial artist, but he was always there when she needed him. Still, she really didn’t want him around for THIS problem.

“I’m okay, dad. Promise. I-I’m just a little hot. My blanket’s big, a-and heavy.”

“Oh? You want to trade it out?” he asked, ready and eager to help her, as always.

“I’m fine. I promise,” she replied. “I got to go brush my teeth.”

“Hold on. You’re not too old to give your old man a hug, are ya?” Her large father was like a mountain compared to the short brunette. She knew she couldn’t get out of hugging him, and so he wrapped his arms around her, squeezing his scarlet-faced daughter.

It was an awkward hug considering her arms hadn’t moved and would refuse to no matter what, but he didn’t seem to care. He gave his daughter a squeeze, before he pulled away and left her behind for breakfast downstairs.

Chie watched him walk away, before she took a deep breath and sighed. That would live in her mind as one of the most mortifying moments of her life. She quickly dashed into the bathroom, where she brushed her teeth and ignored her horny body.

Brushing her teeth was easy. Walking back to her room was even easier. Changing out of her clothes? Not so much, not with her body tingling all over. Every time her nipples brushed against the inside of her clothes, every time her wet pussy touched the inside of her panties, she felt it.

A little shock to her system. Just taking off her clothes sent ripples throughout her body. They weren’t really bad, per se, but it really wasn’t what she wanted to be feeling right now. Her breathing became hot and heavy as the soft cloth rubbed against her skin like fingers from a certain man.

She bit her lower lip, holding back a moan as her panties finally parted from her body. There was a noticeable damp spot on them, and she groaned again as she began putting on a new outfit.

The bra was the hard part. She placed the tight, tough fabric onto her chest, and just feeling it against her nipples elected another moan. The bra was so tight on her, fitting snugly, like a pair of hands groping and pawing at her tits. She blushed as she felt her nipples rubbing along the inside again, before she sighed and shook her head.

“Just ignore it,” she told herself. “Just ignore. It’s not happening. It’s fine. Just ignore it.”

She pulled her school uniform on, wrapping her body up tight in her shorts, skirt, and favorite jacket, but she still felt it inside of her. Burning like a fire, tickling her insides, she groaned quietly, glad she was at least able to hide her shame.

Chie could deal with this. She’d ignore whatever was happening to her, and she would move on. Hopefully.


Chie left with a quick kiss goodbye to both her parents. She walked out of the house with some food still being chewed in her mouth, and unfortunately she was still being afflicted by this… this… stupid horniness.

She kept walking, and that was when she came to a very terrible revelation. Every time she stepped forward, the simple friction of walking was making the tingling worse. Right between her legs, every step made her feel a rush of heat and ecstasy.

Chie bit back another sigh, trying to just ignore it as she kept moving forward. That was when she ran into some familiar friends. Naoto and Rise raised their hands, greeting their senpai as Chie smiled through her pleasurable torment.



“Good morning, Senpai.”

Chie was all too eager to join them, hoping that their company would be the perfect distraction for what was ailing her.

“Hey, you two. What’s up?” she smiled. “How was your weekend in Tokyo?” Chie asked the detective.

“It was quite enjoyable. Nanako had a wonderful time, as did I. Narukami sends his regards,” Naoto smiled, before Rise gently nudged her.

“I bet you two were having a lot of fun together,” she teased, though Naoto tried her best to ignore the comment.

“We did, as a couple is known to do, but whatever you’re thinking Rise-san, I suggest you stop at once,” she muttered, only for the idol to chuckle.

“Thinking? Why, whatever could I have been thinking about? You and Senpai on a romantic date, maybe dancing under the rain together.”

“That sounds… very impractical,” Naoto mumbled, avoiding Rise’s stare as Chie quietly snickered.

“It was a scene from a movie I cameoed in,” Rise explained. “The lead couple also did some skinny dipping together, if you ever need ideas for a date with Senpai.”

Naoto’s face turned hot, flushing red as Rise chuckled.

“Chie, look at Naoto’s cheeks. She’s so red,” she grinned, only to blink as she noticed Chie’s own flushed cheeks. “Whoa. Chie, are you okay? You’re looking even redder than Naoto. Are you feeling sick or something?”

Both of the younger girls turned to their senpai, who burned hotter under their concerned gazes.

“I’m fine, I’m fine! J-just a little warm, that’s all,” she told them, speeding up her pace a little so the other girls were just behind her. They quickened their own pace to follow as Chie wondered if her hope was about to backfire on her hard…

“You’re walking funny too. You sure you’re okay?” Rise asked as Chie felt her underwear rubbing against her moist cunt.

“I’m fine! C-come on, I’ll race you to school!”


“Hey, wait up!”


When the trio arrived at the school, they each went their separate ways to their respective classrooms. Chie was happy to be apart from the two. They were good company most of the time, but this time was a hard exception.

She imagined herself doing what Rise talked about. A couple skinny dipping together. Of course she imagined herself and her own boyfriend in that scenario, and she felt that same fire burning inside of her.

The brunette groaned quietly as she entered her classroom. Why was she such a freak? What was wrong with her?

The young woman shook her head subtly, trying to push these thoughts out of her head. It was probably Yosuke’s influence on her. The bastard was just a bad, pervy influence on the young woman. As much as she loved him, he did have a problem, she told herself.

For now, she tried to just forget about the morning. For once in a long time, academic junk and school work sounded like a welcome break.

Chie smiled at Yukiko, sitting beside the young woman. The two exchanged friendly smiles with one another before Yukiko returned to a scarlet book in her hands. Chie let her read in peace as she thought about the class’ setup.

The room was pretty similar to the one she sat in last year, but there were plenty of different faces around her now. She found a slight tinge of sadness as she looked around for the silver locks of Yu Narukamki.


That man was one of the smartest, coolest, calmest guys Chie knew. She respected the hell out of him, and the craziest part was that he seemed to return that respect. She wore a melancholic smile on her face as she thought about the group’s leader.

Yu always did have a gift for making others feel special. Of course, he wasn’t the only familiar face missing in this new room.

Yosuke was nowhere to be found either. While Chie was lucky enough to share a room with her childhood best friend, her boyfriend was stuck in some other class.

She took out her notebook, opening it to try and distract her mind from thoughts of her boyfriend. She should have been happy that he wasn’t around. Considering her current condition, it was a blessing.

Still… Chie couldn’t help but miss the dope’s big grin when their eyes would meet in the room.

Chie shook her head again, before she looked at her notebook. She had opened it to the latest pages, hoping to review some of the junk they had learned recently, only to notice a little doodle on the bottom of the page. One that she almost definitely hadn’t drawn.

The drawing was crude, drawn by someone new and inexperienced. It showed what looked like a ninja waving at Chie with one hand, kunai in the other. There was a heart just over his head as Chie’s own heart pounded a little louder and her face turned a darker shade of red.

“Stupid Yosuke,” she growled, a frown on her face she pressed her legs together.

She and Yosuke had been studying not too long ago together. Normally studying with Yukiko would have provided a better result, but Chie wanted to spend time with her boyfriend. It ended up being kind of a big mistake, though.

Yosuke, being the pervert that he was, kept kissing and pawing her until she submitted and made out with the brunette. One thing led to another and, well, neither of them got much studying done that night.

She frowned at the little doodle, tracing it with her finger as she sighed quietly. She didn’t know when he found time to do that, but she knew he was responsible.

The young woman sighed, closing her notebook before her thoughts traveled to what her and her boyfriend got up to that night. She felt warm as her thighs rubbed against one another, cursing Yosuke for what he had done to her…


It was a Saturday, so thankfully school was only hosting morning classes. Chie welcomed the half-day, but even as she went through the motions of school and studying, her body betrayed her.

The teacher was droning on and on about some subject that Chie honestly couldn’t care less about. She tried to, she really did, but she just couldn’t focus like Yukiko or Yu could on the best of days. The harder she tried to pay attention, the less she did.

Her mind slipped away, drifting off into a daydream as she stared blankly at her paper. It was a simple fantasy that played out in her mind. It was just her, sitting in her seat, her classmates and teacher exactly where they were now, but she was the big difference.

She moved her hand down her body, moaning quietly as she felt her fingers slip against her pussy. Chie looked around the classroom, watching her other classmates ignore her. It was almost like she wasn’t there, and she licked her lips as she seized the moment.

