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Summary: Haru Okumura has had to suffer a lot of abuse throughout her life, but when Akira came into her life, it was almost like a fairy tale ending. Now it's time for her to enjoy her happily ever after, but first her hero must save her from one last dragon. The fear that she's ugly and isn't deserving of love. Includes: Wholesome, romantic.


It was Haru’s first year in middle school. A young girl with a head of fluffy, auburn hair, she was just beginning to grow into the woman she was meant to be.

She was what many would call an early bloomer. She was taller than most of the other girls in her classroom, but her height was not the only thing to grow early. It was an undeniable fact that Haru was just… bigger than her other classmates.

Her hips were widening out, and her breasts were beginning to swell. She wore the same uniform as all of her other classmates, but while they might have all started out similarly sized, Haru was quickly growing out of her uniform.

Her clothes strained against her body, but to a young, innocent mind like Haru’s, she barely noticed. She didn’t think much of it, simply thinking to herself that she’d have to request a new uniform sometime in the future.

But at the moment her clothes were far in the back of her mind. No, for Haru, lunch was the most exciting thing right now.

Haru remembered watching the clock intently, staring a hole through it as her finger tapped against her desk. She was so excited for lunch today, and she couldn’t wait to start, but the clock refused to speed up for her. In fact, it seemed to move slower than normal.

Eventually the teacher told them all it was time for lunch, and most of the other students stepped out to get food from the school canteen. Other students, like Haru, reached into their backpacks and pulled out their own food from home.

Haru was beaming as she pulled out a small bag, admiring the cookies she had made under her father’s eye. There was a time they would have made it together, but with her father’s business going so well, he had become more and more busy.

She was happy for him, though, and she was especially happy when he agreed to watch over her as she made cookies for school tomorrow. She had packed it in together with a lunch her father quickly made for her, and now she was free to enjoy the meal.

Haru glanced at the cookies, and she knew she should eat her actual lunch first, but the cookies were right there… A few wouldn’t hurt.

She opened the bag and reached inside, taking out a chocolate chip cookie. She licked her lips, before biting into it, moaning quietly at the sweet taste. It tasted just as good as she had hoped!

“Hey, Okumura-san, did you make those cookies yourself?” a boy asked, leaning towards her. She nodded her head, knowing better than to speak with her mouth full. She swallowed the sweet treat as he held a hand out to her. “Can I try one?”

“Sure!” said Haru with a nod. She handed him a cookie, and he ogled it for a long moment, before taking it out of her hand. She smiled at him, noticing that he hadn’t returned to his seat. She kept smiling though, thinking he wanted to talk as he ate.

“I hope you like it.”

“Yeah,” he nodded his head, staring at her. He didn’t say anything after that, and she raised her brow slightly. She finished her cookie, reaching down to grab another.

“Is everything okay?” she asked.

“Yeah.” said the boy, still not moving. Confused, Haru tried changing the subject.

“Have… you watched any good shows lately? I really like Neo Ultra Feathermen, and the new season Ultra Heroes!”

“Uh huh. They’re great.”

Haru pouted slightly. The boy hadn’t even tried the cookie yet, and he wasn’t much for conversation either. She tried to be nice, shifting the subject slightly. “What’s your favorite kind of movies? I like horror and action, but my father doesn’t let me watch a lot of the ones he likes. Oh, I like sci-fi movies too!”

“I like movies.” replied the boy, almost monotone.

Haru pouted again, trying to resist sighing. Maybe he was just socially awkward? She could understand that, and so she was ready to just return to her food and wait for him to speak, but then she noticed something.

His eyes weren’t really on her, per se. They were on her chest, and her face turned red as she finally realized. She leaned away, hoping to just ignore him as she lifted her arms up between him and her body.

She tried not to think about him, grabbing another cookie and stuffing it into her mouth as a giggle was heard. Haru smiled, turning her head to another classmate, a girl with her dark hair in pigtails. She and some other girls were laughing and Haru asked them, “What’s so funny? Was it a joke? Can I hear it?”

