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Summary: A world where Pokemon are sexy human-like creatures (minus a few bonus features), Ash and his partner, Pikachu, are close as can be. After winning another badge, Ash rewards Pikachu, thinking of his and his partner's first meeting long ago. Includes: Romance and Monster Girls



All his life, Ash had dreamed of being a Pokemon Master. He dreamed of leading a team of Pokemon into the Pokemon League, facing off against the best of the best that his region had to offer, and rising above the challenge with his team by his side. 

Ash dreamed of being the very best, but if he was going to get there, he had to go through his region’s Gyms, challenging each Gym Leader and earning each badge until he was ready to face off against the Indigo League.

That led him here to Vermillion City, battling against the the Gym Leader, the electric powerhouse known as Lieutenant Surge, and it was proving to be one of his toughest fights yet. 

Both he and Surge were down to their last Pokemon, both of whom were their closest and strongest allies. Ash’s Pikachu versus Surge’s Raichu. Ash watched the bite with grinding teeth, watching as his Pikachu dodged the other woman’s fists. 

The Raichu was clearly Surge’s. She was dressed in a military outfit similar to his, with clothes tight enough to show her slender, but powerful, body. Her figure, while still very curvaceous and plump in all the right spots, was very athletic. A bodybuilder’s physique, one that became abundantly clear as her fist hit the ground, missing Pikachu by inches. 

Raichu’s fist left a small crater in the earth as Pikachu tried running around her, only to be hit by a powerful kick from the hourglass-shaped woman. Pikachu held her ground, but Ash could see her shaking from the blow. 

“Nice try, tiny,” Raichu growled. 

“Good work, Raichu! Now hit her with a Double Kick!” Surge commanded, and Raichu shot herself towards Pikachu, aiming her foot right for Pikachu’s side. 

“Pikachu, look out!” Pikachu’s eyes widened before the first kick collided with her side, making her cry out in pain, before the Raichu flipped forward, and slammed her feet into Pikachu’s back, sending the smaller woman towards Ash, rolling and skidding on the ground. “Pikachu, are you okay?!”

“Y-yeah. I-ah!” Pikachu held her side as she rose up, only to fall down again. She fell to her knees as Ash’s eyes widened. 

“That’s enough, Pikachu. Come b-”

“No!” She growled. “I can win this! Just… Trust me. Please?” she begged, looking at her trainer with sharp, determined eyes. 

“Are you sure?” Pikachu nodded her head, and Ash nodded his. “Alright. Let’s do this then. Together.”

“Together,” Pikachu smiled, rising up to her feet.

“Huh. So your Pikachu still wants to go, huh? Fine. Raichu, finish her off!” Surge ordered, and Raichu nodded her head, slamming her fist into her palm as her large breasts jiggled.

“Yes, sir! With pleasure!” 

Raichu shot forward, kicking up dust as she met Pikachu in the middle of the battle field. Their hands locked together, grappling one another as their breasts met, and despite Pikachu’s sizable chest, her own breasts were smaller than Raichu’s, a fact the taller woman made sure to point out.

“How you going to beat me, tiny? You’re so small, and I’m bigger, tougher, and stronger!” Electricity crackled from their locked hands, burning and scorching the ground as they both glowed with lightning. 

Ash and Surge watched their two Pokemon locked in battle, cheering for them.

“Slaughter her, Raichu!”

“You can do it, Pikachu!”

The two women leaned closer, their lips almost touching as Raichu smirked. She continued to trash talk her enemy as Pikachu’s legs began to shake. “What made you think you could ever beat me, pipsqueak?”

“Because. I want… my reward,” Pikachu growled quietly, before slamming her head against Raichu’s face. The orange-haired woman cried out in pain, holding her nose as Pikachu tore her hands out from Raichu’s.

“Now, Pikachu! Iron Tail!” 

“Raichu, look out!”

“Huh?” Raichu had no time to react as Pikachu spun around, and slammed her tail into Raichu’s side. The taller woman was sent flying by the blow, knocked all the way to the wall of the Gym, before she hit the ground with a weak groan. 