Her fingers brushed against her pussy, gently kneading her clit through her shorts as she moaned quietly. She undid her skirt, letting it fall down to the ground as she panted. She looked around again. Yukiko was talking to their teacher.

He was right there, his back to Chie as her heart pounded. She stared at the two, not out of sexual interest, but out of fear that they’d see her.

What if they did? She’d be humiliated. She’d be called a freak! But she wasn’t a freak, she told herself. She wasn’t a freak.

She was just touching herself in the middle of class, slipping her hand under her black shorts and down to her naked pussy. Her finger gently traced the outside of it, before brushing against her clit.

The young woman moaned quietly as her finger felt her naked, wet pussy against the tips of her fingers. She didn’t care or notice about anything else. Just to quell this fire inside of her. She brushed her clit with her digits, before she pushed a single finger into herself.

She moaned quietly, panting as her middle finger pushed in and out, slipping down to her knuckles as she leaned forward. She continued to finger herself, adding another finger as her face brushed against her cool, wooden desk.

Chie could feel her juices spilling down onto her shorts, staining it, drenching it as she looked at the other students. They were just going through the motions, almost like she didn’t exist. They looked right through her, and excitement rushed through her as she added another finger.

Two fingers pounding at her insides, filling her, sliding along the inner walls of her cunt as she moaned and panted. Her thighs pressed together, squeezing her fingers in between them as she let out a loud cry of ecstasy.

She was going to cum. She was going to cum in the middle of class! What was wrong with her?! This was all Yosuke’s fault.


“Having fun, Miss Satonaka?”

Chie screamed, but it wasn’t one of pleasure. She felt like her heart was shooting up her throat. Her leg banged against the underside of her desk, but any stinging pain was forgotten as Yosuke stood over her, glasses on his smirking face.

“Y-Yosuke?! What are you doing here, y-y-ou freaking pervert?!” she shouted, glaring at him as the other students ignored the two.

Yosuke had a ruler in his hand as he shook his head. “Is that any way to talk about your teacher, Miss Satonaka? Honestly,” he sighed. He gently tapped the ruler against the top of her head, watching her blush.

She stared at him with wide, almost terrified eyes as the ruler gently brushed against her cheek. “Please, don’t let me get in the way. Continue.”

“I…” Her pussy juices leaked onto her chair, and she felt it brushing against her thighs. “I…”

“I said, continue.” He tapped his ruler against the desk, making Chie jump slightly as she felt hot. She nodded her head, obeying the older version of her boyfriend, watching him stare at her as she pushed three fingers in and out of her pussy, moaning loudly.

She was panting, whimpering as she put more fingers in her than she ever did before. She masturbated before, of course. What young lady hadn’t? But never had she done it to an audience, and never this many fingers.

“You’re so beautiful,” Yosuke chuckled, stroking her head, before he kissed her head. “I love you, Chie.”

“S-shut up,” she panted, before moaning as her pussy squeezed her digits. She trembled, panting as her pussy juices spilled out. “Ahh…”

“I love you so much. You’re so beautiful. Prettier than Rise, Yukiko, and Naoto.” She looked at him, and the way that she looked at him sent shivers down her spine.

Yosuke was a dork. A spaz. A total perverted weirdo… Yet when she looked at him, all she saw was the handsome man that she loved. The one who risked his life to save someone else, the one who helped push their team forward to catch a killer, the same man who confronted that killer and suffered being beaten around and shot…

She gulped, swallowing down spit as her precum coated her fingers. “Li-ah-ahh,” Chie closed her eyes as she came right in front of Yosuke, pussy juices spilling all over her panties and shorts. She moaned loudly, crying out in pleasure, practically screaming as Mr. Hanamura stood over her.

He didn’t react. His face was like stone as he moved his hand down, taking her hand in his and bringing it towards him. She tried to resist, but he overpowered her, bringing her fingers to his mouth as he smiled down at her.

She opened her mouth, trying to say something, but all that came out was her hot breath. She watched with wide eyes as he caught a drop of her cum dripping from her hands, right on his tongue. Without a single word, he began to kiss her hand, licking up each finger tip as he watched her face burn hot with shame.

He licked her fingers clean. He didn’t look away, he didn’t even blink. He stared into her very soul as her fingers were squeaky clean from his lips and tongue.

“Not bad, Miss Satonaka. Are you ready for your next lessons?”

“I… I... Uh…Ah!” The older Yosuke picked her up bridal style, holding her in his arms as he began to walk her over to the teacher’s desk at the end of the class. Everyone turned their heads to watch the two, quietly jotting down notes as the teacher spoke.

“Now everyone, please pay attention as I show Miss Satonaka how to cum from her boyfriend’s cock.”

“W-what?! Hey, wait, h-hold on! Not in front of everyone, you idiot,” she growled, before he laid her now suddenly naked body on the desk.

He froze, staring at her. “Do you not want me to fuck you?”

“I…” She did. She really, really did. She glanced at the students, some not even paying attention to her as she turned her gaze back to Yosuke. “Okay, I do. J-just don’t make it weird, okay?”

“As you wish, my love,” he replied, elegantly dodging a mock kick from his love. He was naked now, as if his clothes were just erased from reality.

He then placed his hands on her hips, bringing her body towards his dick as an eager grin formed on Chie’s face. She felt his cock fill her pussy, pounding her insides as she moaned loudly.

His dick slipped into her wet, lubed up pussy easily as he began to fuck her in front of the class, yet his attention was all on her. Lavishing her with praise, kissing her skin as his hand stroked up and down her body.

He caressed her long, strong legs, her wide hips, and even her breasts as she moaned around his member. This seemed to go on for a few minutes as Chie just enjoyed the pleasure and euphoric rush of being fucked by her love.

Her body bounced on his dick, up and down, shaking the desk under her as her arms clung to it. She panted loudly, almost screaming in pleasure as the tip of his cock pressed against the sensitive regions inside her pussy.

Yosuke kissed her lips, smiling at her as tears of pleasure pooled in the corners of her eyes.

“I-I love you,” she confessed. “I love you s-so fucking much!”

“And I you, Chie. Always.” His cock throbbed inside of her as the smaller woman mewled in pleasure, shaking slightly. “Gonna cum soon. You ready for it?”

“H-hell yeah!” she replied, squeezing her eyes shut as his dick pulsed inside of her.

The bulbous head of the dick kissed the entrance to her womb. Chie felt a rush of excitement as she imagined him cumming inside of her, getting her pregnant just before their wedding.

Fantasies played out in her mind as she saw the two of them getting married. They’d say their vows, kiss, before suddenly thousands of Shadows swarmed the place and they and all their friends would start kicking ass.

It’d be the perfect wedding for them, and afterwards Chie would have twins, and she’d love them both so much, but when they were asleep she’d go back to riding her husband’s cock and end up pregnant all over aga-

“Ahh!” Chie moaned loudly, feeling her pussy quivered as she came around her lover’s cock. She came hard, spilling her juices onto the desk and all over her lover’s crotch as he leaned down to kiss her one more time.

The kiss was messy and awkward, yet she happily returned the passion as she felt him cum inside of her, pumping his seed right in her womb and all over the inside of her pussy.

Yosuke and Chie  laid there on the desk for a few minutes, trying to catch their breath as Chie weakly stroked her lover’s body.

Then, as if by magic, she was back at her desk, back in her clothes, trying to catch her breath as her heart raced inside of her chest.

“Hey, Chie, can I ask you something?” Yukiko asked from the seat beside her.

“I-ahh,” she moaned quietly, barely listening to her lifelong friend as she still rode the orgasmic high Yosuke had left her in. She looked around the room, trying to see the young man again. He was nowhere to be seen, though, not until she felt his hand on her shoulder and turned to see her behind him.

“She asked you a question, Chie,” her ‘teacher’ gently scolded, and Yukiko spoke once more as Chie slowly shook the fog out of her mind.



She was stunned for a moment, suffering from whiplash as she held her head. She groaned quietly, clutching her sweaty forehead, before turning her head to see Yukiko sitting beside her. Chie blinked again, before she gasped as she watched her best friend slip out of her seat and crawl onto Chie’s.

