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Summary: A Dullahan Knight named Eve Hallow challenges a dangerous bandit, intent on bringing him in. One wrong moves results in her defeat, and soon, her subjugation to her new King. Includes: Mind break and Tickling. 


William Warren was not what many people would expect from a self-proclaimed bandit king, but Eve would deal with him as she had been ordered to. 

Lady Eve Hallow was commanded by her queen to stop this bandit. For weeks now, he had been terrorizing the roads of New Borealis, attacking and robbing whatever poor passerby he found. Be they human or Demi, William robbed from everyone, rich or poor, all to give to himself.

Well, not anymore. Lady Eve had the skinny, unimpressive man trapped. The two stood on the road where Eve had laid her trap, pretending to be some hapless, pathetic wench, when really she was one of the best warriors of the nearby Demi Sanctuary. 

Her Queen had made the mission clear. Find and stop William’s thievery. Just another pathetic villain cut down by the mighty Dullahan knight. He had found her and thought her easy prey, but when her armor materialized on her body and her sword appeared in her hands, he should have ran. 

Instead he tried to fight her, and the battle lasted mere seconds as Eve easily disarmed the bandit. 

The man was clearly nervous now. He gave one look at the armor-clad knight, with her sword in hand, before he looked at his own empty hands. Eve smirked as she moved closer. This man had no real training. She could see it in his legs and arms. No stance, and shaking from the way her sword gleamed in the daylight.

“I can’t see how anyone, let alone a mere human like yourself, could ever terrorize anyone. But we’ve had enough reports of you robbing people, William. Your luck runs out now,” the pale-skinned Dullahan grinned. 

“Oh, my luck has only just begun, Lady Eve. After all, I’ve finally found the one I was really after all this time.” Eve blinked at that, moving closer as she squeezed the handle of her sword. 

“What are blathering about?”

“All of this? All of it was so I could run into you, and make myself your lord. Make you submit to me...” Eve blinked, feeling her pale cheeks turn mildly warm, but she hid her embarrassment with a laugh. 

“You must be joking. How could a pathetic man like you ever make me submit? I only submit to my mighty queen, not some lowly human.”

“Oh, Eve. It’s true what they say. You’re as arrogant as you are beautiful.”

Eve blushed at the compliment. She was really beginning to get tired of his shameless flirting! She wanted so badly to wipe that smile from his face. She should kill him now, but her anger was silenced as he continued to speak.

“I mean, those large breasts, that beautiful face, everything about you is perfect. Exactly what I always fantasized about. The only thing missing are my hands on you.”

Eve’s blush worsened, and William took this moment to seize control. Before she could even react, he pulled something out of his pocket and threw it at her. Her eyes widened, and she swung her sword clumsily, trying to slice whatever it was in two, only for the item to hit her square on the forehead.

The Dullahan cried out in pain, falling back as she stumbled from the blow. She wasn’t dead. She wasn’t even bleeding, yet in the end, she was still headless. Her head fell off of her neck from the blow, falling onto the green grass as her body stumbled. 

It was the weakness of every Dullahan. Trained warriors, mighty commanders, tamers of the shadows, but remove their head from their body and they couldn’t really defend themselves. Eve could hear her body stumbling, and she tried to control her, but it was almost impossible without being able to see her body.

Eve’s head rolled on the ground, almost bouncing as she grunted in pain. She landed, but was left unable to see her body. She tried to turn her head to face her body, but of course, that failed. William laughed as he stepped forward, looking down at the Dullahan’s head.

“Amazing. A child’s toy was all it took to defeat the mighty Eve Hallow. What a sad end to your legend, my slut.”

“W-what did you call me?!” Eve gasped, glaring at him as he walked over her. The pale-headed beauty suddenly gasped as she felt someone’s hands on her body. She tried to fight back, but her attempts failed, especially as she felt a small, painful pinch on her arm.

Eve cried out in pain, but that was all she could do was her body was grabbed by William and easily controlled by the taller man. The Dullahan couldn’t see anything, but she felt everything. She felt his hands on her body, squeezing her arms, groping her ass, squeezing her tits, and sliding along her hips.

He wanted to feel every inch of her body, and even after he had poisoned her, he dreamed of fucking her. The horrid man was so perverted, and he touched and squeeze Eve’s without remorse as his plan finally began to come to fruition. Oh, how long he wanted…

Eve squeaked, shaking as Will’s hands groped her tits, playing with her breasts as she panted. She might have been wearing armor, but that armor had holes, places to take advantage of by a villain as smart as he. He slipped his hands under her armor, getting a feel of her beautiful body.