Her collision left a crater on the wall as the referee held up his hand. He began to count as Raichu laid on the ground, and Surge watched in stunned silence. Pikachu panted as Ash gulped, listening to the refree whistle.

“The fight is over! Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu are our winner!”

“Yes! You did it, Pikachu!” Ash cheered, running over to embrace his Pikachu. The Pikachu giggled, hugging her trainer back as she beamed.


“Sorry, sir,” Raichu pouted, looking at the ground as Surge approached her. The blond-haired man just smiled, helping up his Raichu and letting her lean on him.

“At ease, soldier. You did great,” he smiled, kissing her head. Raichu blushed, melting at the soft touch as she held up a hand to her head, saluting him. 

“Thank you, sir.”

“Take five, soldier, then hit the showers. I’ll be with you momentarily.” Raichu nodded, and after ensuring she could, she pulled away from Surge and walked down a hallway. Surge watched her go, before he approached Ash.

“Great work, kid. You and your team did amazing. I’m happy to present you with the Thunder Badge!” 

He reached into his pocket and handed Ash the small badge, and after exchanging respectful compliments, the older man walked away. Ash had an ear to ear smile on his face as he gave Pikachu a one armed hug.

“You were really awesome out there, Pikachu. Way to go!” he complimented. 

“Thanks!” she beamed, before her already rosy cheeks became even more pronounced. “Good enough to get my reward?” she asked, and Ash blushed as he patted her short, blond hair. 

“After I take everyone to the Poke Center, and that includes you,” he added. “Once everyone’s okay, I promise you’ll get your reward.”

Pikachu grinned with excitement. She was literally crackling with electricity as she nodded her head, before her arms wrapped around Ash’s as the two started walking out of the Gym together.


True to his word, Ash took his team of Pokemon back to the local Center and had them looked at by the nurse Joy stationed there. He also made sure Pikachu was inspected, despite how much she denied needing any medical attention. 

His team was healed, and Pikachu was given the all clear. Pikachu was allowed to go back to their room at the Center as Ash spent some time talking to Nurse Joy, listening to her advise him about picking some medicines and goods from the local market. 

He also took the time to call his mom and tell her the good news about his latest victory, before he finally walked back to his and Pikachu’s room. Ash entered the room with a smile, opening his mouth to greet his Pikachu, only to suddenly be knocked down by said Pokemon.

“Pika-dah!” Ash hit the ground, groaning as he laid on his back, only to feel something press against his lips. His eyes widened as he saw the familiar gold locks of his Pikachu. The Pokemon broke the kiss, before pressing her lips against Ash’s cheek.

She attacked him with kisses, pressing her lips against Ash again and again, covering him in the golden lipstick she wore. His face was covered in kisses as he blushed. Her tongue licked his cheek, and she moaned as her breasts pressed against his skin. 

She was naked now. The small, yellow top and short cut jeans she wore replaced with nothing as she pressed herself against her Trainer.

Her lips met his again, and Ash let out a quiet, muffled moan as her tongue plunged into his mouth, diving past his lips and playing with his tongue. She wrapped her tongue around his, smacking it, pinning it down, and exploring his mouth so that she tasted every inch of it. 

She eventually broke the kiss, and a trail of saliva linked their mouths as Pikachu smiled. “Do I get my reward now, Master?” she teased, and before Ash could even answer, she began to move her hands. 

Pikachu licked her lips as she moved her body down, quickly trying to pull his pants off of his body. When they didn’t budge, she unbuttoned them and pulled again, getting his boxers and pants down to his knees as Ash blushed, trying and failing to stop his Pokemon. He wasn’t mad, of course, he’d just rather do this on a bed than the hard floor. 

“Easy, Pikachu,” he chuckled. “Come on, let’s take this to the bed.”

“Fine,” she pouted, cheek puffing in annoyance as the two stood up together. Pikachu practically hopped over to the bed as Ash kicked off his pants and underwear, leaving them on the floor as he got to the bed.

