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The Merchant of New Borealis Ch.8 (Original)

  • Tell Mica the cold, hard facts. Her people are dead, and she's the last Gargoyle. 0
  • Tell Mica the truth, but help her hold onto her hope. 6
  • Tell her nothing, and focus on the problem on hand. 0
  • Lie to her, and give her hope, even if its fake. 0
  • 2019-10-23
  • —2019-10-26
  • 6 votes
{'title': 'The Merchant of New Borealis Ch.8 (Original) ', 'choices': [{'text': "Tell Mica the cold, hard facts. Her people are dead, and she's the last Gargoyle.", 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Tell Mica the truth, but help her hold onto her hope. ', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Tell her nothing, and focus on the problem on hand.', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Lie to her, and give her hope, even if its fake.', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 10, 26, 16, 0, 23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 10, 23, 23, 27, 32, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 6}


$1 - $5 = 2 votes, $9 to $15 = 3 votes. Anything above $15 = 4 votes 

Summary: You choose to be there with Yuya, promising you'd put your life on the line for her, that you care about her. Together, you two free the Gargoyle. Includes: Smut


You were never the popular kid growing up. You just didn’t have that many friends, and those you were friends with were more out of convenience than anything else. 

It’s what made leaving town so easy. Beyond your family, you didn’t have anyone you were close with. No one you were romantically interested in, no one you wanted to get to know better, no one you could call a best friend. 

Then you met Yuya… The insane Succubus who has a thing for holding hands. The woman who tried to rape you, and then who sucked your cock with wild desire. The Succubus who promised to guard you, the one who saved your life more than once. 

When did you start to care about her? When did you start to see her as more than just a bodyguard or a sexual playmate? 

You look at her now, watching her argue with herself, and you can’t stop yourself from reaching out to her. You place a hand on her shoulder and she blinks as she looks at you. You take a deep breath, staring at her fearful expression as you speak.

You never were good at speaking to people, but now’s the time to change that. Yuya needs you. 

“It’s… going to be okay.” She glares at you, pushing your hand away.

“Don’t tell me to be calm, I-”

“No! I’m sorry,” you sigh, and you move your hand from her shoulder to take her hand in yours. Her eyes widen as you realize something you never did before.

Yuya’s actually shorter than you. Not by much more than a few inches. You never noticed considering how much she floats around you, but looking at her now, you can’t help but think how… cute she is. 

“It’s okay to be scared. You’re right, this is scary for you. I’m sorry for putting you in this position, but I promise you this.” You give her hand a squeeze, and she glances at your locked hands, before looking into your eyes. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you. I won’t let anyone, Gargoyle or human, hurt you.”

She glances at your hands again as her lips part. She blinks, before her brow wrinkles as she stares at you. “You’re just saying that so I’ll free the Gargoyle. Look, you don’t have to try and trick me, I’ll do-”

“I’m not trying to trick you. Yuya, I mean it.” Her eyes widen as you take a deep breath. “If that Gargoyle tries to hurt you, I promise, I swear that I’ll protect you.”

“...What if she tries to kill you too?”

“Then I’ll defend us,” you declare, trying to be as calm as you can be at this risk to your life. 

“And if she kills you?” She tries to pull her hand away, but only barely. You know how strong she is, she could pull her hand out in a second, yet when you gently squeeze her hand, she stays where she is. “Don’t be stupid. You barely know me. You can’t tell me you’d actually risk your life for me.”

“We’re friends, Yuya. I know enough about you, and I know that… that I would risk my life for you,” you explain. 

“What did you say?” Her voice is a hushed whisper, and you raise your brow. 

“I’d risk my life for you?”

“N-no. T-the first part.” She reaches for you with your other hand and grabs your collar. You grunt as she pulls you in close, nearly slamming her forehead into yours as she whispers. “Look me in the eyes and tell me we’re friends.”

“Uh… W-we’re friends?” you repeat, almost expecting her to moan at the words. She doesn’t, though, though her breathing is definitely heavy. 

“Tell me… Tell me you care.”