She bit her lower lip, trying to control her breathing as he brushed against her tits through her clothes. Her body barely fought back! It was so pathetic of her to fall to this man so easily. 

“Oh, don’t worry, Eve. I have special plans for you. Just need to grab some rope.” Eve squeaked again as she felt rope press against her body, and Eve commanded her body to fight back, to flail, to do anything to avoid capture, but she failed at every turn as Will licked his lips, whispering into her ear with a smile.

“I’ve dreamed of this moment, Eve. I hope you have fun too.” His voice was so smooth suddenly. Almost comforting as Eve trembled in his arms, feeling the rope binding her arms and legs with ease.

Eve fell back against a tall tree stump, or rather, was it more reasonable to say that William pushed her against the tree, pinning her against it as he began to tie her to it.

The Dullahan felt herself grow hot with humiliation. How did she let that bastard surprise her?! Now she was falling apart, all because he had tricked her, and-ahh… Will’s hands found where her armor clung to her body.

He began to take off her armor, removing them and tossing them to the ground as her headless body tried and failed to obey Eve’s commands. Her movements were clumsy and her strength was diminished as he ravaged her. Her skintight outfit under her armor was clawed at, leaving her clothes torn to shreds as bits and pieces clung to her now naked body.

She was stripped naked, and to make matters worse, the unmistakable bite of rope soon attacked her. Her weak body was being tied up, forced into a painful position as her arms were tied above her head and one of her legs was forced to rise up. Despite being a stump, there were still a few branches to the once tall tree, and William used those branches to his advantage as Eve struggled to escape. 

Eve’s body was left standing on just the tips of one of her toes, shaking as she struggled not to fall over.

“U-unhand me, you fiend! Release me! O-or I will destroy yo-ahh!” Eve’s head cried out as Will’s hand groped her now naked tit, digging his fingers into the pale skin. 

“You know, I studied your kind, Eve. I wanted to be ready for this day, ready to lull you into a false sense of security, right before I took it all away,” Will growled, leaning in close as his hot breath burned her cheek.

“I knew I couldn’t win a fair fight. You’re too strong, but Dullahan are weaker whenever their heads and bodies are separated.”

He continued to grope the gorgeous woman, playing with her tits as he examined her. Eve bit her lower lip, part of her wishing she could turn to look at what he was doing to her body. The other part of her was glad she couldn’t see all the ways he was defiling her…

Will’s hand moved down, and she gasped as a single finger pressed against her clit. His rough, yet strong finger moved up and down against her clit, teasing her as she pressed her legs together to try and ward him away. 

It failed as a single finger pushed into her pussy, fingering her again and again Eve’s body betrayed her. The finger felt good, filling her tight pussy as her eyes struggled to stay open and focused. 

The Dullahan couldn’t see it, but she felt it. Every thrust, every inch of his finger, everything as he fingered her cunt. To Eve’s humiliation, she came quickly, squeezing her eyes shut as her wet folds twitched. 

She kept her lips shut, but that did nothing to hide the loud moan she gave as her body hit its climax and she came to being fingered by the vile bandit. If she could, she would have seen William turn his head to look at hers, grinning. Her body shuddered, quivering like a leaf in the wind as her muscles spasmed. 

She felt so weak for a moment. She felt so out of control. Her body hung limply as her eyes fell shut for a moment. And perhaps if this was a lesser woman, they would break. But Eve Hallow was not weak. 

She opened her eyes and she tried to turn them. She couldn’t even see the barest hint of the man, but she still spoke with rage in her voice.

“I will not break, bandit!” He pulled his finger out of her wet pussy, placing his hands on her tits. “No matter what tortures you inflict on me!” she shuddered, shaking as his fingers pinched her nipples and pulled on them, making her tits rise off of her chest. 

“Oh? You think so?”

“I fight with justice on my side. I fight for crown and country. I will not fall.” Eve closed her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling her chest right despite the distance between. “You are not the first man to pleasure me,” she growled through gritted teeth and red cheeks. “But I am sure I am the only woman you have ever, or will ever, touch.”

Will didn’t say anything. His hands left her body, and Eve blinked, wondering if she had intimidated the man into submitting to her demands. Perhaps this embarrassment could end here. Perhaps she could break free from these binds and walk away…

Her hope was dashed as Will’s chuckle touched her ears. Once again, her body trembled slightly on the ground as she tried and failed to see what Will was doing. Suddenly the pale-skinned, raven-haired Dullahan let out a girlish yelp. 

Something touched her. It wasn’t a hand. It was soft, incredibly so, and it tickled her side as she blushed profusely. 