Maybe it was a bit rude to just barge into their conversation, but Haru desperately wanted to ignore the leering eyes of her male classmate. The girl with pigtails looked at Haru, followed by her two friends, and she snickered.

“Oh, you know. Pigs.”

“I love pigs!” Haru beamed. “They look so cute! They make such cute sounds too.”

“Really?” the girl grinned, before she placed a hand to her chin. “What do they sound like to you?” The girl pushed her nose up and snorted loudly. “‘Oink, oink! I’m Piggy Haru!’”

“I… What?” Haru blinked, eyes widening slightly as the other girls laughed.

“Heehee! Yeah! Gotta pack in the pounds for winter!” she cackled, and the others joined in as Haru’s face turned red.

“I… I’m not a pig.”

“You sure? With how you’re packing in those cookies, I’m not sure. No wonder you’re filling out those clothes so quickly.”

“I… I’m just growing up,” she mumbled, eyes falling to the ground.

“Oh, you’re growing all right.”

The girls laughed at Haru, continuing to make pig noises as the young teen sniffled. She stared at the half eaten cookie in her hand before she dropped it into the bag and tossed it back into her backpack.

The rest of her food remained untouched as lunch eventually came to an end and the day continued.


Haru had been introduced to Sugimura just a few weeks ago. Her father told her that this man would be the one she was to marry, and ever since Haru had tried to understand the command.

How could she marry a man she barely knew? How could she love a man at a command? How could her father sell her away like this…?

Haru had a thousand and one questions running through her mind, and now she sat with the man at a dinner date. Despite all her hesitations she smiled, telling herself this could have been the beginning of a fairy tale.

Cinderella fell in love with her prince after one amazing night. Maybe she could too?

Haru had even tried to wear a nice dress for the event. She picked it out herself, admiring the way the pink cloth clung to her body. It was a modest dress that sank down her legs, clinging to her, but nothing too explicit in her mind.

Sugimura was in the middle of bragging about a trip he had recently taken to New York, and while Haru had tuned him out slightly, she still tried to listen.

“Of course, all those Americans care about is beer and stuffing their faces,” he grumbled. “They’re rich, but fast food is pretty much the perfect representation of their culture. Greasy, fast, and cheap. I’m sure you know plenty about that,” he commented, and Haru’s brow wrinkled slightly at the comment.

“Well, I’m sure the entertainment was nice. American movies are always so amazing to me. Some of my favorite movies came from there.” she said, trying to inject something into the conversation to make it at least a little more positive.

Sugimura raised his brow, staring at Haru. This was the first time she had spoken, and he almost seemed surprised. His surprise quickly vanished as he spoke. “Just brainless popcorn flicks. Utterly trite. They’re like junk food. Empty and greasy. No wonder you enjoy it,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes as Haru flinched slightly.

She took her fork and dug it into her pasta, before Sugimura spoke again. “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?”

“I…” She glanced at her food, frowning slightly. She wasn’t sure how to respond as she looked back up at her fiance. He glared at her and Haru felt her hand shaking slightly. She quickly searched for something to change the subject. “I… I volunteered to be a chaperone for an upcoming trip to Hawaii. Have you ever been? I’ve heard it’s beautiful.”

He scoffed once more, and Haru immediately knew she had made another mistake. “Please don’t tell me you intend on going to the beach there?”

“I… I was planning on it. Why-?”

“Then please, for my sake, wear something to hide your fat.” Haru felt her fingers tightening around her fork. “A one piece should hide all that extra weight you’ve been gaining lately.”

“O-of course.” She dug her fork into her pasta once more, only for him to take the plate and pull it away from her. Her shimmering eyes widened, rising up to meet his staring at her, only inches away. She trembled slightly as his voice growled out at her.

“And I swear, if you do anything as stupid as flirting with someone out there, trust me, I will find out.”

“I would never-”

“And I promise, not even your father could protect you from my wrath. Let’s not forget, he cares more about his deal with me than he does for his property,” he hissed, and Haru felt her heart snapping in two in her chest. “I could break you in half, and do you know what would happen?”