“Say it! B-but only if you mean it, okay? If you don’t mean it, don’t even bother lying to me!” she orders, yelling at you as you stare into her eyes. For a brief moment, her fake, human eyes turn back black, making her resemble her true self. It’s gone in an instant, yet you can’t forget it as you speak from the heart. 

“Only say it… If you mean it.”

“I care about you, Yuya.”

She doesn’t speak. She doesn’t even move. She just stares into your eyes for what feels like a full minute, expecting you to do…. Something. To take it back? To pull the rug out from under her? What she’s looking for, she steps back and crosses her arms. “Alright, go to the basement and tell me what you find. Copy any symbols you see, got it?”


“It’s Succubus law that any powerful curse has to have the cure written nearby. It’s one of our oldest laws. So if the Gargoyle is locked away, the key to saving her will be nearby.

“O-oh. Okay. Yes.”

“Good. Then go! Get out of here, move!” She lifts her foot up and gently kicks your leg, though its more like she’s stroking your thigh. You walk back into the church, finding it still empty as you soon find the door to the basement.

The way down to the basement is dark, and the air feels cold and stale the deeper you got. You take out a small lantern from your Bag and light it, using it to explore the dark room. The basement is filled mostly with junk and old, stuffed boxes. You walk carefully, avoiding debris as you look around the large, empty space.

You’re supposed to find a Gargoyle in this mess? How? There’s so much damn clutter here, you’re almost tempted to go back to Yuya, but you press on. You walk along the walls of the basement, exploring until you find a peculiar shape under a large, wool blanket. 

You pull the blanket off of the figure, and you are almost certain you’ve found what you’re looking for. It’s a statue of a woman with long, sharp ears, a long tail, and a pair of large bat wings coming out of her back. She also has strange markings etched on the side of her leg. She even has wild, short hair that doesn’t even reach her shoulders, and her expression resonates fear within you.

She looks scared, terrified as she looks at her own clawed hands. If the story is true, you can only imagine the terror this woman felt when she was turned to stone. She kneels on a stone pedestal, staring at her own hands in horror as you look her over. 

For a moment, you wonder if she knows what’s going on outside this basement…?

You bend down, kneeling by the statue as you see a plaque on the stone stand. Strange, bizarre symbols are etched into the metal, and you quickly take out a pencil and paper to copy them down.

You look over the Gargoyle again, looking for anything else of note, before you return to Yuya with what you’ve learned. 

“T-there you are. Find anything?” she asks. You raise your brow as she wipes her hand against her eyes, before taking the paper you have from you. You stand behind her in silence, reading over her shoulder at the strange symbols.

“Can you read it?”

“Course I can read it. This is written in my people’s language.” She glances at you, and you notice her gulping. “Did… Did you see the Gargoyle?

“Oh, yeah.”

“Did she look…?” Yuya glances away from you, before mumbling, “Did she look scary?”


“N-nothing.” She shakes her head and returns her eyes to the paper. She stands there for almost a minute, staring at the paper as you raise your brow.

“There aren’t that many symbols. Does it really take that long to read it?”

“N-no. I’m just… I’m just thinking about how to translate it!” You tilt your head in confusion as she huffs, and folds up the piece of paper. “We need to get back to the inn,” she mutters, her cheeks a subtle crimson.

“What do we need there?”

“Look, j-just… just trust me. Okay? We need to go there.”

“Okay…” She takes the lead, running back to the inn and you follow as best you can as you run after her. 

It doesn’t take long for you two to return to your room, and as soon as you close the door, you ask her what’s going on through your shallow breath. “Alright, we’re… we’re back. Now you mind giving me an answer on why we’re here? What are we looking for?”

“We… we need to have sex.”

“Yuya, this isn’t time. Can’t we work on this Gargoyle thing before-?” 

“I’m talking about the damn Gargoyle!” She stomps her foot on the ground, shaking it as you nearly jump back. She blushes as she combs a hand through her fingers. “The only way we can awaken the Gargoyle is with the cock of a human and the pussy of a Succubus. We have to work together, and you need to cum in me if we’re going to free that Gargoyle.”

