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Summary: Jaune and Nora continue their fun together, when suddenly a strange, unknown person contacts them and invites them to a motel for some fun... Includes: Threesome, NTR, Smut



Jaune first noticed the girl when he and Nora were making out in their dorm room. Ren and Pyrrha, who had bought the two’s lie about why they weren’t at the dance, were gone, leaving the two with free time to hang out. 

And by hang out, they meant kiss, and make out, before escalating to something even better. The two kissed as they fell on Jaune’s bed, laughing as their hands explored one another. Their clothes began to come off, tossed to the ground as they smiled.

“Someone’s eager,” Nora commented, stroking her boyfriend’s body. 

“Can you blame me?” He smiled at her, moving a hand down to grope her ass. 

“Mmm. Not at all.” The two kissed again, tongues dancing, when a sound filled the air, cutting off their moans. 

One of their Scrolls just buzzed, having just received a message. Jaune tilted his head, looking at his phone on the ground. He opened his mouth, but Nora pouted, pinning him down under her.

“Hey, come on. This is us time!” 

“Yeah, you’re probably right…”

Only for another buzz to fill the air, this time from Nora’s phone. The two blinked, before looking at her phone. She got off of him and reached down to her phone, picking it up as it buzzed again. Jaune’s did the same as he bent down to pick up his own phone.

The two found the same images on their respective phone. Themselves, locked in each other’s arms, their clothes coming off as they kiss. Nora and Jaune gasped, turning to one another in shock, before more images were sent to them.

More images of them making love, each of them more compromising than the last. When they looked at who had sent them, neither recognized the number. Both of them were ready to panic, terrified of these images getting out, when another message was received by the both of them.

“If you don’t want these images posted all over Beacon, you’ll come meet me at this address, in the following room.” The address of a nearby hotel was sent to them, followed by a specific room number. “Don’t tell anyone, and don’t tell your friends,” Nora read, feeling a shiver crawl up her spine.

Jaune and Nora looked at one another as the former rubbed his head. “What the heck…? Who is this?”

“I-I don’t know. Do you think Pyrrha found out? O-or Ren?!”

“I don’t know, but we can’t not show up! If those images are posted anywhere, they could ruin you,” he shuddered. Nora blushed, shocked at how Jaune cared more for her than his own well-being, even now. “Come on, let’s get changed…”



The two rushed off together, soon reaching the love motel together in a few minutes. It didn’t take long for them to reach the door they were sent, and Jaune knocked on it as Nora readied herself for a fight.

When no one answered Jaune’s knocking, the two glanced at one another, before Jaune opened the door. They stepped forward, and were shocked to find a woman sitting on the bed, waiting for them with a cocky grin. 

Neither Jaune or Nora knew who this girl was, though. She had a strange hair color that seemed split down the middle, one half pink, the other brown. She had a formal, almost gentlemanly outfit on her body, yet it was clear that she was a woman. The outfit clung to her shapely figure as both Jaune and Nora blushed. 

The woman’s beauty was captivating, especially as their eyes changed colors before their eyes. She smiled at them, but it wasn’t sweet, nor was it soft, it was both terrifying and arousing. Like she knew she had them, and nothing they could do would let them escape. 

She had a Scroll in her hand, and she texted a message without even looking at it. Both Jaune and Nora’s Scrolls vibrated, before the two glanced at one another. Neither understood why the woman didn’t just talk to them, but they still checked their phones regardless. Both had the same message. 

‘Welcome. Did you like the photos I took? I liked taking them. You two just can’t keep your hands off of each other! o:’

“Who are you?” Jaune asked.

“And what do you want?!” Nora added. 

‘So impatient. :(’ she replied. ‘My name is Neo. :) And as for what I want, well, I’ll make it simple. I fully intend on making my threat a reality if you don’t give me what I want,’ she replied through the phone.  

“And what do you want?” Jaune asked, and Neo’s smile grew as she sent her short answer to the two. 

‘1 plus 2 equals a good time.’ 

Jaune’s brow wrinkled in confusion at the statement, while Nora’s eyes widened. She blinked, before she loudly gasped. “Wait, y-you want to have a threesome?!”

Neo nodded her head with a smile as Jaune’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. “What?” 

“Well, why didn’t you just say so? Sure we’ll have sex with you,” Nora beamed.

“What?! Nora!” 

“What? Come on, Jaune! Look at how hot she looks! How could you not want to have sex with her!? She’s a total ten out of ten.”


“She’s blackmailing us!”

“It’s only blackmail if we don’t want to go for it!” Nora sat on the bed with Neo, throwing an arm around the smaller girl and pulling her closer. “And I don’t know about you, but I’m in. Come on, Jaune! A threesome with two beautiful babes! What more could you ask for?”

‘A foursome, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves,’ Neo smiled. 

Jaune’s mouth opened, but nothing came out as he saw Nora and Neo cuddle against one another, their lips mere inches apart. Their breasts pushed against one another as they smiled. Those smiles made Jaune melt as he felt his dick harden in his pants.

Neo and Nora kissed one another, pressing their bodies together as their arms wrapped around one another. Despite having never met the other before, Nora and Neo worked well as a team. They did, after all, have the same objective. 