She didn’t answer as tears pooled in her eyes. She wiped them away, trembling as he leaned back. “I’d be given another choice of meat. Remember that, Haru.”

“Y-yes, Sugimura-san.” He took a long sip of her wine as she sat there, trying to make herself as small as she could…


Haru let out a quiet sigh, cuddling into her boyfriend as the two sat together on his bed in the dusty attic of LeBlanc and watched the snow falling outside.

Christmas Eve, and she and her boyfriend Akira were together. The day had been saved. Evil had been vanquished. The heroes had earned their happily ever after, and she squeezed him in a one arm hug as he smiled.

Her Prince Charming.

The snow was falling outside, and they watched it drift to the ground from the safety of Akira’s room. Haru cuddled against his body as he kissed her hair, smelling her flowery scent.

“I love you,” he whispered.

“I… I love you too,” she replied, feeling her heart soar with those simple words. She lifted her head up, staring at his wall as she searched for the right words. “I… I sent word that I’ll be home late tonight.”

There was a long moment of silence, before the two lovers turned to the other. Neither said anything for a moment, before Haru moved closer, kissing his lips. He kissed back, wrapping his arms around her as he moved his lips down to gently nibble on hers.

She moaned quietly, wrapping her arms around his neck and gently prodding his sealed lips with her tongue. He parted his lips, welcoming her tongue, gently sucking on it as the two continued to kiss.

He placed his hands around her body, squeezing them together, and she moaned quietly as her breasts pushed against his chest. His own tongue pressed against hers, and the two playfully fought one another, smacking and licking the other as Haru moaned quietly.

The taste of his mouth sent shivers down her spine, and her moans grew louder as his tongue pushed itself into her mouth. She sucked on it, stroking his cheeks as she listened to her heart pounding in her chest.

She was so weak in his arms, and his kiss seemed to drain her, yet empower her. She felt a fire burning inside of her as they fell down, Haru trapped under his body, yet free to explore his slender figure.

She stroked his body as they continued to kiss, parting only to catch their breath. Haru blinked, blushing slightly as she noticed her pink lipstick clinging to his lips a bit.

“What?” he grinned.

“N-nothing,” she snickered, before he kissed her again, listening to her moan as his tongue explored her mouth, dominating her. Her chest was squished between their bodies as they moaned together, clinging to the other.

Haru’s body began to move slightly. Her hips were grinding against Akira, rubbing against his thigh. It took a moment for the young man to realize the warm pressure rubbing against him. His eyes widened, staring into the shut eyes of his beautiful girlfriend. He turned red as she humped him, quietly moaning against his lips until she noticed something was wrong.

Her eyes opened to look into his shocked pupils, and she suddenly pulled away, face red as she tried to hide in her fluffy locks. “I-I… I-I’m s-s...!”

Haru stopped. She could see Akira’s gentle smile through her hair and with a deep breath, she exhaled and reached out to him. She wrapped her arms around him, embracing him as she pressed their bodies against one another again.

Akira’s eyes widened in surprise again, before he moaned quietly, feeling her thighs rubbing against his. Her crotch was pressed against his leg as he looked into her eyes, catching the delighted curve of her plump lips.

He said nothing, jaw almost dropping, but the soft moans he was releasing were more than enough proof that he was enjoying the sensation. His mind might have gone blank, but his body was enjoying her warm body pressed against his.

“Let me know if you want me to stop,” she teased, and despite his scarlet face, he grinned.

“B-by all means,” he chuckled. The normally confident leader of the Phantom Thieves was as red as a tomato, and it was all because of her. Haru couldn’t deny the fact that her heart was fluttering as she continued to press against his body.

Haru kept moving, grinding her damped panties against his leg as her own moans began to mix with his. It didn’t take long for her to feel his arousal. Her thigh pressed against the growing bulge in his jeans, and she smiled at him.

There was a glimmer in her eye that made her almost predatory, despite her red cheeks. She sat up, placing her hands on her clothes as her sweet-as-honey voice teased him.