“W-what did-?”

It hit her again. That same tickling sensation as her eyes widened. It was a feather. A feather was rising up and down her side, tickling her naked flesh as a giggle slipped out of Eve’s mouth. She giggled, unable to control herself as her body trembled from the soft touch. She pulled on her bindings, but to no avail as Will chuckled.

“Something funny, my Lady?”

“N-no! S-stop!”

“Hm? Then why are you laughing. Something must be funny,” Will smirked as he held the long feather in hand, tracing a circle of Eve’s body as she snickered.

“N-no! Stop! Stop it!” Eve was becoming more and more desperate with every passing second. This was so humiliating! How could she lose control like this?! Laugh like some idiotic brat! Eve closed her mouth, trying to keep herself under control as Will’s feather continued to tickle her side.

It only got worse as the bandit pressed his fingers against her other side and began to tickle her there too. She snorted, breaking her silence with a loud laugh as her hands pulled futilely at her rope bindings.

The worse part was how smart Will was about it, and it pained her to use that word in the context of her enemy, but it was true. Eve had hoped she would be able to acclimate to the tickling if it stayed where it was, but that plan quickly fell apart his tickles explored her body. 

He had one hand moving along her sides, up and down, tickling her flesh as she snickered and laughed. A bit of drool fell down her lip as her cries became hysterical and almost mad. The mighty warrior-knight would have lost all respect from her community if they could see her now, laughing as a feather moved to her nipple.

Will tickled her once more, almost smacking the feather against her nipple as she squeaked and laughed. He rubbed the feather against her areola, before he tickled all over her boob. 

Eve’s entire body felt like one big, sensitive piece of flesh. Everything he did felt a hundred times worse as his hand touched her neck and began to tickle it too, making tears form in the corners of her eyes.

“N-noohoho!” Her pussy quivered, and Eve’s eyes shot open as a tear fell down her face. What was that? No, no, no, that was impossible. She didn’t… She couldn’t have just-

Eve sealed her lips once more, trying to keep herself quiet as she fought this overpowering sensation. She sucked in air through her nose, taking long, haggard breaths as Will’s hand grabbed her leg. A feather stroked up and down her foot, making Eve moan against her own sealed lips. 

Tears fell down her face as she tried to fight, tried to hold back as the feather moved faster, taking longer and quicker strokes up and down the sole of her foot until she burst out laughing once more.

Eve was breaking. She tried to fight, she tried to deny it, but she was, but no. She refused to break from such a… a childish, pathetic torture technique! This bastard thought she would break from this, but no. She couldn’t… 

Even as tears fell from her face, and laughter spilled out of her mouth, she tried to be strong. Her captor was vicious as he continued, making her laugh louder and longer as she felt her pussy quivering once more.

She tried to deny it, tried to muster up all her strength to keep her pussy dry and still, but… but she was getting wet. 

It only got worse as Will’s feather tickled her pussy, gently hitting her cunt. He made sure to give her pussy extra special care as he tickled her with the feather, making her pussy tremble and drip with arousal as she found it hard to breathe. 

Eve felt drool fall down her chin as she continued to laugh, sounding like a hyena as she was driven mad with every touch of that damn feather. She tried again and again to fight it, but she failed every time as she laughed and cackled.

The soft feather stroked her pussy, tracing her lips, before even flicking against her clit. She took long breaths as she tried to calm down, only to giggle again. 

“E-enoug-hahaha. E-enoufff,” she slurred, giggling as his feather continued to torture her.

She couldn’t be getting turned on by the feather, but she was. It was actually happening, and it humiliated her as Will kissed her flat, soft tummy. 

“So cute. You Dullahan always look so serious, but break that seriousness, and you’re just a little slut, eager for a man.” 

“Liar!” Her head roared, and Will turned his head to look at the talking head on the ground. He glanced at the body before him, and grinned as he dropped the feather.

Now both of his hands were on her sides, tickling her relentlessly as Eve lost her composure once more. She had almost gotten used to the feather, but both of his hands on her body made her lose control.

It was a simple, yet horrible torture. It felt like it was lasting for hours as Will continued to tickle and ravage her body, not stopping until he had touched every inch of her body. Nowhere was safe as his fingers tickled her arm pits, her feet, her neck, her hips, her thighs, and even her ass.

Sometimes Will would have one hand on her thigh, tickling it as the other crawled up her back, along her side, pressing down and tickling her nerves through her skin. He’d tickle every part of her body as Eve’s throat ached and her lungs felt like breaking. She was so tired. So exhausted. Yet the, seemingly, hours long torture went on and on.