The desk adjusted around the two, letting Yukiko sit on Chie’s lap. The brunette opened her mouth, trying to ask what was happening, trying to find answers, only for Yukiko to lean down. Her hands gently held Chie’s face between them, stroking her cheeks with a strange gentleness as her slender legs rubbed against Chie’s.

And then Yukiko kissed her best friend. She kissed Chie, and the young woman’s eyes widened as her entire body froze. She was a statue as the dark-haired woman kissed her lips, wrapping her arms around Chie as their lips gently pressed against one another, all while Yosuke was watching them, his cock poking out of his pants as he started jerking off to the two.

Chie’s eyes were wide open still, even as Yukiko closed hers and continued to nibble and rub against Chie’s lips. Yukiko’s tongue brushed against the outside of the other woman’s lips as the brunette noticed Yosuke’s approving smirk from behind her childhood friend.

That was when Yukiko seemed to up her game. She pushed her tongue into Chie’s mouth, sliding it along her teeth and against her own tongue. Chie let out a muffled groan, feeling her wet appendage licking the inside of her mouth.

Chie could feel Yukiko’s soft breasts pressing against her chest. While neither girl was as buxom as Rise or Naoto, Yukiko still had an objectively nice pair of breasts. Soft, supple, and currently pressed hard against Chie’s own breasts.

Yukiko’s tongue continued to swirl in Chie’s mouth. The shorter woman didn’t kiss back, frozen in place as she tasted Yukiko’s saliva. She trembled against her lips as Yukiko moved one of her hands along Chie’s body, sliding it around her neck, back and forth, before moving that same hand down Chie’s chest, pressing right up against her-

Chie opened her eyes. She blinked, heart racing as her eyes darted around her. She could still feel her heart pounding against her ribs. She turned her head slowly, as if she knew a predator was right next to her.

She saw Yukiko, sitting right beside her, her pencil pressed against a piece of paper as she stared at Chie. Yukiko’s lips moved and Chie felt her face burn hotter than the sun as she leaned to the side, away from her best friend.

Yukiko moved her lips again, but this time Chie understood just what she was saying. “Are you okay, Chie?”

The brunette saw the concern in her friend’s eyes, and reality came crashing down on the woman. Chie groaned quietly, rubbing her head as Yukiko tilted her head.

“Your face is so red-”

“I’m okay,” she sighed. “I-I’m okay.”

“Are you sure? You look hot. You’re sweating up a-”

“I’m fine, Y-Yukiko,” the brunette muttered. Her head fell, smacking into her cool desk as she took a deep breath. The cold wood was a welcome relief for the woman as she ignored her friend’s concerned stares.


It felt like forever, but the end of the day had finally come. Chie couldn’t have been happier, honestly. She was practically glazed over from her stupid, frustrated libido. Of course Yukiko was worried about her.

When class ended, the first thing Yukiko did was turn to Chie and ask her the same question she had asked several times before. “Are you sure you’re alright, Chie?”

“I’m okay,” she repeated with a sigh.

“You look sick. Maybe you should just rest in bed for the rest of the day?”

Chie wanted to argue, but she didn’t have much she could say that would have convinced her friend. She moved her fingers through her hair, quietly sighing again as her head hung between her arms.

She just wanted to go home and lay in her bed. Maybe if she did, she could ‘deal’ with this problem and just sleep off the rest of this lust. As shameful as it was, masturbating might finally get rid of this demon. She just had to get home.

Chie opened her mouth to agree with Yukiko when a voice greeted the two.


A very familiar voice. Her boyfriend’s voice. Chie’s head shot up and she saw Yosuke walking inside the classroom, waving at the two as he approached them. Chie felt her heart rate skyrocketing and her crimson face only got hotter as her fantasies replayed before her eyes.

She thought of Mr. Hanamura, touching her, watching her masturbate, even fucking her. Chie sealed her lips shut as a tiny, muffled cry pressed against her closed mouth. Yosuke walked closer to her, and Chie felt her limbs turn to stone.

Yosuke leaned down, and she thought of the older, slightly sexier version of him doing the same. He kissed her lips, giving her a soft peck as Chie’s blush shot down her neck and even onto her ears.

“How was class?” he asked his two friends, and Yukiko smiled at him.

“It was alright. Nothing too difficult.”

“Happy to hear it,” he replied, before he glanced back at his girlfriend and noticed the crimson shading on her face. “Hey, are you okay? You look really red.”

“I think she’s sick,” Yukiko answered for the shorter woman. “But she doesn’t seem to agree.”

“Cause I’m not! I’m not sick, I just, I-” Chie shook her head. “I am not sick.” Yukiko remained unconvinced as Yosuke crossed his arms and gave his girlfriend a concerned stare. “I promise. I just had a rough night's sleep. That’s all.”

The two continued to stare at their mutual friend. Finally Yosuke nodded his head, seemingly buying what she was selling.

“Well, do you want to go home? Take a nap?” he inquired.

“Nah, I’ll just sleep in tomorrow,” she replied.

“That’s good, cause do I have a surprise for you!” An eager grin formed on Yosuke’s face as he reached into his bag. Chie raised her brow as he watched him pull out a box set of Blu-Rays.

When Chie got a closer look, her eyes widened and a jolt of excitement shot through her body, and this time not from some stupid, perverted desire.

“Kung Fu Tango?! The whole series!?” She took the box set from her boyfriend, admiring the series with a wide grin and equally wide eyes as she laughed.

“Yep, and guess who is inviting you to watch the whole series on his parents’ new flat screen TV?” Yosuke asked. “Here’s a hint. It isn’t Yukiko.”

“Won’t your parents be upset about us stealing the TV?” Chie questioned.

“Nope, cause they’re out for the whole week in Tokyo. Something about attending a conference there for Junes. They’re gone, and I have the whole place to myself.” He gave her a wink, and despite Yosuke being, well, Yosuke, Chie could feel it in her gut.

There wasn’t anything really… perverted or gross in the way he was acting. Yeah, he was being affectionate and maybe even flirty, but what boyfriend wouldn’t talk that way to their girlfriend?

Chie gulped down her spit as her eyes fell down onto her nail tapping against the wooden surface of her desk. Yosuke wasn’t acting like a total pervert right now. This wasn’t an invitation for a movie marathon and sex, just a movie marathon.

The young woman scratched at her desk, light little taps as the seconds passed in slow motion. Her pussy quivered between her legs as she took a deep breath.

“That sounds-”

She was still sitting in this fog of lust and desire. Practically trudging through it as she thought of some way to end this torment she had been going through.

A man like Yosuke was always eager, right? She could easily shift his attention from the movies to her. All it would take would be a look and a smile, and that was it. They’d be fucking by the opening credits.

Chie’s face nearly turned into a tomato with that thought, but she was desperate to end this stupid humiliation. She just wanted to stop, and who better to help her than the person who was probably at fault for all this?

“-great. That sounds… great,” she declared, nodding her head.

“Are you sure, Chie? I still think you should go home,” her friend commented.

“It’s no problem, Yukiko. Really. I’m sure all I need is some meat in me,” she chuckled, before groaning quietly as she realized the dirty joke she had just played on herself.

“You okay?” Yosuke asked.

“I keep telling you guys, I’m fine.” She wasn’t. At all, but she would be once she had some alone time with her boyfriend.


The couple soon left the classroom, waving goodbye to a still concerned Yukiko. The young pair made their way to Yosuke’s place, and while Chie would have been happy to keep walking in silence, Yosuke began to talk to her about whatever came to his mind.

Normally Chie would have been happy to talk to her boyfriend, but every step she took made her panties rub against her tingling pussy. She moaned quietly every few steps, trying to ignore the burn as Yosuke continued to talk.

“Yu and Naoto apparently went to an escape room together. You know what those are?” Chie shook her head as Yosuke smiled at her. “They’re these puzzle rooms where you have to figure out how to get out using just your brain.”

“Sounds like something they’d like. I’ve had enough of puzzles personally,” Chie commented, to which Yosuke grinned in reply.

“That’s what I said. Still, Yu offered to take the two of us next time he was in town with Naoto. We could do a double date.”

“A double date?” Chie repeated, before her eyes widened, staring off into the distance as she imagined her and Naoto making out as they were fucked doggy style by their respective boyfriends.