An objective they were coming closer and closer to achieving. Jaune gulped, before he felt Nora grab him by his pants and pull him closer. She and Neo parted from one another, letting their tongues lick and smack against one another outside their mouths as Jaune was pulled closer. 

His crotch was level with them as Nora pulled at his zipper, and Neo pulled his pants down. Jaune’s pants and boxers fell to the ground as the two gorgeous women licked their lips. The blonde’s cock was hard, throbbing, and standing erect on his crotch, hanging over the two. 

Jaune said nothing as he watched the two seamlessly move forward. Their lips pressed against his dick, kissing the sides of it, before they stuck out their tongues and began to drag them up and down his shaft. Jaune shuddered, having never felt anything like this before. This was even better than one of Nora’s blowjobs, because, well… Yeah. 

Jaune placed a hand on each girls’ heads, stroking their soft hair as Neo lifted herself up and took the tip of his dick. She sucked on it, moaning into the savory flesh as Nora moved down to Jaune’s balls, bathing them both in licks and kisses. 

The man’s legs quivered, and he pulled Neo’s head down his shaft as he lost control. He gave up trying to argue with the two as he just surrendered control, letting the two women suck on his dick. 

Neo opened one of her eyes, looking up at Jaune as his dick pressed against the inside of her cheek, before she lifted her head up. The cock popped out of her mouth, with the upper half now slathered in her saliva as Jaune’s balls shimmered with Nora’s saliva.

The mysterious mute licked her lips, before gently pushing Nora off of Jaune’s balls. The ginger-haired woman pouted, but obeyed the stranger. Neo then stood up, pulling Nora onto her feet, before she pushed Jaune over. 

He fell onto the bed, rolling onto his back as he stared at Neo in confusion. He immediately started to blush as he watched Neo grab at Nora’s clothes, pulling them off of the strong student. Nora blushed, before grinning, and she began to do the same for Neo. 

The two kissed each chance they got as their clothes came off and were dropped onto the ground. Their sexy, naked bodies stood before Jaune’s eyes as his penis throbbed, and he bit his lower lip in hungry need for the two. 

Nora was the bigger of the two, both in height and with her assets. Large breasts, fat ass, an hourglass figure, everything about Nora felt big, and strong. Then there was Neo, who was Nora’s opposite in many regards, being small and petite, yet everything about Neo dripped with sexual desire and perfection. 

The two women smiled at one another as Neo dropped her Scroll and moved forward. Nora did the same, but it was like the two planned this. Neo took Jaune’s cock, the same cock she had been hungry for days now. Nora happily took Jaune’s face, digging her knees into the bed as she lowered her pussy towards her boyfriend’s lips. 

Jaune did what he always did, licking and kissing Nora’s womanhood as she moaned and shuddered on top of him. Neo smiled at the happy couple, before she brought herself down on Jaune’s dick. 

The small girl had one of the tightest pussies Jaune had ever fucked. Granted, that list wasn’t particularly long, but that didn’t take away from the fact that Jaune could feel Neo’s pussy squeezing down on his shaft, clinging to it tightly as she slid down his shaft. 

The tightness just spurred Jaune on, making his tongue lick and smack against Nora’s pussy faster. He penetrated those sweet lips, making Nora moan as she swayed her hips back and forth on her boyfriend’s face.

Nora was on cloud nine as she felt her boyfriend’s tongue swirling inside of her, and she almost fell forward as his tongue brought her closer and closer to orgasm. Neo fell forward with Nora as she took the entire length of Jaune’s dick into her. 

Neo grabbed Nora’s shoulders, and with one hand stroking the other woman’s face, the two kissed. Their tongues wrestled with one another again, tasting Jaune’s cock on the other’s tongue. 

They kissed passionately as one of Nora’s hands began to grope and massage Neo’s small breasts, and Neo returned the favor with the more buxom woman. 

The two students weren’t the only ones having, though. Neo was having the time of her life on Jaune’s cock. The blonde had one of the biggest cocks she had ever ridden, and it was amazing as she felt the tip press against her womb. 

She moaned into Nora’s mouth, the loudest Neo had ever been, as she tightened her pussy around Jaune’s shaft. Jaune moaned into Nora’s pussy as she and Neo continued to make out. All three could feel their orgasms hitting them, and they cried out in pleasure together, cumming one after the other. 

Jaune’s semen spilled into Neo’s pussy, coating the walls of her womanhood and filling her womb like he had with Nora so many times before. Neo trembled, cumming on Jaune’s shaft, coating his dick and crotch in her own cum. Then there was Nora, who came on her boyfriend’s face, letting him taste her sweet juices.

The three panted, nearly falling limp as they tried to catch their breath. Nora fell off of Jaune, laying on the bed as the blonde grinned.

“Wow,” he sighed, a smile on his face as Neo glanced at the ground. 

Her Scroll was vibrating, and she saw Torchwick’s name on it, no doubt trying to contact her. She ignored it as she leaned down and kissed Jaune’s lips, sucking on his bottom lip, before breaking the kiss.

Her eyes said it all. ‘More.’


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