“It’s a little warm in here, isn’t it, Akira?”

The look in her eyes, the curves of her body, the blush on her face. Akira wasn’t sure if Haru was more sexy or cute, but honestly, picking between the two was like picking between gold and diamonds. Both were amazing, and Akira was smitten with the love of his life as she began to unbutton her winter jacket.

One by one, each one ever so slowly, each one making Akira’s crotch throb with hunger. He could hear his heart pounding as the coat fell off, revealing the blouse on her body, tied with a small, purple ribbon at the collar.

She trembled slightly, slowly unbuttoning her blouse as he placed a hand on her body. She turned red as he touched her butt, gently squeezing it as she panted. She licked her lips, feeling her breasts straining against her clothes as her pussy made her panties damp and moist.


“Haru, if you’re cold, I-mmph?”

The gorgeous woman slid down, kissing his lips as she pulled his own coat off his body. Her arms wrapped around him, pressing her glittery, pink lips against his, kneading her leg against his crotch as she rubbed her own pussy against his leg.

The two moaned together, with Akira’s hands on her round ass, squeezing and gently prodding it with his fingers as she broke their kiss to finish taking off his clothes. His coat fell to the floor, before she moved down, kissing her way down his shirt and towards his jeans.

Akira’s glasses were barely holding onto his face, he was trying to catch his breath, but every breath smelled like her. His cock was so hard, and it only grew harder as his love gently palmed his erection, squeezing it through his clothes.

He moaned loudly, leaning his head back as she giggled. She gently tickled his crotch, stroking his dick once more, before she began to unbuckle his belt. It came off with ease, almost like putty in her hands as she unzipped his pants.

“Holy shit,” he cursed under his breath. He loved Haru. Truly, he did. She was a gorgeous woman with a heart for justice. She was brave, compassionate, and adventurous. There were so many reasons to love her, but…

But holy shit. She was acting so differently, and he loved it. It was so damn hot to have her in control, and he had to remind himself that beneath her quiet and proper demeanor was someone with a passionate inferno. Her attitude in Mementos proved that, and her sexual drive… Well, that sealed it.

She pulled his pants off, and her lips made a perfect O. She marveled at the size of Akira’s captured cock, hidden just under his boxers. Akira watched her, eyes widening as she actually reached in and pulled his dick out from his underwear.

“Ah, H-Haru!”

“It’s amazing,” she gasped, ignoring her boyfriend as she placed both of her soft hands on his cock and squeezed. He moaned loudly, arching his back as he closed his eyes. His mind was melting, reduced to mush as Haru’s fingers slid up and down the cock.

The young woman couldn’t believe how… how big it was. Her fingers could barely meet around it, and she could move her hands up and down it a few inches. It was so big. Was it meant to be this big?

Her hands continued to play with it, jerking his dick up and down as Akira finished taking his clothes off. He nearly tore his shirt off, tossing it aside as Haru took a break from playing with his dick and admired his nearly naked figure.

Good Lord, she was so in love with her Phantom Thief. He had stolen her heart for himself, and she loved him for it. He smiled back at her, face still red, but all the ready for what came next.

“So… I’m pretty much naked here,” he declared, trying to lower his voice for her. It only caused her to giggle quiet as her thumb gently stroked the tip of his dick. He ignored her laugh as he continued. “I think it’s your turn, d-darling.”

Despite the sweet words, Haru’s eyes widened and her hands froze against his cock. The obvious fact pulled her out of the mist of lust as she realized he was right. She would need to get naked, and that thought drove a stake through her heart.

Without saying a word, she began to pull his pants back up and Akira stuttered in confusion. “H-hey, what-?! Haru, what’s going on?”

“I-I’m sorry!” She apologized, keeping her head low. “I’m moving too fast. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pressured you. W-we haven’t even been dating long, a-and I-”

Akira knew something else was wrong. He could see that clear as day, and he intended on finding out. He sat up and his hands caught Haru’s wrists. Her head rose up to meet his, and what he saw sent a cold chill down his back.