Your mouth opens, and then closes. Yuya seems annoyed by your shock as she blushes, pointing at you. “We are literally a species of semen drinking sex demons. A lot of our spells involve semen and cum somehow.”

“You’re… you’re serious?”

“Why would I joke about this?! Look, I’ll make it easy for you.” She grabs at the clothes you gave her, pulling them off her body as she reveals her dark-skinned, and tantalizingly sexy, body to you. “Look at this body. Pure sexual perfection.”

She gropes her own breast, kneading the soft tit as she stares at you. Her cheeks are burning up as she marches towards you. “Just plow my tight pussy a-and the Gargoyle will be freed!” 

Yuya takes her hand off of her chest and she tries to wrap her arms around your neck. She leans in for a kiss, only for your hand to push her back. She blinks, and you know she can overpower you, yet she lets you push her back. She still glares at you, though, scowling. 

“What?! You want to free the Gargoyle, don’t you? This is how. You need to take the cum you leave in my pussy to her and pour it on her head, but none of that is going to matter unless you fuck me!”

“I know, I know!” 

“Then why are you stopping me?!”

“Because I want you to change back to normal!” That actually shocks her, and you begin to blush as you look at her. “Look, i-if we’re going to do this, I at least want to do it with… the real you. Not this illusion.”

Her eyes widen, and now her jaw seems to be closing and opening in shock. She pulls back, her face consumed by a dark blush as she looks away from you. She gulps, and nods her head, silently, before she turns back into her Succubus form. 

Yuya horns appear on her head again as her skin turns purple, and the whites of her eyes turn black. Wings sprout out of her back as she finally looks at you. She’s in her true form now, and she’s completely naked, and you can’t help but think how… gorgeous she looks. 

Her indigo-colored hair, her bright, amber eyes that only look brighter with the surrounding darkness, her cute horns atop her head, her large breasts, and her shapely ass. She brushes a few fingers through her hair as she stands there. 

“Y-you sure you want-?” She pauses, before clearing her throat. “O-okay, you filthy handholder! Let’s do this.” She floats towards you, taking your hand in hers as she pulls you towards the bed. 

“R-right.” You plant your feet into the ground, confusing her. She turns to look at you, when you place a hand on her cheek and pull her into a kiss. Her eyes widen, and you can feel her freeze up, before she returns the kiss, wrapping her arms around you as her feet hover just inches off the ground. 

You two kiss there, and you think back to the few women you’ve slept with in your life. One night stands, never anything long lasting or deep. You had sex, and it was good, but you’d be gone in a few hours. 

This… this doesn’t feel like that. When you kiss Yuya, you feel your heart pounding in your chest, but… Is that Yuya’s heartbeat you feel through her skin. 

She holds you close as your kiss intensifies. Both of your tongues push out to meet the other, wrestling as your hands slide up and down her back. You feel weightless, like you’re floating in the air… It takes you a moment to realize that’s exactly what’s happening. You break the kiss and look down, finding your feet off the ground as Yuya squeezes you in a tight hug, holding you. 

You look at her as she blushes, smiling slightly. “You’re heavy,” she teases, before you both fall onto the bed. “Sex is gonna be hard with you wearing all those clothes.”

“O-oh. Right.” You nod your head and begin to take off your clothes. The clothes come off easily, especially with Yuya’s help. You toss your clothes aside, off the bed and onto the ground as the two of you look at one another. 

She kisses you again, and her hands strokes your shirtless body. You shudder, feeling her tongue stroking your lips, before her hand reaches down to your crotch, feeling your already hard penis. 

As her hands touch your body, and her aroma fills your senses, you begin to forget about the Gargoyle and the town you’re in. You think of Yuya, and how soft her body is, how good she feels against you, and how sweet her moans sound as you begin to push against her breast. 

She begins to stroke your cock with one of her hands as you feel her chest with one of yours. Then your other hand catches her free hand, and you breaks the kiss as you interlock your fingers with her. She blushes, eyes widening as she stares at your locked hands.