He sat down on it, as Pikachu’s eyes locked on his naked cock, watching the semi-hard shaft growing between his legs. Pikachu licked her plump lips at the sight of it, laying on her knees as she gave the tip a soft kiss. 

After that soft kiss, she pulled her head back and opened her mouth as wide as it could go. She then dived down, taking the shaft into her mouth with ease, letting it fill and stretch out her throat as she moved her head down lower and lower until her nose was pressing against his crotch.

Her lower lip dragged along the bottom of his dick, and her tongue smacked and licked every inch of the veiny shaft. She moaned at the savory taste, keeping her nose pressed against his pubic hair, before she finally pulled her head up, moving back to the halfway point of his dick, before going down again.

She bobbed her head up and down, moaning around the shaft as the vibrations only added to the pleasure Ash felt. He moaned, placing a hand on her head as he watched her go up and down on him.

As Pikachu continued to blow her trainer, claiming her ‘reward,’ Ash leaned his head back and enjoyed the ride. He listened to the quiet chokes and gags as Pikachu bobbed her head up and down, and he savored the feeling of her lips wrapped tight around his penis as her tongue coated it in her saliva. 

As he enjoyed the heavenly sensation, his mind traveled to the past, thinking just how much his and Pikachu’s relationship had changed since he first met her back in Pallet Town…


When Ash woke up on his 18th birthday, he was ready to live out his dream of being a Pokemon Master. Despite waking up late, he ran out of his house as soon as he was up, pajamas and all, rushing to Professor Oak’s lab. 

Even when he heard that the three typical Starter Pokemon were gone, Ash was willing to take any Pokemon with him on his journey, desperate to even find a chance to become a Pokemon Master. 

And he had been so excited when Oak admitted he had one Pokemon left, but that excitement took a blow when he actually met said Pokemon. 

Oak took out a small Pokeball and opened it, releasing the Pokemon within. The woman appeared in a bright light, and Ash’s eyes widened as she looked at her. The girl was just a couple of inches shorter than him, with short blond hair that went down to her ears. Her cheeks seemed to have this constant, subtle rosy hue to them. 

Her eyes were dark, almost black as she blinked, looking around the room. She had a pair of long, yellow ears, ending in black spots, sticking out of her hair, standing tall as they listened to the low hum of the lab around her, before focusing on the Professor. Her clothes were simple, just a long, yellow sundress over her pale skin. The dress had a small hole in the back for her long, squiggly tail, which wiggled behind her as she looked around.

Her confused expression quickly changed as Pikachu saw Ash. Her first reaction to seeing the young man was a scowl as she glared at him, and her reaction only got worse when Oak said that Ash would be her Trainer. 

“What?! Him?! No way!”

“Now, Pikachu-”

“No! No way I’m working with this twerp!” Pikachu growled, and Ash felt his veins twitching as he glared at her. 

“What?! What did you call me?!”

“You heard me!” she huffed, glaring at him, crossing her arms. 

“You’re shorter than me!” Ash growled. 

“Hey! I’m tall for a Pikachu! You’re just short! And dumb!” Pikachu’s face was turning even redder now, with her already rosy cheeks burning with small sparks as she glared at the boy.

“Is there anyone else, Professor?” Ash asked, looking at the older man, who shook his head. 

“I’m sorry, Ash, but this is the only Pokemon I have left up for Trainers. You can see why I had a bit of a hard time convincing others to take her,” Oak muttered, only to shriek as Pikachu sent a small jolt at the human. “Ah!” 

“Not my fault all you humans are so weak!” 

“Alright, fine. Pikachu, will you be my partner?” Ash huffed, looking at Pikachu, trying to smile through gritted teeth. 

Pikachu opened her mouth, no doubt to shoot the idea down, when Professor Oak spoke up. “K-keep in mind, Pikachu, that this young man is the last Trainer for today. Who knows how long it might take for someone else to come by, a-and you’ve already rejected so many other applicants.”