Their tongues smacking against one another like how she imagined Yukiko was kissing her just a while ago. Then Yu and Yosuke would do something completely stupid, like high five each other or bro fist or something.

She groaned quietly, shaking her head. “That’s stupid,” she muttered, more in her own world than the real one. Yosuke obviously had no idea what she was thinking about, and was slightly taken aback by the comment.

“Really? I didn’t think it was a bad idea. I mean, maybe an escape room isn’t the best pick, but-”

“N-not that. Something else. Don’t worry about it,” she grumbled. She could feel his eyes on the back of her head and she silently repeated the same phrase over and over in her head. He doesn’t know, he doesn’t know, he doesn’t know.

“You okay, Chie?”

“For the last time, yes. I’m f-ai!” Chie jumped slightly as a sudden gust of wind hit her. Her skirt flapped slightly, but the worst part was feeling the cold air against her moist pussy.

Even though she was wearing shorts, she could still feel the cold chill, and that same chill sent shivers through her clit and throughout her body. She quivered in place, taking a long, deep breath as Yosuke placed a hand on her shoulder.

She could easily imagine him turning her, pushing her against a wall. They would kiss, tear at each other’s clothes, and-

Chie let out a loud groan in her head as Yosuke stared at her. He raised his brow as Chie quickly knocked his hand away.

“I’m. Fine.” That came out harsher than she meant it. A wave of guilt hit Chie, and she opened her mouth to apologize, but another shiver of ecstasy cut her off. She trembled a bit, before putting on a smile for Yosuke. “Sorry. Just tired of answering that question.”

“It’s alright. Wanna talk about it?”

“No, I’m okay. Really.” She kept moving, picking up her pace as they made their way to his house.

“Hey, slow down!”

“Not my fault you’re slow.”

“Aw come on! That’s not fair! You work out all the time!” Yosuke huffed.

Every step was another stroke against her pussy. Chie moved as quickly as she reasonably could, feeling the fog of lust filling her mind with every rub. Every daming touch against her wet womanhood that had to endure…

She almost wanted to fight Shadows again.

By the time the two had reached his humble abode, Chie was practically shaking with anticipation. Fantasies and scenarios played out in her head, just like they had in the classroom, but these were only slightly less obtrusive.

She still imagined it, though. Yosuke holding her hand, slamming his cock into her, or maybe she’d be on top of him, bouncing up and down on his cock. Maybe they’d hold hands, or kiss, or they would scream out how much they loved one another as she continued to bounce on top of his member.

Chie was beginning to pant just from imagining the scene. What if Yosuke refused to even touch her unless she wore certain outfits for him? Of course the big pervert would have a nurse outfit or something laying around, just in her size.

He’d taunt her as she slid it onto her body, drinking and savoring every second as she stood before him, beet red, humiliated, but ready to jump onto his shaft and ride him into next week.

What other outfits could she wear for him? No, what other outfits would he make her wear, because she absolutely was not the one at fault here for these stupid desires. She was just infected with Yosuke’s pervy nature, probably from spending too much time together.

Just one quick ride and she’d be free from this…

Although, she wondered if Yosuke liked the idea of doing it in karate gi? That’d be kind of hot. That wasn’t weird, right? As long as Yosuke didn’t think it was, she should be-


“Huh?! What?!” she gasped, looking around as Yosuke raised his brow.

“Uh… Ladies first. I’ve been holding the door open for you for almost a minute now,” he commented, motioning to the open door with his head.

“Oh. W-well, you shouldn’t have opened it for me! I know how to open a door, y-you jerk,” she grumbled, trying to save face, but failing rather spectacularly. She stepped inside, kicking off her shoes as she muttered a small apology. “S-sorry. Just… tired.”

“It’s alright. I’m used to the insults by now,” he chuckled, and Chie actually felt a pang of guilt at that. Before she could say anything else, though, he spoke up. “I’m going to make some popcorn, alright? Maybe grab some other snacks before we watch the movies?”

Snacks? Popcorn? Who knew how long that would take? Whatever guilt Chie was feeling was a single lit match compared to the inferno of desire swirling inside of her. She needed to tame this beast inside her, and she needed to now.

If Yosuke wouldn’t take the initiative, she would.

Chie moved fast, and as athletic as Yosuke was, he was a rock compared to Chie when she really pushed herself. She slammed him against the wall, and his eyes were just beginning to widen before she slammed her lips against his.

A muffled cry pressed against her mouth as shock coated his face. He placed his hands on Chie’s shoulders, but if he was going to push her off, he didn’t. He just held her in his arms, clearly surprised, but willing to accept the kiss.

Then Chie stuck her tongue into his mouth, swirling it around as he moaned once more. Her tongue brushed against his teeth, before licking the inside of his cheek, before smacking against his. She pulled her tongue back, gently sucking on his lower lip, before she pushed her tongue into his mouth again.

Yosuke blinked once, then twice, before he wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and welcomed her fierce and dominating kiss. The two were kissing so hard that his lips were stinging a little, but that didn’t stop him from kissing back.

Of course, he didn’t have much of a choice. Chie had him pinned against the wall and her tongue was wiggling in his mouth, wrestling his own tongue into submission as his moans spilled into her waiting mouth.

All he could do was reciprocate the kiss, which wasn’t really that bad. In truth, Yosuke had always been the one to start things up between them. He loved Chie, and he lusted after her, but it was a nice change of pace to have her be the one to start things, even as his tongue struggled to keep up with hers.

Finally Chie pulled back, gasping for air even harder than he was. He wiped his mouth as strands of saliva fell onto him. Once the two caught their breath, Yosuke was ready to ask what exactly was going on, but he quickly noticed something.

Chie had a very, very intense expression on her face. Like, really intense. He wasn’t sure if calling her angry would do her justice, especially because it wasn’t anger in her eyes. No, he had seen that plenty of times.

This was something else, something more. It was passion, like a fire, sharpened into lust as she licked her lips, making them shimmer. She was taking in deep breaths of his smell, almost salivating at the aroma of it as he watched her eyes zero in on him like a predator and her prey.


“Y-yeah, Chie?”

“Shut. The fuck. Up. And fuck me. Hard,” she commanded.

Yosuke’s jaw dropped open. It hung low from his head as Chie stared into his eyes. Hers were gleaming, tears seemingly pooling in the corners of her eyes as she panted. He closed his mouth, swallowing down spit as he contemplated an answer.

Part of him had actually been looking forward to the movies and seeing his girlfriend’s reaction. He was sure she would have loved them, but he certainly wasn’t going to turn down having some crazy hot sex with his cute girlfriend.

His head nodded up and down so quickly he almost hurt himself, and after just a few seconds of nodding, she kissed him again. This time Yosuke was able to better return her vigor and passion, wrapping his arms around her body as she did the same to his head.

The two held one another, lips gently nibbling and sucking on the other’s, before their tongues met and wrestled with each other again. The match was much closer this time as Yosuke slid his hands down her back. He was slow and cautious, gently prodding her butt with his fingers to test if it was safe.

Once he was sure he wouldn’t be kicked for it, he placed both hands on her ass and lifted her up. Chie moaned into his mouth as he moved forward. Chie’s toes dangled off the ground slightly as her body collided with the wall behind her. She didn’t really care, suckling on his tongue as their hands clung to the other.

The two made out for a few minutes, kissing each other, tasting the other’s saliva, content for a moment to just feel the lips of the one they loved. Of course, Chie was a bit too much of an animal right to be satisfied with just kissing. It quelled her fire for only a little bit before she pressed a hand on his body.

She grabbed a handful of his jacket and pulled, trying to just tear it right off his body. He grunted, feeling himself nearly falling over and nearly taking Chie with him.

“H-hey! Watch it!”

“Sorry! Just… trying to get your clothes off,” she muttered, grabbing his black school jacket with her hands and trying to rip it apart.

“You’re going to pop the buttons off! Stop it,” he frowned.

“That’s what they do in the movies! T-that you like. Obviously,” she mumbled, earning a raised brow from her boyfriend.

“Yeah, well they don’t have to pay for new school uniforms. Here.” He began to unbutton his jacket, and while he did, Chie kissed him once more, pushing her tongue into his mouth and moving it around. Yosuke soon realized that taking his clothes off while kissing Chie was a lot harder than he thought it’d be, but he made due, soon tossing it down and onto the ground.