“W-what…? What are you…?”

“You seemed to like it last time. I mean, might as well have fun, right?” you whisper, and Yuya squeaks as your hand squeezes hers. 

“D-dirty… Dirty, little h-h-hand...ahhh.” She’s shaking, before she suddenly pushes you. 

You’re on your back, and she’s on top of you, stroking your cheek with one hand as her other hand squeezes yours. You stare into her eyes as her large breasts jiggle, and she licks her lips with her long tongue. 

“You think you can just… just treat me like your lover? Like… Like I love you with all my heart and soul and want to be with you forever?! I’m not some little girl who fawns over you!” Despite what she’s saying, her lips are stretched out into a toothy smile as she lifts her body up.

Her pussy is right over your crotch, and she brings her body down, enveloping your most of your cock with one push. She moans in pleasure, trembling as she speaks. 

“Oh, fuck… H-how is a little human so fucking big?!” 

You grin with pride at that. You never got any complaints before, but it feels good to hear a Succubus enjoying your dick. Your hand continues to hold onto hers as you take your other hand to stroke and hold her hip. 

She lifts herself up, floating up on your dick, before she falls back down again, taking another thrust. She begins to bounce on top of you as you hold her hand. You stroke her hand with your thumb, and every time, her pussy tightens around your dick. 

You decide to strike while the iron was hot.

You’ve never really understood Yuya’s fetish for love and gentleness, but you don’t need to understand it to please her with it… And you do. You really want to make her happy, sexually and emotionally, as you smile at her. 

Yuya’s your friend. Maybe your best friend. Your first one ever… 

“You’re beautiful.” Her eyes widen as she bounces on top of you, gawking at you. “You’re gorgeous. Not-ahh… Not just sexy. You’re beautiful.”

She hears those words, and her pussy tightens around your cock again. “Y-you can’t mean that…”

“Ah, I do,” you reply, shuddering as body begins to press against yours. She’s taking your entire cock now, and fuck, her pussy is so much tighter than any other woman you’ve been with. It’s warm, and wet, and the sound of your bodies slamming together alone is driving you crazy.

She squeaks, finally pulling her hand out of yours as she gropes herself. She pulls on her own nipples as she speaks, an intoxicating grin on her face. 

“Y-you think I’m beautiful, huh? N-not just a sexy slut.” She reaches a hand down to spank her ass, making it jiggle as she licks her lips. “Even though I am…”

“If you are, you’re my sexy slut.” The words slip out before you even realize it, and both of you are blushing as she moans again.

“Oh, fuck… Y-you think just because you hold my hand that you own me?! That I’ll be your little wife? That I’ll cook dinner for you, and get a bath ready for you, a-and welcome you home with a kiss every day?!” She bites her lower lip, fighting back a moan as you see tears in the corners of her eyes.

“T-tell me you want me to be your wife!” 

“W-what?” Her pussy tighten around your dick as she falls forward. She lays on top of you, breasts pressed against your chest, nipples poking into you, as her lips nearly kiss yours again. 

“S-say it! Say you want me to be your wife!”

The pleasure is too much for you to fight against. Her pussy feels so good, and you can feel your orgasm coming as her body rubs against yours. “I-I want you to be my wife.” She moans, kissing and licking your neck. 

“I want to come home to find you waiting for me. I-I want you to be mine forever. I want you to marry me.” you say all the things you imagine she wants to hear. You can’t argue that any of it sounds bad as you suddenly roll over.

She gasps, suddenly laying on her back as you loom over her. Your hands dig into the bed as you buck your hips back and forth, fucking her at your own pace now as her eyes nearly roll into her skull.

“Oh, fuuuck! N-no one’s… No one’s ever…” Tears are falling from her face, and for a moment, you find yourself worrying about her. Then she wraps her arms around your neck and kisses you, moaning into her mouth as you feel her tears fall against your face.