The Pokemon’s eyes widened as the logic of Professor Oak’s mind hit her. She cringed, glaring at the ground as he continued. “And if you don’t learn to play nice with the other Pokemon, I’ll have to send you back to the Pokeball…”

Pikachu ground her teeth, crackling with electricity once more as she glared at Ash. “Fine! Whatever. I’ll work with him… Stupd humans.”

Oak sighed in relief, yet Ash couldn’t help but feel like he was making a mistake taking this fiery electric-type as his partner. Oak walked over to Ash and handed him Pikachu’s Pokeball. 

“Here. Excuse me while I go get something from upstairs.” Oak walked past Ash, leaving the dark-haired human and the Pokemon alone in the lab. 

Ash looked at the Pokeball in his hand, inspecting the small sphere, before he looked at Pikachu. She raised her brow, frowning at him as he held up the ball. 

“Alright, Pikachu, time to return to your Pokeball.” He tossed the small ball at her, only to watch as she turned and bounced the ball off of her curvy hips. It flew back at Ash, who caught it with wide eyes. “H-hey!”

“I ain’t going back in there! I don’t care who you are, I refuse!” Pikachu scowled, glaring at Ash. The young man just glared back, and he tossed the ball at her again, only to watch as she bounced it back at him with her hips. 

“I’m your Trainer, Pikachu! You have to listen to me!” Ash demanded, bt Pikachu just turned around and spanked her own ass, laughing as she turned to see his scarlet face.

“Come over here and make me, your hairless Mankey!” Ash threw the Pokeball again, and it bounced off of Pikachu’s ass and back into his hand. 

This continued for several minutes. No matter how fast or hard Ash threw it, it would bounce off of Pikachu’s butt, tits, hips, even her tail. She smacked the Pokeball right back to Ash, frustrating the young man to no end as Professor Oak returned to them.

“How are things going, you two?”

“Just get in the Pokeball, Pikachu!” Ash ordered, throwing the Pokeball one last time.


This time, Pikachu didn’t just settle on bouncing the ball back at Ash. Electricity shot out of her body, hitting Ash suddenly and causing the dark-haired Trainer to cry out. His body convulsed in the air, before he fell over, coughing up soot as his charred body laid between Oak and Pikachu.

The Pokemon crossed her arms and turned away, clearly uncaring for her partner as Ash got back up on his feet. “Are you crazy?!” he shouted as Pikachu tried to ignore what she was hearing. 

Professor Oak sighed, shaking his head as he briefly wondered if he was making a horrible mistake. He approached Ash and handed the young man some rubber gloves and a long rubber leash, complete with a rubber collar. 

“Here. You’re going to need these.” Ash looked at the items, before he turned his eyes to Pikachu. The electric Pokemon looked at the same items Ash had been, before she missed, glaring at Ash as he moved closer. 


Pikachu’s claws left marks on the ground, digging into the tiled flooring of Professor Oak’s lab as she fought Ash ever step he took. She was being dragged after the human, who struggled to pull her behind him. 

The Trainer had on the rubber gloves, as suggested by the professor, plus the rubber collar around Pikachu’s neck. She tried and failed to pull the tight collar off of her body, but it clung to her as she was dragged on the ground.

“Pikachu, please! Can you just walk?!” Ash huffed.

“No!” she pouted.

“Then I’m going to have to keep pulling you!”

“Ha! I’d like to see you tr-ahh!” Pikachu gasped at Ash continued to drag her after him, pulling tighter on the leash. She tried not to let Ash control her, but it was a losing battle as he dragged her along the dirt path back to his hometown, and on the start of their adventure. 

Professor Oak watched them go, shaking his head as he wished Ash the best of luck. 

But there was no amount of luck in the world enough to help Ash Ketchum. He and Pikachu argued with one another every step of the way, and even when Ash agreed with her, she seemed to just change her mind and argue about something else. 