Eve’s mind was being reduced to slime. Just a puddle between her ears as she laughed. 

Pain she could have fought against. Pain she could take, but this torture was something else. The euphoria of being tickled, the way her pussy quivered with anticipation and joy as he laid his hands on her, that brought her up. That raised her, made her feel warm. 

But that joy came crashing up and down as she was made to laugh until her mind was ready to snap.

It was then that she said something that Will had been dying to hear. 

“P-pwease… A-ah’ll dew a-anything,” she whined, her exhausted voice slipping out from her mouth. 

“Hm?” he replied, acting as nonchalantly and uncaring as he could have mustered. His smile grew more as he continued. 

“Ahah..ahaha! I-I’ll do… a-anything, s-sir…” She sounded like a weak, blubbering child on the verge of crying and laughing as tears fell down her pale skin.

Will’s fingers stroked her body, tickling her for a few precious seconds as she laughed. Then it stopped, and Eve felt like she had just caught an anvil. She went down her from high, blinking as reality had begun to set in.

He had stopped. Was this her chance to escape? 

Eve got her answer as she gasped, feeling someone picking her up off of the ground. Her head was picked up and she was turned around to see Will’s smirking face looking at her. Her eyes widened, before his lips pressed against hers, and she moaned in protest and… and something else.

His lips were so soft. So demanding. They stole from her, ripping her breath away as his tongue licked and pressed against her lips. He pushed his tongue into her mouth and she shuddered, body shaking as she tasted his sweet tongue exploring her mouth.

Eve trembled as she found it hard to breathe, tears falling down her face, only for Will to wipe them away as he held her head. He finally broke the kiss, and Eve was left out of breath, panting as a trail of saliva linked their mouths. 

He smiled at her, before he held her head in his hands with… an almost comforting hold, petting her head as he turned her head to look at her own body. Eve’s already hot face only burned hotter as she looked at her body.

Her naked body was panting, glistening with sweat on her pale skin. Her body was only upright because of the rope. She was sure she would have laid on the ground if they weren’t there. Her large breasts were jiggling, bouncing up and down as she struggled to catch her breath. Will placed a finger against her lips, and without thinking, she opened her mouth and began to suck on the finger, pressing her tongue against it. The same finger that made her cum when this had started… She tasted herself as Will spoke.

“Would you do anything for me, Eve? To make me stop?”

“Y-yes,” she admitted, shivering as her broken will laid before her. “Anything…”

“Then… Suck my cock.” Eve didn’t even notice Will had undone his pants. He lowered her and her cheek pressed against his thick, hard cock. The warm piece of flesh rubbed against her cheek, before it slipped right into her mouth and Eve struggled to obey. 

Eve moaned around the cock, feeling it sliding up and down, past and along her lips as she felt… she felt so good submitting to him. She turned her eyes, seeing her body trembling in reaction to her throat pounding. 

The once mighty warrior could see her pussy quivering, becoming wet with every fierce thrust. His balls slapped against her chin as Eve moaned again, actually sucking on the thick shaft as her tongue moved to please him. Her tongue dragged along the underside of his shaft, before smacking along the sides. She felt the tip press against her cheek, before pushing further down her throat.

He was face fucking her, and she was loving it, but it only got worse as he twisted the knife.

“The once great Eve Hallow, sucking my cock. You’re such a slut.” Yes. “A whore.” Yes. “My slave.” Yes…

“What would all those Demi sluts think of if they saw you here, sucking my cock?” 

They’d think she was a whore… and Eve would have to set them straight for her… her King. 

Her body squirmed as Eve betrayed the crown, sucking on the cock in her throat, even as it throbbed in her mouth. Without any more of a warning, he came, filling her head with his cum, jizzing down her throat as it spilled out of the bottom of her head and onto the ground.

Eve whined, not from the sudden load in her mouth, but because it was going to waste on the ground… Maybe her king would let her lick it up later….

Speaking of which, her king was still hard, even after cumming. Eve wouldn’t have thought a human man could have such stamina. He pulled his cock out of her head and he placed her down on the puddle of semen they had made together, making sure she was facing him. 

Eve whined, trying to lick cum off of the floor as William walked towards her body and rubbed the tip of his cock against her pussy. Eve’s eyes widened, and she moaned at the wonderful touch.

“N-no, p-please, sir, not-” 

“Silence, whore.” And she obeyed in an instant. Her face was that of a sex hungry slut as she moaned loudly, tongue out as he teased her.