You kiss back as your hips keep moving, pounding into her as she moans into your mouth. Your feel her squeeze you, as if she wants your two bodies to become one. You push as deeply as you can go inside of her, and you feel yourself burst. Cum shoots into her body, coating the walls of her pussy as cries into your mouth.

She cums with you, her pussy tightening so that it milks out every last drop of your semen. You can’t see it, but you can almost feel her pussy lock around your dick, like she refuses to waste even a drop. 

Your body trembles, before falling limp on top of her. You break the kiss, resting on her shoulder as you pant, and she strokes your back.

“T-that was…” That was one of the greatest orgasms of your life. Better than any human woman you’ve been with before. It was amazing. Wonderful. So damn perfect. The only orgasm that comes close was that double blow job Yuya and Chrysalis gave you, and you’re not sure which one was better.

“Shut up,” Yuya mumbles, nuzzling her head against yours. “Just… just tell me you want to redeem me.”

Someone loved roleplaying, but you already had an inkling she did. You just go with it, smiling. “I want to redeem you.”

“Turn me into a… a pure little maiden devoted to you. Don’t have sex with anyone, but you… H-how… how noble of you,” she gasps, and you feel her slowly sliding her pussy back and forth along your erection. The wet smack of her pussy clinging to your dick makes you shudder as you look at her.

“Tell me your dreams,” she whispers, her face buried in your chest.

“Oh, uh… I guess get lots of money from being a merchant?” you reply. She scoffs at that, giving out a weak laugh as you look at her. “What’s yours?”

She doesn’t answer as you kiss her purple hair, and smell her sweet, honey scent. She stays silent, before she kisses your neck and pulls away. 

“The Gargoyle. You need to go pour our cum on it.” She reaches over the edge of the bed, pulling the your Bag towards it. She reaches inside, and pulls out a small, glass flask. 

“Are you sure this will free her? What if it just… pisses her off?”

“Then she’ll kill me first. Then you.” She chuckles as she smiles at you, before you both get up. You watch your cum drip out of her and into the glass bottle, before she hands it to you. “Pour it on her head. I’ll follow you in a bit. I’ll be outside the church while you pour it on her.”

“What if she attacks you?” you reply.

“What if she attacks you?” She shrugs with a smile. “Just want to be close, in case you need me.”


You get dressed and race off back to the church. You run inside, and down to the basement, and there’s the Gargoyle, laying where she was before, still frozen in terror. You look at the flask, staring at the white, still warm semen inside. 

You really hope Yuya knows what she’s doing, before you pour the semen down onto the Gargoyle’s head. It oozes out slowly, before trickling down onto her head. You watch the bottle’s content fall on the Gargoyle, and you shake it a bit, pushing the rest out.

The bottle was soon empty, and you put a cap back on it and dropped it into your Bag as you stare at the Gargoyle. You’re actually surprised by how much you came earlier. There’s a lot of cum on the statue now… 

“Um… Hello?” Nothing’s happening. “Oh, shit.” You sigh, rubbing your head. “The townspeople are gonna kill us…” As you mull over this bad situation, you hear a crack behind you. You blink, and turn around to find the statue untouched. 

You blink, leaning closer as you watch it shift ever so slightly. Your eyes widen. You didn’t imagine that. The statue is moving, and its stony skin is cracking from the movement! You step back, watching as stone shatters and rock turns to eyeballs and hair. Flesh is renewed as the statue rises up, shattering the rocky hide with a loud bellow.

“Ahh!” You fall back, nearly hit by some rocks as you lay on your back. You look at the creature now sitting on the stone pedestal, before it begins to rise up, and you realize just how… big the creature is. 

The Gargoyle has skin colored the same as stone, a dark grey, with hair hiding on the line between dark grey and black. The marks on her legs turn into tattoos, and they glow a subtle purple. Little horns poke through her hair as she towers over you. 

Even if you were standing up, she would stand almost a foot over you. She looms over you, looking down as she tilts its head. 

You open your mouth, before she speaks. Her voice, despite the intimidating exterior, is soft, feminine, and dripping with awe. 