It was like her default state was just confrontational and disobedient, and no matter what Ash did or say, she would find another reason to argue with him. The only victory Ash really got was when she stopped forcing him to drag her along, and even then she refused his every command beside following him.

She wasn’t even willing to fight other Pokemon, meaning Ash had no way of adding other members onto his team. A Caterpie and a Pidgeot both escaped the young trainer, all because Pikachu refused to do… just about anything. 

Eventually the two made it to a nearby town, Pewter City, where they met the Pewter City Gym Leader, Brock. Perhaps against a reasonable person’s better judgement, Ash challenged Brock to a Gym battle with his Pikachu.

The results were pretty much exactly as expected.

“Pikachu! Fight back!” Ash ordered. “Use Thunderbolt!” Pikachu did not. “Use Iron Tail!” She didn’t do that either. “Use Volt Tackle!” 

“I don’t even know that move,” Pikachu huffed, glaring at Ash. She pulled down the skin under her eye and spanked her butt at Ash. “Some Trainer you are!” 

Ash was almost biting his hat with anger as Brock watched the two. He glanced at his own Pokemon, his first and closest friend, actually. His Onix looked back at him, raising her brow, before the two looked at the bickering couple of Pokemon and trainer. 

“Maybe we should call this match short.”

Ash looked ready to fight the older man on the offer, before he sighed. Ash nodded his head as Brock and Onix both moved closer to him, Onix’s tail slithering on the ground as Ash blushed.

Brock’s Onix really was beautiful. An incredibly busty woman with a bra and armor made of stone only covering parts of her body. Her cleavage was in clear view, as was her smooth, slim stomach. Rather than a pair of human legs, Brock’s Onix had a long, grey snake-tail, which moved back and forth as she came closer to Ash and Pikachu.

“It seems like you haven’t earned your Pikachu’s respect,” Brock commented. 

“She won’t even go in her Pokeball,” Ash sighed, and Pikachu rolled her eyes and she walked away, leaving the three to talk as she pouted. 

“That can be the problem with Pokemon that are just given away. Most Starters have naturally obedient personalities, but your Pikachu seems…”

“Like a bitch?” Ash growled.

“Different,” Brock chuckled. “But I think I have some advice for you, if you’re willing to listen.”

“Please! I would love some advice! I feel like nothing I do is working with her!” 

“Well, have you tried laying with her?”


Brock scratched the back of his head as he smiled, explaining to the young man. “Pokemon need to respect their trainer if they’re going to follow their orders, and if they don’t, they’ll be disobedient, like your Pikachu. My Onix was the same until I fucked her.”

As if to prove a point, Brock held up his hand and stroked Onix’s cheek. The tall, intimidating woman nuzzled against his hand, shrugging off some of her stone armor to embrace her Trainer. She moved behind him, coiling her arms around him as she began to kiss his head.

“Mmm, Master,” she moaned. “I won that match technically. Do I still get a reward?”

“Later, Onix. After I’ve helped this young man, maybe.” Brock grinned, kissing his Pokemon’s hand as Ash’s cheek burned a vibrant shade of red.

“A-are you sure? I mean…?”

“It’s the best way I’ve learned to tame disobedient Pokemon. It could be exactly what you need, Ash.” Brock turned his head to look at Pikachu. “You have to earn her respect and ‘catch’ her with any means necessary. If that means holding her down and fucking her, so be it. Trust me, after you’ve fucked her, she’ll finally see you as her Trainer and treat you right.”

Ash wasn’t sure he would share Brock’s excitement as the older man kissed and embraced his Onix. The younger man looked away as the Gym Leader began to make out with the eager Onix, before Ash looked at his Pikachu.

He wanted to be a Pokemon Master. If that meant earning Pikachu’s respect, he’d do it. Whatever it took…


Ash brought Pikachu to the forest around Pewter City the next day, and as always, the short Pokemon was as grumpy and confrontational as ever. She crossed her arms as Ash looked at her, undoing the leash on her, but leaving the collar around her neck.