She was on the verge of tears. Eyes red. Quietly gasping for air. She looked away, but Akira refused to let her go. He pushed through the lust and arousal and he spoke from his heart.

“What’s wrong, Haru? Really…?”

“N-nothing’s wrong. I’m okay. I’m fine. I-I-”

“Haru, you don’t have to lie to me. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but… but I can’t really help if I don’t know what’s wrong.”

“I…I’m just sorry,” she muttered, and that caused her boyfriend to raise his brow. “I’m sorry you have… I’m sorry that I’m not as pretty as the other girls. Futaba’s so adorable, and Ann’s so s-sexy, and Makoto’s everything, and I’m… I’m not.”

“Haru, what are you talking about? You’re the most amazing woman I know. You’re kind, brave, and-”


“What?” His brow wrinkled, and he tilted his head as she took a long, deep breath.

“I’m fat. I’m overweight. A pig,” she muttered, playing those same insults over and over in her head. “You deserve someone better than… than this.” She gestured to herself, hanging her head down low as she sniffled quietly, fighting back tears.

Akira didn’t say anything. He moved closer, stroking her hands as he spoke slowly. “Haru, if you want to stop, that’s totally fine. I’ll respect that. No problem, but if the reason you want to stop is because you’re scared I’ll find you fat or ugly, then I think we need to talk about this.”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” she muttered, and Akira moved his hands, placing them on her cheeks and gently turning her to face him.

“Haru, do you trust me?”

“Of course I do.”

“Then trust me. All you have to do is say the word to make me stop, and I will. Do you understand?”

“I do, but Akira, you really don’t have to do anything.” She pulled her hands to her chest and she pulled her own face away from him. “We should just stop.”

“Only if you want to. Me personally? I’m raring to go.” He waited a moment, giving her a chance to say something. When she didn’t, he pulled his pants off and he motioned for her to turn around and- “Sit on my lap.”


“Trust me.”

Haru blushed, but she obeyed, turning around and sitting her clothed body on his. He placed his hands on her, gently stroking and sliding his hands over her arms as his lips pecked her neck. Haru’s eyes widened as she felt his warm breath on her skin. His soft lips nipped at her skin, and she quivered, trying to ignore how good it felt.

“Y-you don’t have to-”

“Do you want me to stop?” No response, so he kept going, moving his hands up her thighs and over her stomach.

He brought his hands to her breasts, and the soft squeak she made sent a warm fire through Akira. He could feel his dick throbbing slightly. It had gotten soft while they talked, but now it was hardening again, and he loved the feeling of her soft body against his crotch.

Still, he took it slow, and with a will of iron, he slowly took the purple ribbon in hand and carefully undid it. He dropped it to the side, before he began to unbutton her house. Her hand caught his and he kissed her neck.

“Do you want me to stop?” After a few seconds, she freed his hand, and he kept going, freeing her chest and pulling the blouse off her body. Haru was quivering, shaking like a leaf, but she didn’t say a word.

So he kept moving. He embraced her, holding her in his arms, before he placed his head on her shoulder and glanced down. Akira considered himself a mature, respectful man, but he had sexual urges just like any other man.

And like any other man, he had fetishes. His fetish? Big breasts. Now, he obviously knew his girlfriend had breasts, but these tits were… They were almost unreal. He could barely describe their size and weight.

They were huge, and he honestly couldn’t even begin to guess at their size. F cups? H? He wouldn’t be surprised if she was a G, either way, her breasts were bigger than any he had seen before, beyond porno films he found on the internet.

He was almost hypnotized by their beauty as his hands tried to move. He ended up caressing her stomach, feeling the fat she was so ashamed of.

It was a simple fact that Haru didn’t have the same figure as Ann, or the athletic build of Makoto or Kasumi, but she was far from fat. She had a bit of a belly, but that belly was so soft.

A slight bit of pudge that he squeezed, gently prodding with his fingers. It was nice, honestly. He could only fantasize about her in a bikini, a top that squeezed her huge, massive tits against her body. He knew for a fact that she would look amazing, and he would have bet the team’s massive nest egg of money from their Mementos expeditions that almost any man, and plenty of women for that matter, would have agreed with him.