“You saved me…” She jumps down on you, and you’re scared she’s going to crush you. But she’s not made of stone anymore. She’s made of flesh. Soft, soft flesh, and… some soft, very nice breasts that are suffocating you right now. 

“Mmmph! Mmmph!”

“You saved me! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You can hear sobs falling between the words as she begins to kiss your head, smothering you in affection. You open your mouth to gasp for air, only for her lips to cover yours, and her tongue to push into your mouth. 

“Mmmph!” You try to push her off of you, but she’s just too damn strong. You can hear someone coming down as you suck in air through your nose. A voice cries out.

“Hey! Get the hell off of my human!” Yuya? 

The Gargoyle gets off of you as you gasp for air, and she blinks as she looks at you, and then at Yuya. You see the Gargoyle’s eyes widen as she stands up, before sharpening.

“A Succubus!” 

“W-wait!” You raise a hand, holding it up between the two. You take in a few more gasps of air, before you stand. “Y-Yuya’s a friend! She helped me save you!” 


“Y-yeah! That’s right! My human and I freed you from your stone prison, s-so… yeah!” Yuya nods her head. “You better watch what you say to me!” She crosses her arms, and the Gargoyle raises her brow, before stepping towards her. Yuya squeaks and rushes behind you, hiding behind you. 

“A human… and a Succubus working together?” 

“Yeah! So if you want to get me, you have to go through them,” Yuya growled, peeking out from behind you. 

The Gargoyle blinks, before looking at you. “Is this true, human?”

You gulp as you look up to stare into her eyes. She’s so tall, and her wings just make her more imposing. You glance at her arms and legs, and you can’t help but find yourself a bit intimidated. This woman is well built. Slender, but still very clearly strong. An athlete. With claws and wings and fangs... 

“Yeah. Yuya’s my friend.” You feel Yuya’s hold your arm, and squeeze it a bit when you say that. “If you want to hurt her, you’ll… you’ll have to hurt me first.”

“What if I were to kill you?” Her tone was nothing like it was before. Now it was low, a threat whispered through sharp teeth. “Would you die for her?” 

Yuya whimpers, shaking as she buries her face into your back. You gulp, trying to hold your ground as the Gargoyle steps forward. She stands in the light of your lantern, leaving you under her shadow. 


“And you, Succubus.” Yuya whimpers again as she lifts up her head. She’s shorter than you, so seeing the height difference is even bigger between her and the Gargoyle. “Would you die for this human?”

“Yes.” It’s not the answer itself that surprises you, though you are still shocked by it. Its her hesitation, or lack thereof. Yuya answered quickly as she stares into the Gargoyle’s eyes, almost as if she already knew the answer. 

“I-I would. S-so if you want to kill me, you’ll have to kill both of us, y-you… giant...beast,” she gulps, shaking against you. “And we won’t make it easy! S-so, it would be way too much work killing both of us! So you shouldn’t!” 

“Not really the best thing to say, Yuya,” you sigh, before suddenly the Gargoyle lunges at you. You lift up your arms to defend Yuya, only to be caught in a hug as the winged Demi… embraces you both? 

“You’re both my heroes! Thank you!” 

“What?” You blink as the Gargoyle kisses your lips again, before pulling away. Yuya’s eyes widen, and she growls, yelling at the Gargoyle.

“Hey! I told you! They’re mi-mmmph!” You then watch as she kisses Yuya, and your eyes widen as the two beautiful, horned women make out with one another, with Yuya clearly trying to escape the kiss, eyes wide as the Gargoyle’s tongue slips into her mouth. 

Neither of you can move as you realize the Gargoyle has you trapped in a hug, lifting you both off the ground as she makes out with Yuya. She drops you two, freeing Yuya from the kiss with a pop as threads of saliva drip down from Yuya’s mouth.

Yuya spits on the ground, rubbing her lips with her arm as the Gargoyle stands over you. You look at her, taking in her appearance. 

She is… She is sexy, easy on the eyes, just like all the Demis you’ve met, Chrysalis included. She has the body of a human... A large-breasted human, probably second only to Yuya. Her spiky hair reminds you of sharp stone as she grins, placing her hands on her hips. The wings on her back, her clawed hands and feet, none of that takes away from her pretty face, her naked breasts, or… 

Holy crap, she’s naked. 