“So, what’s next, oh mighty trainer? Should we hold hands and sing and pretend we’re friends? Or did you finally wise up, and you brought me out here to let me go so you can get an equally lame Pokemon for yourself?” she asked, crossing her arms. 

Ash didn’t say anything at first. He took a deep breath, wrestling with his own reluctance as he stared at Pikachu. 

After Brock had laid this idea in his mind, Ash couldn’t help but notice how… well, pretty Pikachu looked. She resembled a human girl around his age, with nice breasts that weren’t too big, or too small. Her figure was petite, yet with just the right amount of shape as she popped her hip to the side. Her face was beautiful, unblemished, her cheeks that same rosy hue. 

Pikachu was very pretty, and this whole idea, as crazy as it was, didn’t seem all that crazy now that he was looking into her dark eyes. Of course, it still was pretty crazy, and Ash gulped and he began to walk towards her.

Pikachu could feel the change in atmosphere. It was something in the air that just felt different as Ash walked closer to her, his eyes focused. He didn’t shout, he didn’t yell, he just… approached her. 

The Pokemon gulped, looking around as she took a step back. Ash stopped inches from her body as she tried standing her ground, her legs trembling. 

“W-what?!” Ash leaned down and captured Pikachu’s lips in his. Her eyes widened as her body stiffened, and she didn’t do anything as her mind tried to comprehend what was happening. Pikachu trembled as Ash’s lips connected to hers, before she felt his tongue against her lips.

Her eyes sparked, and electricity shot out of her to hit Ash. The human took the blow, but he didn’t cry out in pain. He barely moved as he stared at her with bright, determined eyes. Pikachu felt her body shiver, and her womanhood trembled as Ash placed his hands on Pikachu’s clothes. He tore them off of her with ease, revealing her naked body. 

“Ah! W-what are you doing?!”

“Earning your respect.” Pikachu gulped, not even thinking of trying to shock Ash again as his lips met hers again. 

His tongue brushed against her lips once more, but this time they pushed into her mouth, swirling inside of her mouth as she moaned against his lips. Her hands were trapped between their bodies as Ash held her against him. 

She took long, slow breaths through her nose, but as his tongue touched and played with hers, her heart raced. Her breath quickened as she trembled in his hands, and her mouth moved on its own accord as she gently sucked on his tongue. 

Ash’s hands stroked her back, going up and down her body, even going down to squeeze her butt with his hand. She trembled once more, as her hands finally pushed out from between their bodies. 

She could have attacked him. She could have at least pushed him away. Could have at least tried, but no. She just placed her hands on his shoulders, leaving them there as one hand moved to grope and squeezed her chest.

He played with her breast with one hand as the other squeezed her ass. His hands dug into her flesh, and as Pikachu melted from the physical contact, Ash found his own body doing just the same.

He had never been with a girl. The kiss he gave Pikachu was his first. He didn’t really know what he was doing, he was just doing what felt right, and Pikachu seemed to like it. He felt his dick hardening, pressing against her thigh as he broke their kiss and laid several quick kisses on her neck. 


“You don’t seem as talkative, Pikachu,” he teased, and the Pokemon blushed as she gave Ash a jolt of electricity in retaliation. The bolt hit him, of course, but he only shivered slightly from the blow, before he resumed kissing her neck.

Pikachu found herself in awe of the young man’s strength. How could he just take her attack that easily?! It shouldn’t have been possible, and yet… Pikachu gulped, feeling her pussy quiver in awe of Ash’s strength and resolve.

Her heart pounded as Ash looked at her, undeterred despite the volts she had hit him with. She could feel his throbbing erection against her leg, and her womanhood begged for his cock to fuck her. His hand fell on her naked body, squeezing and stroking her as Pikachu took faster, and faster breaths, panting… before she began to cry.

Ash’s eyes widened as soon as he saw the tears fell from her face. He pulled away, staying only to catch Pikachu as she fell to her knees. He held her, guilt in his eyes as he spoke. “P-Pikachu, I’m sorry, I-I thought that this would-”

“N-no. I-it’s not you. It’s me,” she whimpered, avoiding his eyes. “I-I’m just scared of getting close again.”