Chie placed her own hands on her jacket, only for Yosuke to catch her hands. He broke the kiss with her, watching her pant as her lower half began to gyrate slightly. “Hey, wait,” he urged, staring into her eyes. “Can you… leave the jacket on? Just for a bit?”

“You want to fuck me… while I’m wearing my jacket?” His silence was more than enough of an answer as her cheeks glowed a bright shade of red. “Okay.”

Instead she moved her hands down, pulling her skirt and shorts off and letting Yosuke look at her naked pussy. Her heart pounded in her chest as he grinned, sliding his hands up and down one of her thighs and over her butt.

“God, you have a fat ass,” he chuckled, earning a light smack from her. “It’s a compliment!”

“S-shut up!,” she grumbled, glaring at a nearby wall as his hands continued to gently massage her thighs.

Then he wrapped his arms around her back again and moved one of his legs up, pressing it against her pussy and making her moan in pleasure. Her legs wobbled under her, all strength in the mighty weapons suddenly drained as she clung to him for balance.


“Like that?” he teased. He moved his leg back and forth, gently kneading her with his leg as her hands clawed at his shirt. He kissed her forehead, watching her crumple in his arms as her moans rang out through the empty house.

That wasn’t all she felt. She felt his hard member rub against her through his clothes. Yosuke was hard, because of her! It was a fact that still shocked the young woman, but she was all too happy to accept it.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she cursed, feeling her pussy juices coating his leg as it stroked her.

“Wow, you are wet,” he commented, and Chie held back a laugh.

“You have no idea. Now fuck me,” she demanded, pulling on him again. He shared in her laughter, taking a moment to pet her cheek with a toothy smirk on his face.

Yosuke gave his girlfriend a quick kiss, before he slipped his hands under her body again. He picked her up, and he pressed her against the wall. She wrapped her arms around him as one of his hands slipped away. Chie could hear a zipper falling, and her heart pounded inside her chest as she felt something hard pressing against her soft skin.

Even after all this time, the sheer size and girth of that thing was crazy.

He kissed her neck as he picked her up again, angling her body right so that the tip of his cock was rubbing against the wet entrance to her pussy. She sucked in air, before sighing, trembling in his arms as she whispered something.

“Right here? I-in the middle of the hall?”

“You started it!”

“Yeah, w-well… oh, just stick it in,” she grumbled, and Yosuke obeyed, lowering her down onto his cock.

She could feel the head of his dick press against her pussy, slowly sliding in as she squeezed him tightly. She crushed him in her tight embrace, feeling his cock penetrate her insides, pushing deeper inside her cunt.

“Oh, fuck!”

“Like that?” he grunted, before he continued to lower Chie, letting her sink lower down onto his cock as she felt every inch sink into her womanhood.

Then he bounced her up, lifting her for a moment, before letting gravity drop her back down onto his shaft. She moaned again, panting as his lips gently suckled on her neck, turning her pale flesh a dark shade of red.

“Do you like the way my cock feels inside your pussy?” he whispered, and Chie couldn’t believe the same guy who was looking for a place to pee in the TV world was talking to her with such a…hot, husky voice.

The sheer strangeness of the moment quickly faded, replaced with pleasure as she felt his member throbbing inside of her, stroking along the inside of her cunt. Her body quivered, squeezing the entire length of his dick as he pressed her into the wall.

Her eyes fell shut as she remembered her earlier fantasies. Yosuke all over her, in complete control of her, able to make her pussy gush and her mind melt between her ears.

“Do you like the idea of my precum filling you? Turning you into my little… uh,” Yosuke tripped over his words, and Chie opened one of her eyes to glare at him. “I was going to say slut, but I, uh… I don’t know if you’re into tha-”

“Just shut up and fuck me,” she ordered, using her legs to pull him forward. His entire cock slipped into her, and both of them moaned loudly as their nails dug into the other’s. Chie pulled at Yosuke’s shirt again, and this time he helped her strip him naked.

His shirt fell to the ground, letting her place her hands on his naked body. The young martial artist admired his slender, yet athletic body, tracing the subtle shapes of his muscles as he began to move his hips. He slammed her against the wall, yet any pain she felt was null compared to the jolts of pleasure coursing through her.

Yosuke’s hips moved fast as Chie was pinned against the wall. His cock pumped back and forth, in and out of her as the walls of her pussy squeezed tightly around his shaft. He moved his head up to kiss her, holding her hands in his as he pressed them against the wall.

Their muscles spasmed together, his member pulsed and throbbed as the warm walls of her pussy tightened around his shaft. He let out a loud moan, breaking the kiss as he pumped her full of his cum.

A mix of their cum dripped down onto the ground as they held one another, squeezing the other as they quivered and panted.

“Fuck,” he gasped, leaning his head down on Chie. “That was-”

“Not enough,” she declared.

“Huh?” The brunette blinked as Chie kissed his cheek, before grabbing a handful of his hair. She stared into his eyes, making sure he could see the fire that was still burning hot inside of her.

“It wasn’t enough. Fuck me, again.”


The two left most of their clothes in the middle of the hallway, right by the entrance. Chie held Yosuke by the hand as she pulled him along, looking for something the half-naked man couldn’t even guess at. He kicked his pants off as she found his dinner table, placing her hand on it and shoving whatever was on it to the floor.

“Hey! Chie, be careful!” he shouted, glaring at her as the empty bowl he used to eat breakfast in fell onto the floor, thankfully bouncing around harmlessly before it rolled into a corner.

“Calm down, Yosuke. It’s fine,” she replied, before she hopped onto the table and sat on it. Her legs dangled off of it as her pussy still had his cum leaking out of her. “Fuck me. Right here?”

“I-You know my family eats here, right?”

“Is that going to stop you?” she replied with an arched brow. She then unzipped her jacket, pulling it and her uniform top off and leaving her only in a white tank top and bra. She motioned her lover over with a single finger and a grin, and Yosuke’s anger subsided.

He came closer, slamming his cock into her again and letting his cum spill out onto the cold, wooden surface. Chie moaned loudly as she felt him filling her again, and she wrapped her arms around him as he bucked his hips back and forth.

The table trembled under the weight of their bodies and the force of their passion. Chie laid back on it, moaning quietly as Yosuke fucked her slower this time, letting the jolts of pleasure accumulate and grow inside of her, building up.

She closed her eyes, playing out her recent fantasy of a slightly older Yosuke fucking her on his desk, or even hers, right in front of the class. It was a dirty, perverted fantasy… and it made her pussy gush with her own juices as Yosuke continued to pound her.

Their cum spilled out onto the table as she mewled with pleasure. As good as that fantasy was, she’d pick the real deal any day. Though part of her was curious how he’d look with facial hair…

Chie suddenly gasped as she felt Yosuke’s hands on her chest. He began to knead her breasts through her bra, pressing his hands down on her as her nipples tingled.

“W-what are you doing?!”

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m feeling your breasts. They’re soft,” he commented, before he began to slowly move his hands down her body. “But honestly, I’m not sure if they’re my favorite part of you.”

Chie blushed, gasping for air as Yosuke continued to rub the shaft of his cock along her insides, using the tip to barely brush against her most sensitive areas. By now the two had made love enough times that he knew exactly how to play with her.

“Your tummy might be,” he chuckled, and Chie gawked at him, jaw dropping.

“S-shut up, s-stupid! Stop saying dumb sh-ahhh!” Her body trembled under him as he moved his hands under her top, stroking her flat stomach.

“It’s so soft, but I can totally tell you work out.”

“Ahh! Ha, ha, ha, haaa…!” Chie couldn’t reply, shivering in pleasure as his cock throbbed inside of her. Her naked legs stroked his body as she tried to come up with some kind of clever retort or comeback.

All that came out were more moans as Yosuke continued to fuck her on his family’s table.

He moved his hands down her body, coming to her legs. He smiled down at her as he pulled one of her legs away, forcing her to turn onto her side. Her boyfriend lifted her leg up, admiring her smooth skin with gentle strokes of his hands.

“I think I love your legs most. Physically, of course,” he chuckled. “They’re so-ahh, strong. Soft. Hot.” Every word stroked Chie’s insides, making her moan and squeal with pleasure as he continued to pound her pussy.