You blush as you look away as the Gargoyle smiles. 

“Thank you both for saving me! Ah, I am indebted to you both forever!” 

“Uh… Great. Um, you still got some…” Yuya points at the Gargoyle, and you follow her finger to stare at your cum still in the Gargoyle's hair, slowly trickling down to her forehead.

“Thank you both so much! I’ve been asleep for what feels like weeks! I was worried I’d never get out of that accursed prison.”

“Did… did you say weeks?” you slowly inquire.

The Gargoyle nods her head. “Yes, but I know it’s been longer. Probably almost a year if I had to guess.” She smiles at you as your heart sinks. “Did the others send you? Bismuth and Marble?”

“Who?” Yuya asks, as you two are finally freed from the hug. 

“My friends. The other survivors. There were hundreds of of us after the… the Demons’ attack. Surely they called upon you to save me.” The corner of her lip falters for a moment, before she smiles at both of you. 

“Oh, no,” Yuya groans, rubbing her forehead. You gulp, staring at the woman as you realize how out of the loop the Gargoyle is. 

The Gargoyles, if what you heard was right, waged a war against the Demons thousands of years ago to protect humanity, and they lost. They were wiped out, and no one seems to have seen a living Gargoyles since. They’re treated as legends and folklore, remembered through statues on churches.

This Gargoyle… She clearly doesn’t realize how long she’s been asleep, or the status of her people. She probably thinks there are other survivors still, but the simple fact is that… You might be talking to the last Gargoyle.

Do you tell her? 

Should you tell her?

“My name’s Mica, by the way. Nice to meet you both,” she smiles, holding her hands out to the two of you. Yuya blinks, glancing at Mica’s hand, before looking the Gargoyle in the eyes.

“You’re… not going to try and attack me?”

“If you don’t anyone else, I don’t see why I should. You’re not the one who imprisoned me. Hell, you saved me! I owe my life to you, cutie!”

Yuya blinks, clearly shocked, before Mica turns to you. She puts a hand on her head, feeling the semen slowly trickling down her head. She blinks, moving her hand to look at the cum on her fingers. She glances at you, smiling.

“Yours?” You blush as she licks her finger clear, winking at you.

She… she seems nice, but should you tell her? 

If you tell her now, you could tell her the simple fact. Her people died, and most likely dead. She’s the last of her kind. It might sound mean, but being direct might help her focus. It sucks, it’s terrible, but she might just need to hear that cold, hard fact. Of course, it could make it hard for her to feel… anything after that.

It could break her, leaving you back at square one. 

Then again, you could go easier on her. Put a happier spin on this story. Tell her what happened, but suggest that maybe, just maybe, some Gargoyles survived and have been hiding for… thousands of years. It might be childish, it might be an impossible thing to suggest, but that glimmer of hope might help her keep her sanity. 

Hell, maybe there really are Gargoyles somewhere out there. You don’t know…

Or do you say nothing. Let her believe what she wants. It’s not your job to make sure she’s up to date with the current events. If she doesn’t know, she doesn’t know. It’s not your job. It’s out of your hands. Whatever happens, happens…

Maybe… Maybe you could even lie to her. Tell her what she wants to hear. That her people are okay, and that they’ve rebuild. It might be hard to back up, but if you can get to think that she could be even more inspired to protect this town from the attackers.

Yuya isn’t saying anything. She seems ready to keep her mouth shut as Mica smiles at you, her eyes shimmering as you stare at her crimson eyes. She smiles at you, brushing some of her dark grey, almost navy hair from her eyes. 

“You really saved my life, human… I don’t know what I could do to ever repay you!”

Shit. What are you going to do?



The likelihood of other gargoyles still around is maybe slim, but then most didn't think her to be a real one. I think it's best to be honest, but remind her that till she was found they were all thought dead. Also Yuya is so cutely perverted, and it's great.