“What? Again?”

“Y-you’re not the first Trainer I’ve been with,” she admitted. “You’re not the first one to kiss me, o-or hold me, or… There was this guy,” she confessed. “I was his first, and he was mine, and he promised me…” Her fingers caught Ash’s clothes, squeezing them as she fought back a sob.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, only to feel Ash’s arms around her, holding her. 

“It’s okay… You can talk to me,” he promised.” Pikachu nodded in response, taking a shaky breath.

“They said they would always care about me, a-and that they loved me, b-but… But then he left me in his Pokeball. For months.” Pikachu hiccuped as she laid her head on Ash’s shoulder, and the human’s eyes widened at what he heard.

Months? That wasn’t healthy for any Pokemon. Ash had seen news reports on the psychological damage that a Pokemon could go through from being in their Pokeball for that long. It was why most trainers left Pokemon in the care of Professors or daycare when not using them. 

Ash held Pikachu tighter as Pikachu cried. “My first trainer, h-he… He didn’t let me come out for months, until one day, I forced myself out. He yelled at me, saying he didn’t want a wild Pokemon, and he abandoned me in the wild, trapped inside the Pokeball. O-Oak found me and 

he would let me come out once a day. H-he never asked, but…”

“Pikachu, I’m so sorry,” Ash whispered, holding the Pokemon tightly. He kissed her head as he held her, stroking her body. “I… I just thought it was cause I was a bad trainer. I didn’t know…”

“You’re not,” Pikachu sighed. “You’ve been good to me. Better than I deserved, honestly… At least you tried being nice to me. I just spat in your face.” 

“Yeah, but… but you probably deserve a real trainer. Not someone as inexperienced as me.”

“Hey.” Pikachu gave Ash a tiny shock, surprising the man as she pulled out of his arms, wiping her tears away. “Y-you’re great. You’ve been patient, and you keep trying, and… and… I just want you to know I’m sorry. You probably didn’t want a broken Pikachu as your first partner.”

“You’re not broken.” Ash placed his hands on Pikachu’s shoulders and stared into her eyes. “You’re not. Your first trainer was a scumbag, and you didn’t deserve what he did to you.”

Pikachu’s eyes widened, before she embraced Ash, squeezing him as she pressed her face against his. She nuzzled against the human, wiping her tears on his shirt as the two held one another. Ash stroked Pikachu’s back, a small smile on his face as he heard her muffled voice.

“H-hey, Ash?”


“Still want to earn my respect?” Ash blinked, and he watched as Pikachu lifted her head up to look at him. She had a small smile on her face as Ash blushed, mouth opening and closing. He eventually nodded his head, and Pikachu nodded hers, before placing her hand on his chest. 

She could feel his heartbeat as she spoke. “You promise that… that you’ll never be like him? You won’t abandon me, r-right?”

“Pikachu… I never will. In fact, as long as you’re my partner, you never have to go inside your Pokeball ever again.” 

There were tears in Pikachu’s eyes as she embraced Ash, kissing his lips once more as she began to grab onto his clothes. Stripping him naked was an easy affair, and something he was happy to help her with. Soon, he was naked, and the two partners smiled at one another as Ash laid on his back and Pikachu sat on him, keeping her naked pussy just inches over his cock.

“Ready, my Trainer?” she teased, and Ash nodded his head as she lowered herself down on his cock, letting him fill her pussy. She moaned loudly, biting her lower lip as she sank lower and lower on the cock, only to stop halfway and lift herself back up again. 

Ash dug his hands into the dirt below him. He couldn’t believe how tight Pikachu was. How warm her insides were as they hugged his cock, squeezing his shaft as she moved up and down again and again.

“Ah… You’re so big,” Pikachu moaned with approval, smiling as she leaned down. Her hands dug into the ground by Ash’s head as her tits jiggled before his eyes.