“Just. F-fucking… c-cu-haaa,” she panted, drool dripping onto the table as he continued to move his hips, listening to their bodies smacking against one another.

Him pounding her cunt like a piston was one thing, but all these sweet words? A suave Yosuke? That was not something she could take. She let out a loud mewling cry, feeling her body being jolted by ecstasy and pleasure. She couldn’t stop herself from cumming, spraying her pussy juices onto the smooth surface of the table.

She laid her head on the table, trying to catch her breath as Yosuke continued to make her body tremble and quiver. The young woman closed her eyes, drowning herself in the pleasure, submerging herself in it.

It was amazing, but when Yosuke tried to slide his cock out of her, she began to fidget and thrash. “Hey. We’re not done yet!”

“Huh? Seriously?” he blinked.

“Do I look like I’m joking?” she replied as cum dripped out of her cunt. “I know what I said.”

“I… I think I’m gonna need a minute before we go again,” he commented, brushing his fingers through his hair, turning red as Chie glared at him.

“Look, just sit down. I’ll handle myself.”


Yosuke sat on one of the chairs around the dining table, watching as Chie laid between his legs. Her lips wrapped around the tip of his cock, suckling on it, before she opened her mouth wider and her tongue came out to gently lick and smack the hard member.

“Holy shit,” he panted, pressing a hand against his forehead. He felt like he was sweating, he felt like he was on fire, but most importantly of all? He felt like Chie’s warm, tight mouth was wrapped around his cock, sucking him off like from his wet dreams.

Which was exactly what was happening.

She moved her head down his cock, sliding it lower and lower as the shaft filled her throat. Yosuke could hear her choking on the cock as his eyes widened.

“H-hey, don’t hurt yours-ahh!” He warned, only to moan loudly as he felt her tongue sliding along the underside of his shaft. He leaned back in his seat, panting as her tongue seemed to know just where to lick him,


“Hm?” Her voice was muffled with his dick in her mouth, obviously, before she moved her hand against his balls, gently rubbing them as he moaned once more.

His hand gently laid on the back of her head, caressing her soft locks as he continued to moan. Yosuke’s penis quivered inside of her mouth, but he held back the urge as she pushed her head lower down his cock. Her top lip brushed against his bush as her bottom lip gently rubbed against his balls.

She pulled back, before pushing forward again, kissing the base of his dick. The beautiful brunette felt his cock smack against the inside of her throat, and when she pulled back, she made sure to smear his precum-slicked dick against the inside of her cheek.

Chie tasted his delicious precum, moaning in approval, finding something about the taste to be utterly intoxicating and addicting. She continued to bob her head back and forth, feeling her saliva and his precum dripping down her lower lip, even dripping down her chin as she continued to suck him off.

She impaled her own head on his cock, tightening her mouth and throat around it to act like the perfect sheath. This felt like something out of her darkest fantasies. Just sucking Yosuke off in the middle of his home.

The young woman imagined their friends coming over. They’d smile and wave and talk about their lives, completely ignorant of Chie sucking Yosuke’s dick as they talked. The very thought brought a moan to the young woman’s lips, before she slid a hand down her naked body.

Chie began to finger her wet pussy, slipping a finger into herself and thrusting back and forth as she moaned around her lover’s shaft.

Her finger pushed into her wet slit, feeling her pussy juices dripping onto the ground as she moaned. The vibrations carried up Yosuke’s shaft as he dug his fingers into her hair, pulling her closer so that her mouth was right against his crotch.

She could feel his cock throbbing inside of her mouth, before he came right into her mouth. His sperm shot down her throat, coating the insides of it he moaned loudly. Her choked cries filled the room as cum slid down her throat, pooling her stomach as she trembled under him.

Her finger didn’t slow down as cum trickled down her throat. No, in fact, it seemed to speed up. Three fingers were pounding her pussy, sending her over the edge and cumming once more as she moaned around his cock.

Chie’s body quivered where it laid, tears falling down her face as some of Yosuke’s cum even dropped down her lower lip. It slid down her chin, dripping onto the ground as she slowly pulled her lips back.

Her lips pulled away from the bell-shaped head of his cock, and she sealed them tightly as she gulped down everything he had deposited inside of her. Her eyes squeezed shut as she forced it all down her throat, before she opened her mouth to reveal it was near empty.

“Holy shit. You swallowed it all?” he blinked.

“Y-yeah.” She nodded her head, before beaming with pride. “E-easy. Eating all that steak was… was good practice.”

“If you say so,” he chuckled, before Chie placed her hands on his knees and hoisted herself up. His eyes widened, placing a hand on her forehead as he kept their lips apart. “Oh no, not this time. Go wash your mouth!”

Chie snickered between his legs, only to wrap her lips around his cock again. His eyes widened, before he moaned loudly as her tongue continued to spin around and swirl all over his cock, coating it in her saliva as she pushed the member down her throat.

All Yosuke could do was sit there and moan, melting where he laid as Chie’s lips and tongue went to work all over his cock once more.


Chie slipped off into the bathroom after their little stunt in the dining room, washing out her mouth and returning to find Yosuke eating a small sandwich. She blinked, before raising her brow and crossing her arms.

“Are you serious?”

“What? I’m low on protein!” The naked man blushed slightly as he stared at his lover’s naked body. The petite beauty was gorgeous, even more so for Yosuke.

Her long, slender legs carried her forward. Her hips swayed slightly, back and forth, almost hypnotizing the young man as he tried not to stare at her. He failed, of course, ogling her as she walked right up to him.

“You look pretty eager to go again,” she commented, before her eyes slid down his body and stared at his penis.

He followed her gaze, blushing as he noticed how his dick was beginning to stir. It was hardening, growing bigger as his face burned hotter. He gulped down spit as Chie’s half-lidded eyes stared at him, knowing just what was going through his mind.

Her naked chest pressed against his, and her nipples gently poked his skin. She slid her body down his, before she plucked his sandwich from his hand and bit into it. She began to eat it right before his eyes as he frowned.

“Hey, I wasn’t done with that.”

“Now you are,” she muttered back, finishing it in only a few bites before she licked her lips. She kissed Yosuke’s cheek as her fingers began to gently wrap around his dick. She could feel the tip of it poking at her leg as she took a deep breath. “You’re hard again.”

“My super hot girlfriend is holding onto my dick. My super hot naked girlfriend. How could I not be?” he asked, though as Chie squeezed his member, he couldn’t but think how different this situation was.

Usually he was the one to start things between them, and yet Chie was acting super sexually aggressive today. Honestly? He kind of liked it.

“Hm.” She kissed his neck, hiding her slight frown as she nuzzled against him. “I’m still horny,” she confessed. “I want to go again.”

“You want it.” His hands smacked against her ass, actually making her jump as her slightly pinkish cheeks exploded with shock and shame. “You got it.” He suddenly pulled away, but before she could say anything, Yosuke spun her around, making her face the same way he was before he shoved her forward.

She seemed to understand just what he wanted. The brunette grabbed onto the counter in front of her, leaning her body forward and shaking her ass side to side. She turned her head, grinning widely as Yosuke pressed the tip of his cock against her pussy.

“Here comes another serving of your favorite cream.”

“Really? That’s so la-aaahhh!” Chie moaned, crying out as his cock entered her pussy once more, stuffed down her shaft. He began to fuck her, pounding her pussy at a steady pace as she felt her toes curling. “W-where’d you learn your bedroom t-ta-ahhh, talk!? A porno?” she asked.

“I’ve never heard you complain before,” he replied back.

Chie just rolled her eyes, before she moaned quietly, gasping and uttering small curses and swears as her boyfriend continued to fuck her. The two fell into a good rhythm together, and Chie allowed herself to just melt into the pleasure as a smile formed on her face.

Every clap of their bodies against the other sent shivers down her spine. Her nerves tingled with an electric tingle, flowing through every inch of her body as she continued to moan and pant. Her hands held on tightly to the counter in front of her, feeling the cool surface against her hands as he continued to fill her body with his cock.

Her pussy juices spilled onto the ground as she felt his precum filling her body. She moaned loudly again, shivering as another jolt of ecstasy shot through her body. Her legs quivered under her, and she was sure she’d fall to the ground if Yosuke didn’t place his hands on her chest. He held her up, letting her catch her breath as he continued to fuck and grope her.