Then, after a nanosec of thought, he began to fuck her. He just slammed his cock into her body, no hesitation, and Eve screamed in pleasure as he began to buck his hips back and forth. 

He was fucked her weak, limp body savagely. There was plenty of her own juices there to make it easy for his cock to slip in, and plenty more as he slid back and forth. Her pussy squeezed him, warm and tight her body welcomed the fierce fucking. 

Eve moaned loudly where she laid, wallowing in the cum her Master gifted her. Her King. Her tongue hung out of her mouth as he watched her fuck her body faster and faster. 

William, her King, took out a small knife from his pocket and he slashed at the ropes, cutting them and letting her body fall on him. Eve wasn’t sure if she even commanded it at this point. It felt more like her King was the one in charge of it as her body wrapped her arms around Will and pressed her large breasts against him. 

She moaned loudly, panting as she watched her body being fucked by her glorious king. He held her in his arms, hands on her ass as she bounced on his shaft, tits knocking against his body as she fell deeper and deeper in love for her King. 

Then he took one hand off of her ass. Her body placed her hands on his shoulders, trying its best to help him fuck her as he placed a hand on her waist… and tickled her again. 

Eve’s moans were broken by laughter and she snorted and shickered from his magical fingers. “N-noohoho! M-Master! Ah, M-Master, please, sta-hahahap!” she squeaked, laughing and moaning as her broken mind went wild.

She begged him to stop. She begged for more. Eve Hallow broke from her Master’s hand and cock as he continued to fuck her, pounding her pussy as she squeezed his rod. Every pounding thrust was like another jolt of pleasure as Eve mewled and screamed, before laughing hysterically. 

He kept this up for what felt like forever, and Eve loved every moment of it. He showed her body no mercy as Eve watched him fuck her. Eve didn’t care about anything anymore. Her people, her queen, nothing. 

All she cared about was her King. His arms on her body, his fingers tickling her, his cock inside of her. Nothing, but him mattered. She would lead a one woman war against her people for him if he asked. 

She loved him, and she came to a mind-shatteringly good orgasm as he came inside her. Well, if there was anything left of her old mind. 

He filled her with his semen, and Eve could still feel the cum clinging to the wet walls of her womanhood. The seed clung to her, but it also spilled out, dripping onto the ground as Eve so desperately wanted to lick it up. 

She blushed as the thought of bearing her King’s heir came to mind, but she dashed them aside. She did not deserve such an honor… oh, but how she wanted it. 

William did not stop. He kept fucking Eve’s body for hours, cumming in her again and again, sometimes even taking his cock out to cum on her body instead. Inside and out, her pale body was covered in his seed. 

Her body laid against the stump, panting and wallowing in his cum as Will picked up her head. He carried her in his wonderful hands, bringing her to her body. Eve could smell the semen on her body, and she weakly stuck out her tongue. Her Master brought her close enough to lick up some semen right off her nipple, and she moaned at the heavenly taste as she played with it in her mouth.

“Serve me, Eve. Promise your allegiance to me, or I’ll keep torturing you?”

In truth, Will did not have to ask. Eve loved the man. She adored her king far more than she could ever love her queen. The answer was simply as Eve smiled, and she mustered up the strength to answer in a weak giggle.

“Yes, Master.”


Will lifted his brow as he heard his knight enter his hideout. 

“Master, I have returned!” Eve beamed as she found him on his throne, and she held up a large burlap sack with ease. “For you, my Lord.” She bowed before him and opened the bag up for him, and William grinned as he saw the many gold bars inside. 

The sheer fact Eve was able to lift them at all was a testament to her strength. Yet the Dullahan didn’t even think to use that strength on him. Well, save for holding him while he fucked her. 

“Excellent work, slut,” he grinned, nodding his head in approval. “This is a great haul.”

His approval made her pale cheeks turn red as she smiled. She bowed her head, before she placed her arms on each side of her tits and squeezed, showing off her tits to him as her outfit struggled to contain her large breasts.

“May… May I have a reward, Master?” 

William grinned, smiling as he placed his hands on Eve’s head and pulled it off without any resistance. It was painless to Eve, like taking off a glove, and Will pressed his lips against hers as her body moved on its own. 

As Eve’s tongue wrestled and lost to her king, her body pulled at her clothes. Her tits popped free, and she undid her King’s pants with grace and ease. She had done this a hundred times over by now, so without even looking, Eve’s body wrapped her tits around his already hard cock.

William continued to kiss and make out with his lover’s head as her tits squeezed tightly around his shaft, stroking the sides of it as both knight and king thought about how perfect their lives were. 


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