“God, you’re amazing. You’re so fucking hot.”

“A-Akira, Ann-”

“Doesn’t have a heart like yours, or a mind like yours, or…” He glanced down. “Tits as big as yours.”

“Y-you like them?” she gasped, burning red at his words.

“I… I’m something of a breast man, honestly.”

“But my belly-”

“Is cute. I love it.” He gave it a gentle squeeze. “Just like how I love you.”

He kissed her cheek, before pulling away. He gently moved her down to lie on her stomach, and she did. He stared at the strap of her bra, fighting with himself not to just start groping her tits. He took a deep breath, before he began to unzip her skirt.

He pulled it off her body, letting it fall off the bed as he admired her underwear and white stockings. Her underwear clung to her large rump, and he licked his lips, admiring her round, plump rear.

Akira placed his hands on her ass, kneading, and the sweetest sounds came from his girlfriend’s mouth. She moaned, gasping quietly as his hands groped and squeezed each of her ass cheeks.

“Having fun?” he teased, and she buried her face in his pillow as he laughed.

He pulled her panties off of her, and despite the way she was clamping her legs shut, he could still see her wonderful, peach-shaped ass. “God, you are sexy,” he whispered, and Haru shook her head against his pillow.

“You are.” He placed his hands on her naked ass, once again groping and squeezing it as he listened to her moans.

Akira knew that he and Haru were ready now. He turned his girlfriend back over, gawking at the sight of her. There she was, naked, aside from just a bra and stockings. Her legs were still clamped shut, but he could still see just how beautiful she was.

He admired her thicc, sensual thighs. Her soft, round stomach, and her tits, good lord, her tits. “I love you,” he declared. “Not just emotionally, but physically. You are… so fucking hot.” She opened her mouth, but he continued. “I mean, your face is so beautiful. Your hair is so soft. Your lips are the softest pillows, and I love feeling them against my skin, and your tits.”

“My… my…” She glanced down at them as his words through stones at a glass monument that years of abuse had made.

He pushed his hand between her legs and rubbed at her crotch with his palm. He enjoyed the feel of her hair, and the wet slickness of her womanhood. His eyes stared at the woman he loved, taking in her beauty, her charm, her radiance. He drank in the image of her heaving chest as his cock throbbed with need.

Haru felt like she was drunk. Lost in a sea of arousal as her boyfriend began kissing his way up her body. He started at her stomach, dragging his tongue along her skin, before he reached her breasts.

He pressed his lips against them through her bra, kissing her nipple and earning another moan from Haru, but this was the loudest of them all. His eyes widened, before he pressed his hand down on the other breast. She moaned loudly again and the sound made his cock throb again.

He couldn’t take it. He undid the front clasp on her bra, and it almost exploded open as her massive tits burst free. Any assumption about their size was gone as he saw just how big they were.

They were glorious. Red nipples atop pale mountains, with subtle veins barely seen along her skin. Akira couldn’t really think. All he could do was release a quiet, “Oh my God,” at the sight.

Haru clearly didn’t understand just what was leaving him so gobsmacked. She raised her hands, assuming the thoughts in his mind. “I-I know. S-Sugimura-san always told me I should be smaller. I promise, Akira, I’ll be a girlfriend worth loving. I’ll go on a diet and-”

“His loss.”

“Wha-ahh!” Haru moaned loudly as Akira threw herself onto her, groping and squeezing her large breasts, pushing his face down between her gigantic tits as he motorboated them.

Haru had never been touched in such a way. His hand squeezed one of her breasts as his lips wrapped around the other, squeezing and nibbling on it. He pulled on her breast, lifting it off of her chest, before dropping it and lashing out at it with his tongue. He licked it several times, as his other hand pinched and twisted her nipple, making her moan loudly.