Ash wrapped his lips around one nipple, sucking on it as Pikachu let out a loud moan. It felt good in his mouth, and he gave it another suck, feeling it harden against his tongue. He licked the tip of it, drawing circles around the nipple, before he let it pop out of his mouth. He did the same to her other tit as Pikachu moaned loudly.

“Oh, fuck… Yes, yes, yes… Ah, Ash, you’re amazing. My last trainer never cared about my tits, but you’re doing such a good-ahh!” she cried, crackling with electricity, thankfully not enough to affect Ash when he was so focused on making her feel good.

Her breast popped out of his mouth and they moaned together, filling the forest with their ecstatic cries. She bounced up and down, ensuring her tits bounced and slapped against Ash’s face as he moaned, unsure of where to put his hands at first.

Thankfully Pikachu was happy to coach him. “Hands on my tits. Play with them as much as you want. You are my Trainer, after all,” she teased, and Ash obeyed, groping and playing with her tits 

Ash moved the hand now groping Pikachu’s tits down, and he grabbed her ass, making her pussy tighten around his dick. The two moaned again, smiling at each other as Ash spanked his Pikachu’s butt, making her shudder. 

“I-I love you,” she mewled, and Ash wasn’t sure if he heard her right at first. His eyes widened, before he smiled, spanking her again as his other hand pinched and pulled on her nipple. 

Pikachu let out a loud moan, and she closed her eyes to take in all of the heavenly pleasures Ash gave her. Her trainer… He pinched her nipple, sending jolts of pleasure through her. Every spank was like a hammer strike of pure euphoria on her body. Her ears could pick up every thrust of his cock as the entire thing vanished inside of her, filling her as she moaned. Her tongue hung out of her mouth as Ash’s prick pressed against a particularly sensitive spot of her pussy.

“A-Ash, I’m… I’m gonna cum…” 

Ash could feel his own orgasm fast approaching, but he wanted to make sure this was a good experience for her too. So he placed one hand on her hip, gently holding her side as she bounced up and down on top of him, and he sat up so that he could hold Pikachu’s body against his.

“I love you too, Pikachu,” and it just sounded so right to say those words. He and Pikachu held one another as the woman trembled, on the verge of orgasm. “And I’ll never leave you. It’s you and me, together forever.” 

Pikachu’s eyes widened, before she closed them again, tears falling from her face as she finally felt at home. She let out something between a sob and moan as she came on Ash’s cock, making her pussy wrap tighter around the shaft and ensuring that not even a drop of her Trainer’s seed spilled out of her. 


Ash and Pikachu laid on their bed together, cuddling in the quiet of the night as the dim light of the moon bathed them. Ash had his eyes on the ceiling as Pikachu rested a hand, and her head, on his chest.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked.

“Oh, just our first time. Remember how bad you were?” he chuckled. 

“I wasn’t that bad,” she huffed, blushing as she looked away. “Okay, I was pretty terrible.”

“It’s okay,” he replied, pecking her ear. “Hey, Pikachu?”


“I meant what I said.” His arm, which was wrapped around her body, pulled her closer. “I promise I’ll never leave you.”

Pikachu felt her already warm cheeks burn hotter now. She gulped, trying to hide her face against his chest as her muffled voice growled. “S-stupid…” She peeked her head up, staring into Ash’s hazel eyes as she stuttered. “I-I still mean mine. I promise, Ash, I’ll always be with you. I’ll help you become a Pokemon Master. I don’t care what it takes. I’m your Pokemon, and you’re my Trainer.”

The two smiled at one another, and Ash felt his heart swell as Pikachu’s skipped a beat. They embraced one another, holding each other tightly under the blanket. Their naked bodies pressed against one another as the Pokemon felt something hard brush against her thigh.

She blinked, before grinning as she looked at her Trainer. She pecked his lips, a quick kiss just to tease him as she asked, “Are up for another round, my Trainer?”

“Always,” he grinned.


Kevin Perales

That turned out better than I thought it would definitely worth the wait.