Yosuke made sure to move his hips, letting him fuck her pussy at different angles. The tip of his cock prodded her insides again and again. The brunette woman was ready to scream out in pleasure, barely holding back her cries.

That was when Yosuke began to talk. He pinched one of her nipples, gently rotating it as he spoke over her euphoric cries.

“Hey, Chie.”


“What-mmph, what did the elephant say t-to, mmph, the naked man?” he asked, before he pressed a finger against her breast. He pushed her nipple into her tit and he listened to her moans even as her temple flared.

“Seriously? One of your stupid jokes? Now!?”

“The eleha-ha-ha, fuck, the elephant s-s-said, ‘How do you breathe through a thing so small?’ Get it?” he chuckled, earning a fiery blush from Chie as he continued to fuck her.

His hand shot down, smacking her ass and lettering her cry out in pain and pleasure from the blow. Her boyfriend spanked her again as he fucked her down memory lane.

“R-remember how I used to send dirty jokes to you all the time?” he asked, and Chie quivering on his cock, too busy to answer. “You loved them. I know you d-ahh, did,” Yosuke trembled on top of Chie as she squeezed her pussy.

“M-maybe I did. S-so, ooh, so what?”

“What did one boob say to another?” he snickered, stopping for a moment with his cock entirely in her pussy.

Chie rolled her eyes, before asking, “What?”

“If we don’t get some support soon, people are gonna think we’re nuts.”

“That’s so gross,” she retorted, yet her laugh bled through the words as she shook her head. “Pervert.”

“Hello, kennel, I’m pot.”

“I am not a pervert!”

Yosuke rolled his eyes at that, before an idea came to his mind. He lifted his hand, before bringing it down to spank Chie’s perky ass. At first Chie cried out in shock, only to moan and approve of each of his blows.

Of course Yosuke took special care not to hurt his lover. He just wanted to give her a bit of sting to spice up the pleasure, and it was working perfectly judging by how her pussy was squeezing his cock.

“Having fun?” he grinned, groping her scarlet butt as one of her arms fell from the counter. She was panting, turning to smile at her lover.

“T-tha… That all you got?”

Yosuke scowled at that, moving his body faster as he grabbed onto Chie’s shapely hips. The sound of  their fucking filled the kitchen as Chie’s other arm gave out. Thankfully Yosuke caught her, holding her in his arms as she mewled in ecstasy.

“D-do you trust, mmh, me?”

Chie raised her brow at that, before she nodded her head. “Always.” Yosuke pulled his cock out of Chie suddenly, before he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her right off the ground. “Ahh!” she cried, eyes widening for a moment.

Yosuke had his arms under her legs, holding her up in his arms as he continued to bounce her on top of his cock. He slammed his dick into her, making her entire body convulse and quiver. He was even kissing her neck and shoulder as he fucked her, making her entire body burn with euphoric flames.

“Ahhh! H-holy s-sh-eeee!” Chie fell back against Yosuke’s naked body, feeling her entire body go crazy as Yosuke impaled her on his dick.

It wasn’t just his cock that was driving her crazy. She was shocked at how strong her boyfriend was. He was holding her up, pumping her full of his dick, driving her right over the edge…

Chie let out a loud cry as she came on his dick. Her warm, tight pussy squeezed his dick, letting his cum unleash a torrent of cum into her body as a scream filled the kitchen. The two came together at nearly the same time, their cries either silent or muffled by the other’s skin.

When their orgasms finally subsided, the two panted, trying to catch their breaths as Yosuke held his lover. Neither said anything. Moments passed by, before Yosuke’s leg wobbled and Chie jumped in his arms.

“H-hey! Watch it!”

“Sorry! You’re heavy!”

“What’d you say about me?!” she frowned, turning her head to glare at him. She kicked her legs a bit, trying to get out of his hold. “Put me down before you drop me!”

“Wouldn’t dropping you be putting you down?” he retorted.

“You know what I mean! Just put me down!”


Not a moment later Yosuke and Chie laid on his family’s sofa in the Hanamura living room. The two held each other, locked in an intense kiss. Yosuke had his arms around her as her own hands gently stroked his chest, feeling his firm muscles and slender frame.

The two broke their kiss, only for Yosuke to move his head down, gently kissing and suckling on her skin, leaving crimson marks.

“I love you,” he whispered. “I love everything about you. I love how hard you fight. How hard you work to improve yourself. I don’t just love how tough you are, but how cute you are when I compliment you.”

“W-what the hell are you talking about?” she grumbled, turning red in his arms as they gently massaged her back.

“Yu helped me put how I feel into words. He… he said I should probably try saying this stuff to you sometime. No prompting, just… t-tell you how I feel.” Yosuke lowered his head again, hiding how his blush was consuming his cheeks and moving onto his ears. “I thought it was pretty embarrassing, but uh… He said it works well with Naoto.”

“Huh.” Chie thought of the two, the ‘alpha couple’ of the gang. She felt her teeth sink into her lower lip as she imagined Naoto standing there, with her stupid huge tits and soft skin. Yosuke would probably love to have a girlfriend like that…

“What, did you two practice together?” she teased, quickly trying to bury her envy as Yosuke lifted his head to glare at her.

“What?! No!” he shouted, before his blush slid down his neck. “Okay, a little. Yu said to pretend he was you.”

“He is Yu.”

“You know what I mean,” he huffed, rolling his eyes as Chie chuckled.

“Did you two kiss?”

Yosuke grabbed a nearby pillow, picking it up and pressing it into his girlfriend’s face. She laughed under the soft cushion, gently smacking her boyfriend. He removed the pillow from her, letting her laugh fill the living room as he rolled his eyes.

The young man smirked suddenly as he had an idea. He moved his hand, placing it on her breast and pinching her nipple between his fingers. Her eyes widened, before she moaned loudly as he gently twisted her nipple.

“Ahh! Yosuke!” The young man laughed, playing with her other nipple the same way. She moaned at his touch, placing her hands on his to futilely try and push him away.

“I’m sorry, what was that?” he teased, before he moved his head down and kissed one of her nipples. She moaned as his soft lips pressed down on her hard nipple, before his tongue slipped out and licked her chest.

He wrapped his lips around her nipple, flicking it, smacking it, coating it in his saliva as she grabbed at his head. She pulled him closer, and he took her entire nipple into his mouth to suckle on it.

“Oh, fuck… Yes, yes, yes!” Her nails dug into his head as he continued to suck on her tit, even squeezing it between his lips as his other hand kneaded her breast. “Oh, that’s it. Fuck me!” she ordered, pushing him off and spreading her legs.

Yosuke stumbled back, before he looked at his ready and eager girlfriend. Her pussy glistened between her legs as Yosuke’s hard cock bobbed between his legs. He took it by the base as he moved closer, getting on top of Chie as she sat on his couch.

“Alright. Let’s go again. You’re insatiable today, ain’t cha?” he commented. “Usually I’m the one starting stuff off, but you’ve been crazy horny all day.”

“Shut up and-ahhh!” Chie felt his cock enter her once more and she moaned as it plunged inside of her once more.

By now it felt like their bodies were almost made for each other. Her pussy was a tight sheath for his cock, squeezing it tightly and milking out precum. She felt the cum already inside of her dripping out, falling onto the sofa as Yosuke’s continued to fuck his girlfriend.

He kissed her lips, surprising her with a deep kiss as his tongue explored her mouth. She clung to him, holding him tightly as he fucked her into the soft surface of the couch. Her pussy wrapped tightly around his dick as the room almost seemed to shake from the force of their fucking.

Chie wrapped her legs around her boyfriend, urging him to keep pounding her as her hands latched onto his shoulders. She could feel pleasure building up inside of her, filling her, pushing her closer and closer to the edge.

Was this their future? Would the years to come be just like this? A mix of jokes, laughter, and sex?

The very thought made tears of joy trickle down Chie’s face as she moaned into his mouth, clinging to Yosuke as his cock quivered inside of her. The two had fucked each other enough to know the other’s little signs and signals, and Chie flexed her muscles to tighten her pussy around her boyfriend’s dick.

In turn, Yosuke adjusted his hips slightly, slamming the tip of his cock against her G-spot, making her break the kiss to cry out in pleasure.