His hard cock rubbed against her as Akira kneaded one of her large breasts with his face. He kissed it, sucking on it, before wrapping it around his lip and gently massaging it with his lips. His intellect and wisdom vanished for a moment, becoming a Haru loving monster and the young woman loved it.

Her mind tried to hold onto her sadness and insecurities, but it was so hard when his hands and lips seemed to know just how to love her. He sucked on her breast, stuffing as much of it into his mouth as possible, before he had to pull away, gasping for air as his saliva made her breast glisten.

“Fuck, I love your tits so fucking much!” he confessed, before he went down on her other breast, practically mauling it with his lips as Haru moaned loudly.

“P-please, Akira…” If she told him to stop, he would have, but he thanked the stars she didn’t. “D-do it…!”

Akira nearly tore his boxers off. He got into position, giving her a good, long look at his thick member and dark bush, before he slipped his cock into her.

He moaned loudly, almost in disbelief at how tight she was. The warm, wet embrace of her pussy around his cock made him moan loudly as he pushed back and forth, fucking her pussy faster and harder, listening to her sweet moans as she almost painlessly welcomed his cock.

The man was still a virgin, though, and he tried to find the right pace at first. He moved his hips faster, then slower, then faster again. He was ashamed of himself, fearing he was failing her, but thankfully her loud, joyous moans were enough to encourage him to keep going.

And so he did, spilling her pussy juices onto the bed as he continued to fuck her. The bed groaned and rocked under them as he soon found a proper pace, and Haru dug her hands into the bed as she matched his rhythm, syncing up with her lover as they moaned together.

“P-please, Akira! Grope my breasts again!”

Someone might as well have told him to spend the lottery he just won. Akira placed his hands on her tits, eagerly squeezing and kneading them, feeling his hands get swallowed up by the soft boob flesh.

He pinched her nipples, twisting them in his hands as he lifted her tits up, before dropping them against her chest. He moaned loudly as her pussy squeezed his cock tighter in return. The more he seemed to play with her tits, the tighter her already wonderful pussy was getting. His precum filled her body as he moaned louder, feeling her hands on his, urging him to keep playing with her tits.

“M-more. Please!” Haru’s mind was melting, almost on fire from the sensation of getting her tits felt up. It was amazing, and she almost screamed in joy as Akira pulled on both of her nipples.

Akira’s pace was getting faster and sloppier and both parties knew his climax was inevitable. He was the first to cum, unleashing a torrent of his seed into her, filling her with his cum. It flowed into her like a wave of white cream, and that sensation mixed with his groping hands was enough to push Haru over the edge.

Seconds later, she came, screaming in euphoria as her pussy juices made a small puddle under her. She arched her back, breasts bouncing in his hands as tears of pleasure fell down her face.

Haru rode down the heavenly stream, a wide smile on her face as her normally soft features were corrupted by a new wild sense of lust and desire for her boyfriend. Eventually her body went limp and Akira collapsed on top of her, his face buried in her chest.

That was where they laid, not that either minded. Once his breathing stabilized, Akira gently placed a nipple in his mouth, sucking on it with closed eyes as he moaned quietly. He only freed her when he had to catch his breath again.

He placed a hand on one of her tits and lifted himself up to Haru. They laid face to face as he tossed the covers over them, and their bodies naturally slid closer, snuggling together under the warm blankets.

“How was that?” he asked.

“Heavenly,” she replied, licking her lips. “I feel like… like… Wow.”

“Me too,” he chuckled, leaning closer to peck her forehead. “Now, I hope you learned your lesson. You aren’t fat. You’re an amazingly beautiful woman in body, mind, and heart. I love you, and I wouldn’t want anyone else.”

He spoke plain and simply, and Haru said nothing for a moment. Then she sniffled quietly, and Akira embraced her as she began to cry. Her face fell against his chest, wiping her tears against his bare body as she held him.

“I-I love you too, Akira. Thank you. Thank you! Thank you!”

“No need to thank me, Haru. Just know that I love you…”

“And I you…”

And in the distance, bells rang in the new day. The young couple heard it as their lips one last time, and they wished each other a Merry Christmas, before falling asleep.


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