“Fuck, Yosuke!”

Their bodies were perfect for one another. Their hearts couldn’t have fallen in love harder for anyone else. Their minds consumed each other as they made love, coming to a loud, explosive orgasm together. Once more, Yosuke’s cum flooded Chie’s womb, coating every inch of her insides as their sweaty bodies trembled against the other.


The two went at it for hours and hours with very little breaks in between. Just enough time to trade a dirty joke, or for Yosuke to compliment his girlfriend’s beauty.

Chie was an athlete, and Yosuke refused to just lay down and die. The two kept at it for hours on end, until the sun was down and the moon was shining bright over Inaba. Chie’s body hungered for Yosuke, and his heart refused to give anything less than his best as he fucked his girlfriend.

Of course, eventually, the two laid on the living room couch exhausted and unable to move.

“Holy shit. I’m so tired,” he muttered. He glanced at his girlfriend, trying to sit up on the sofa. “Wanna go again?”

“You just said you were tired,” she shot back, before groaning quietly. “And besides, I think I finally got it out of my system. I can barely move.”

“Think we overdid it?”

Chie glanced down at some of Yosuke’s sperm on the floor, before looking at her boyfriend. “Eh.”

“Yeah. Eh.” With a loud grunt, Yosuke pushed himself onto his feet, standing up on shaky legs as he reached down to grab Chie’s sticky body.

“H-hey! Careful! You’re gonna drop me, doofus!” He slipped his arm under her legs as his other hand laid on her back, supporting her bridal style.

“I’m not going to drop you. Calm down,” he sighed. His legs trembled under their bodies, but he pushed forward, walking Chie to his bedroom as her face turned red once more.

“Whoa… How are you-?”

“Power of love,” he replied, grinning proudly.

“That’s… cheesy.”

“Shut up,” he chuckled, before he kicked his bedroom door open and pushed his body inside. He laid Chie onto his bed, before his corpse fell beside her, groaning once more. “M-made it.”

“Hey, you okay?” she asked, scooting over a bit to give him a bit more room beside her. Once he was comfortable, she placed a hand on his chest and moved herself closer, clinging to him as he stared at the ceiling.

She gulped quietly, feeling her face burning hot, but at least it was just her face this time…

“Exhausted. You?”


The two laid there cuddling against the other for a few minutes, neither saying anything as they enjoyed the quiet moment. Of course, Yosuke was the first to break the silence. Chie glanced at his head as she laid on top of him, listening to his words.

“You know, I really enjoyed that.”

“I bet. You big perv-”

“But that’s not why I invited you to hang out. I hope you know that…” Chie’s mouth fell open, but nothing came out as she avoided his knowing stare. She could still hear his smug tone as he commented, “For once, you were the horny one. Super horny, too. Like, insanely horny.”

“S-shut up!”

“Oh, come on. You know I’m right.”

“N-no! You started this!” she argued, turning to face him. She saw his slightly annoyed frown as he raised his brow.

“How? By inviting you to watch movies?”


“You’re the one who slammed me against the wall and started making out,” he pointed out.

Chie’s feeble protests were clearly failing her. They both knew that he was right as much as it pained her to admit it. Her eyes fell down her body as Yosuke turned his, facing her now and placing a hand under her chin. He turned her head towards him as he smiled at her.

“Why are you so embarrassed with wanting to have sex with me, Chie? I mean… Did I do something or say something? What’s wrong?” His tone wasn’t teasing. It was soft, kind, and nurturing.

Chie moved her head, laying it against his chest so she wouldn’t have to look at him. She said nothing for a long moment, gently nuzzling him as her arms embraced him. “I… I…” Finally she found her voice, sighing against his chest.

“I’m embarrassed.”

“Chie, lots of people have sex.”

“Yeah, well, not everyone is as… plain as I am.”

“What? Plain? You?” He forced her to look him in the eyes again, and even when Chie tried to look away, he moved his head to fall into her gaze. “Chie. What are you talking about?”

“Look at me, Yosuke. It’s just a fact that I’m the ugliest of our friends. Out of Yukiko, Rise, Naoto, and me, I’m the plainest girl. I’m boring,” she sighed. “So it doesn’t feel right that I’m… y-y’know.”


“You don’t have to lie to me, Yosuke. I know. I know you like me cause I’m tough, but that’s all I am. I could kick a hundred Shadows’ butts, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m…” She heard the words bouncing in her head. Ugly. Plain. Inferior.

Yosuke settled for her, and she’d always love him for that, but-

That’s when she heard something that made her blink in confusion. Yosuke snickered above her and turned her gaze back towards him, watching as he began to laugh. It was a quiet, simple laugh, but it left Chie confused all the same.

“You dummy,” he chuckled.

Chie opened her mouth to shout and spit venom at the man, only for him to embrace her, pulling her into a tight hug as he kissed the top of her head. He moved her up so they were face to face again as he smiled.

“You really don’t get it, Chie. It’s okay. I’m here to set you straight,” he grinned. “I love you, Chie. And yes, I can say a dozen things about how I love you for your heart, or mind, or spirit, or whatever, but also? I think you’re super hot, and when you kick butt? Even hotter.”

“You don’t mean that.”

“Yeah I do, and I’ll tell you that a hundred times over. I’ll spend the rest of my life telling you how hot and amazing you are,” he smirked. “And you know what else I love about you?”

“...What?” she mumbled, glaring at the brunette.

“I think it’s super hot how honest you are. When you eat meat, it’s super cute. When you train in martial arts, it’s fucking awesome! When you’re just unapologetically you, it’s amazing!” he beamed.

Chie blushed at the compliments, and when she opened her mouth to argue, he quickly kissed her lips.

“I love you, Chie. I want you to be yourself, and to be honest with me. If you’re pissed, be pissed. If you’re sad, be sad. That won’t change how much I love you. That includes if you’re horny. I mean, the fact you want to do it with a guy like me is pretty awesome,” he chuckled, earning her a light smack.

“What do you mean a guy like you, you spaz?! You freakin’ solved a murder mystery and saved the world! What girl wouldn’t want you?” she frowned, earning another grin from Yosuke. His smile earned another blush from the young woman as she looked away.

“I mean… Y-you’re pretty cute. But me? I mean compared to Rise, I’m-”

“The sexier of the two. Easy.”

“Naoto’s tits are bigger than mine.”

“Eh, I’m a hips and thighs man.”

“Yukiko is prettier than me.”

“I like Yukiko, Chie, we both do, but she isn’t. Not to me.” He kissed her forehead, before stroking her soft locks. “It’s not hormones or pity saying that. It’s just me. I love you with all my heart. Honestly, and if you need me to, I’ll tell you all this again.”

“That… Y-you don’t have to do that,” she mumbled quietly. “I… I just…”

“Just what?” he asked.

Chie held him in his arms, squeezing him tightly as a quiet sniffle tickled his ears. She rubbed her face against his, taking a deep breath.

“I love you.”

“And I you. Always.” He held her in his arms, gently kissing little hairs on her head as he smiled. “You sure you don’t want me to say it again?”

“I’m sure,” she muttered.

She kissed his neck, before moving up to peck his lips. “Thank you, Yosuke. I… I promise to try not to be such a prude in the future and to work on… on this,” she mumbled.

“I’ll help you every step of the way.”

She smiled at that, before she gently tapped a finger against his nose. “But this doesn’t give you permission to go too crazy on me, okay? Don’t expect this kind of treatment every day.”

“Wha-? You started it, though! If anything, I should be the one telling you that!”

“Honestly. You’re insatiable,” she joked, giggling as he wiped the last tears off her face.

“You are insatiable. Insanely horny. You’d probably break any other man’s pelvis.”

“Says you! You were the one pounding me like a freakin’ jackhammer!”

The young couple continued to take shots at the other, a light argument that ended with the two holding onto one another and eventually falling asleep. They bickered for a few more minutes, before they settled it with a hug and kiss.

Yosuke was the first to fall asleep. He laid with Chie on his chest, staring at his quietly snoring body. She moved closer, pecking his cheek as she smiled at him.

“I’m really lucky to have you,” she mumbled quietly. “Thanks, Yosuke. You’re the best.” His lips almost seemed to curve into a smile as she laid back down, falling asleep with his arm around her body.


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